
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: JoeTheDestroyer on March 06, 2015, 12:59:14 PM

Title: People you find overrated?
Post by: JoeTheDestroyer on March 06, 2015, 12:59:14 PM
You know who I think is overrated?

-Gregory Maguire, author of Wicked:  It speaks volumes when the musical adapted from you novel is actually more palatable than your novel.  People love him because of his constant word play and use of big words. I can't stand his work because he tends to prattle, lose focus, abandon subplots and main plots almost consistently, and often comes off as pretentious.

-John Cena:  Although he's improved over the years, I still feel like he can't sell to save his life.  He seems to go the extra mile to make wrestling look staged. 

-Ray William Johnson: I won't say that I find this guy completely unfunny.  I've chuckled at some of his jokes, after all.  Honestly, though, I just don't find him very funny.  Also, it was incredibly annoying when "fake and gay" became a thing, and everyone on YouTube mindlessly called every video "fake and gay."  I think that was worse than "Did he died?" (sic)

-Dane Cook: Occasionally funny, mostly loud and obnoxious, often annoying.  His bit on cheating was good, though.

-David Cage: A man who makes "sophisticated" video games that appeal to practically no one, and then complains when his material is financially unsuccessful.  He also said that modern gamers suffer from "Peter Pan syndrome," a slight that I took personally and have since vowed never to purchase a game in which he was involved.  So yeah, Heavy Rain and that other game with Ellen Page can both kiss my ass.

-Lindy West: Again, unfunny. 

-Rosie O'Donnell: Was called one of the funniest women alive.  I find her, big surprise, to be unfunny.  I also lost the infinitesimally tiny shred of respect I had for her when she sued a Portland, Oregon radio station called Rosie, claiming they stole her name.  Yeah, it couldn't possibly be that Portland is the Rose City and they were playing off that.  They totally stole your name.  Idiot.

-M. Night Shyamalan: I'm only listing him because Hollywood continues to fund his projects.  I'm not sure why.  After Earth was torturous, and thank goodness I still haven't seen The Last Airbender, if what I've heard about it is true.

-Michael Bay: Same as Shyamalan.  He doesn't seem to have many vocal supporters, but Hollywood keeps funding him.  In this case, I can understand why, and it's mostly because people keep paying to see his movies.  Regardless of their critical failings, the Transformers films have banked boatloads of cash.  With the exception of the first Transformers movie, I just find his work to be loud and banal.  That's quite a feat.

-Food Babe: I'm probably going to catch a lot of hell for this one, but I'm not a fan of bad science or fear mongering, and she seems to promulgate both.

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: Olivia Bauer on March 06, 2015, 01:05:03 PM
-John Cena:  Although he's improved over the years, I still feel like he can't sell to save his life.  He seems to go the extra mile to make wrestling look staged. 
-Ray William Johnson: I won't say that I find this guy completely unfunny.  I've chuckled at some of his jokes, after all.  Honestly, though, I just don't find him very funny.  Also, it was incredibly annoying when "fake and gay" became a thing, and everyone on YouTube mindlessly called every video "fake and gay."  I think that was worse than "Did he died?" (sic)
-Dane Cook: Occasionally funny, mostly loud and obnoxious, often annoying.  His bit on cheating was good, though.
-Rosie O'Donnell: Was called one of the funniest women alive.  I find her, big surprise, to be unfunny.  I also lost the infinitesimally tiny shred of respect I had for her when she sued a Portland, Oregon radio station called Rosie, claiming they stole her name.  Yeah, it couldn't possibly be that Portland is the Rose City and they were playing off that.  They totally stole your name.  Idiot.
-M. Night Shyamalan: I'm only listing him because Hollywood continues to fund his projects.  I'm not sure why.  After Earth was torturous, and thank goodness I still haven't seen The Last Airbender, if what I've heard about it is true.
-Michael Bay: Same as Shyamalan.  He doesn't seem to have many vocal supporters, but Hollywood keeps funding him.  In this case, I can understand why, and it's mostly because people keep paying to see his movies.  Regardless of their critical failings, the Transformers films have banked boatloads of cash.

I agree with all of these. The other people I'm not familiar with.

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: Rev. Powell on March 06, 2015, 01:29:23 PM

-Food Babe: I'm probably going to catch a lot of hell for this one, but I'm not a fan of bad science or fear mongering, and she seems to promulgate both.

I hope you don't catch hell for that. I completely agree.

The one I don't get is "the Nostalgia Critic." Not funny or insightful, and his delivery isn't even close to professional. I just don't get it. I think one of the "minor" personalities on his site (Kyle Kallgren of "Brows Held High") is a lot better, although his writing is much better than his performance.

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: bob on March 06, 2015, 02:05:35 PM
Carlos Mencia, Jeff Dunham, Larry The Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Tyler Perry, Peter Jackson

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: JoeTheDestroyer on March 06, 2015, 02:46:14 PM
Carlos Mencia, Jeff Dunham, Larry The Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Tyler Perry, Peter Jackson

Definitely on all, although I do like some of Jackson's work. I can understand some people being put off by overlong films that seem to drag on and on and on and on....

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: lester1/2jr on March 06, 2015, 06:16:59 PM
I remember Katie Notopoulus from Buzzfeed a few years ago saying John Cenas whole thing is he's a guy from Massachusetts who likes to work out. Something along those lines I don't watch wrestling.

Charles Krauthammers whole schtick is that he's really smart but I haven't seen the proof. He just seems like a typical neoconservative who always relates everything back to bombing Iran. He wrote a thing about raising gas taxes a few weeks ago that was debunked by an actual economist pretty quickly.

Also No Doubt, Katy Perry and blink 182 have never had a song even as good as "Friday" as far as I can tell. I kind of like Hollaback girl but that was solo

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: indianasmith on March 06, 2015, 06:20:23 PM
That author Lewis Smith is TOTALLY overrated.  Fourteen five star reviews on Amazon?
Must be from his relatives! :teddyr:

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: JaseSF on March 06, 2015, 06:21:15 PM
Agree with most listed. I would add...

Will Ferrell (I find him cringe worthy as an actor/comedian more oft than not), Rob Zombie (both as a performer and a director, he's overrated), Adam Sandler (yeah I know a lot of people don't rate him highly and I for the most part agree - will admit some of the films he did with Barrymore are decent), Triple H (no one is as bad as Cena in-ring though at the level he's at - his nickname should be "The Botchmaster"), Vince McMahon (stole most of the good ideas for which he takes credit), Justin Bieber (do I really need to explain this one?) and really most modern day singers/rappers/pop & country stars

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: WingedSerpent on March 06, 2015, 08:08:43 PM
The AVGN.  Half of my dislike for him comes from when his fans would attack anyone as a rip off if they even mentioned video games in their videos.  When I watched a few of his videos, I found them unfunny. 

Bill Nye the Science Guy.  I do like the fact he debate Ken Ham and that he's out there promoting science.  I just don't think he's got the right charisma for a lot of his appearances. 

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: ER on March 07, 2015, 11:47:30 PM
I don't know if it qualifies as being overrated, because he was definitely a forceful presence onscreen, but every time I've seen Marlon Brando in a movie, I've felt like I was watching him act, as opposed to being carried along in the internal world of the story itself, as I usually am by most performers, especially those good at becoming invisible within their roles. (Gary Oldman's a master at that.) A few years ago TCM ran a clip of Burt Reynolds doing a tribute to Spencer Tracy, and Reynolds said when he was a young actor, Tracy offered him the advice: "Never let them catch you acting." Instantly I thought, yeah, that's it exactly, I have always caught Brando acting. He didn't become his characters, he stayed Brando being Brando.

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: etmoviesb on March 08, 2015, 06:03:57 AM
I am not familiar with american television, but being aware that in the US laws always protect profit more than health. I find difficult to imagine this Food Babe as bad as you state. Is it?

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: Olivia Bauer on March 08, 2015, 08:38:12 AM
I think the most overrated thing is the word overrated.
I don't know, it kinda bugs me. I usually s**t on something based on its own merits. I don't like complaining about how something is popular.

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: Rev. Powell on March 08, 2015, 08:40:28 AM
I am not familiar with american television, but being aware that in the US laws always protect profit more than health. I find difficult to imagine this Food Babe as bad as you state. Is it?

She's not on TV. She certainly relies on the "US laws always protect profit more than health" belief to build her audience, though. (

Here's an article discussing some of her basic scientific errors: (

A character who is even worse is Dr. Oz: (

And the truth about Dr.Oz: (

Charlatans can profit from health paranoia, so if it's true as you say that American laws protect profits over the general welfare, snake oil salesmen will benefit too, n'est-ce pas?

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: lester1/2jr on March 08, 2015, 09:37:53 AM
ER- method acting in general is distracting

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: zombie on March 09, 2015, 03:57:49 PM
Eminem.  can't stand this guy's annoying voice, horribly forced flow and dumb sense of humour. the fact he's frequently described as the greatest rapper ever is laughable.

Richard Dawkins / Christopher Hitchens. both very intelligent and articulate guys, but to me they come off as snobbish attention seekers whose main motivation seems to be telling other people they're wrong, as opposed to providing their own viewpoints. (Im aware Hitchens passed away)

Ed Norton. just don't find him a convincing actor, sorry.

Jessica Alba. bland, annoying, and really not all that hot. imo

Chris Rock. annoying voice, forced looking hyperactive stage routines, and not funny.

also, every England manager since Bobby Robson

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: lester1/2jr on March 09, 2015, 04:35:52 PM
Jessica Alba looked really good in Idle Hands

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: Rev. Powell on March 09, 2015, 04:56:36 PM

Richard Dawkins / Christopher Hitchens. both very intelligent and articulate guys, but to me they come off as snobbish attention seekers whose main motivation seems to be telling other people they're wrong, as opposed to providing their own viewpoints. (Im aware Hitchens passed away)

Disagree on Hitchens: he was an egotist but he backed it up, and his saving grace was his sense of humor and his unpredictability.

Sort of agree in Dawkins. His "selfish gene" theory is a crucial metaphor for understanding modern biology. But his anti-religion stuff has gone way over the top to the point where I think he's an embarrassment to atheists. To a large extent, his followers are every bit as dogmatic as the religious folk they scoff at, and he seems to eat their adulation up and encourage them. Still a very smart dude, though.

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: zombie on March 09, 2015, 05:42:07 PM
oh yeah I agree they're both smart and that hitchens was also a pretty funny and charismatic guy, but I still think they're overrated because they seem to have both become recognised as these invincible superheroes  of 'the truth', which I don't think is warranted.

btw this opinion is based on all the youtube interviews/debates I've watched. I haven't read Dawkins Selfish Gene, maybe I should.

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: A_Dubya on March 12, 2015, 10:51:54 AM
Agree on Vince McMahon post 2000 and cena.
Disagree on Eminem.

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: Devostator on March 12, 2015, 12:35:32 PM
Beyonce is so overrated

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: HappyGilmore on March 12, 2015, 07:06:31 PM
Jimmy Fallon.  He's ok from time to time but the way people react to him you'd think he's the best talk show host/comedian ever.  Far from it.

Led Zeppelin.  I'm in the minority on this but I don't find their music all that interesting.  I generally change the station.

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: Jack on March 13, 2015, 06:26:52 AM
I didn't know Christopher Hitchens died.  I liked the way he'd speak his mind, no matter how unpopular his opinion.  That was refreshing in this age when everyone lives in mortal fear of offending anyone. 

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: Ash on March 15, 2015, 05:57:57 PM
The one I don't get is "the Nostalgia Critic." Not funny or insightful, and his delivery isn't even close to professional. I just don't get it. I think one of the "minor" personalities on his site (Kyle Kallgren of "Brows Held High") is a lot better, although his writing is much better than his performance.

While I do agree that the Critic has had a few lame episodes, the majority of them are pretty good.  I do not like this League of Super Critics that he's been making a lot of videos with lately.  Lots of cheesy scenes with uber-nerdy actors/friends that distract from the reviews.
In my opinion, his best work was when it was just him and his brother cranking out episodes from their house.  Those were the best.

Led Zeppelin.  I'm in the minority on this but I don't find their music all that interesting.  I generally change the station.

Robert Plant's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.  I've never understood how they came to be so popular and why they're so revered to this day.  If ANY Led Zeppelin song other than Over the Hills and Far Away comes on the radio, I instantly change the channel.

Title: Re: People you find overrated?
Post by: bob on March 18, 2015, 10:25:23 PM
Jennifer Lopez, Kevin Love, Danny Ainge, Jay Cutler,  Woody Allen, Will Farrell, Dane Cook, Tom Green, Adam Sandler, Kevin Smith, Mike McCarthy, Ted Thompson, Greg Jennings, Mike Wallace