Well THERE"S yer problem. Ya need two things, a wider cage, and a bigger hamster.
Mechanic: See, THERE'S your problem.. yer cat's stuck in the fan belt!
Boy: Oh no! Can we get him out?
Mechanic: Er.. yeah; with a scoop and some Handi-wipes.
(child sobs)
Quote from: retrorussell on April 22, 2014, 09:25:26 PM
Mechanic: See, THERE'S your problem.. yer cat's stuck in the fan belt!
Boy: Oh no! Can we get him out?
Mechanic: Er.. yeah; with a scoop and some Handi-wipes.
(child sobs)
Better then my gag...and I'm okay with that! :bouncegiggle:
"umm... dad? Why is the ice-cream man looking at our engine?"