
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Olivia Bauer on April 13, 2017, 11:09:12 PM

Title: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Olivia Bauer on April 13, 2017, 11:09:12 PM (

I'm angry. I'm angry, I'm sad, I have a headache, and this happens so often
The fact articles like these crop up so often makes me ashamed of the human race.

I feel nothing but hate for the people that propagate this racist dog s**t.
I wish nothing but misfortune upon the authors of this piece and the degenerates that agree with it.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: ER on April 14, 2017, 08:58:23 AM
Just when you think people can't get any stupider. Seriously, we should have a whole month, nay, a whole season each year, dedicated to extolling and thanking white men for all they have done for the human race. Actually everyone on the planet should wake up every day and thank white men for their contributions to the good of our species, which outweighs the collective sum of that contributed by all other races, and by my own gender in all three races. The discrimination against Caucasian males in vogue these days reminds me of the old Jewish saying, "Why do you hate me? What good have I ever done for you?"

I'll repeat a list I made a few years ago of white male contributions, which include but are not limited to:

Parliamentary democracy, the internal combustion engine, the scientific method, vaccinations, motion pictures, calculus, basketball, the light bulb, the Olympic games, photography, the birth control pill, the computer, the arch, nitrogenized agriculture, free public education, domed structures, soap, Gothic architecture, universal suffrage, the United Nations, interchangeable typefaces, radio, the science of genetics, the measurement of longitude, the domestication of the horse, newspapers, the aqueduct, the assembly line, western medicine, the weekend, the concept of "crimes against humanity", heavier-than-air flight, advanced optometry, animation, the idea of innocence until guilt is established, canned foodstuffs, expressway off-ramps, efforts to define basic human rights, controlled nuclear fission, and the word "ethnomasochism".

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: AoTFan on April 14, 2017, 12:28:07 PM
Wow... just... wow.

I've always known the Huff Post was garbage, but still, this just blows it right out of the water.  

And what's crazy is a lot of people will, with a straight face, say it isn't racist because "White people aren't oppressed" (or some variation thereof.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: indianasmith on April 14, 2017, 03:55:45 PM
Years ago I had an 8th grade student who might charitably be described as intellectually challenged (because teachers aren't allowed to say "dumber than a bag of hammers"). She thought being "ghetto" was far cooler than being educated about U.S. History.  One time she asked me "What good have white people ever done anyway?"

I listed things for five minutes straight and was still going when the bell rang. As she left she was muttering something about rap being cooler than "all that crap."

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: AoTFan on April 14, 2017, 06:39:08 PM
Here's something interesting, apparently they've gotten a lot of attention for that article.. so they wrote a follow up (

I'll quote a main part of the reply...

Garland's underlying analysis about the uneven distribution of wealth and power in the world is pretty standard for feminist theory. It has been espoused in many different ways by feminist writers and theorists for decades now. In that sense, there was nothing in the article that should have shocked or surprised anybody (or so we thought.)

And later...

Dismantling the patriarchal systems that have brought us to where we are today, a world where power is wielded to dangerous and destructive ends by men, and in particular white men, necessarily means a loss of power to those who hold it. A loss of oppressive power. Those who have held undue power granted to them by patriarchy must lose it for us to be truly equal. This seems blindingly obvious to us.

So, you see, it's not really racist, it's more misandrist.  (Which is perfectly okay to be in today's society.)

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: javakoala on April 14, 2017, 06:53:19 PM
Redistribution of their assets. Hmm. That sounds oddly like the thoughts of the Nazi Party about the Jewish people.

Fascist behavior is just that. Does not matter from whose lips it falls from, be it Hitler or a 19-year-old snowflake in her/its/their safe zone.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Trevor on April 14, 2017, 06:57:26 PM
As the son of a feminist, two things bother me about this article. One is the idiot who wrote it and the other is that it was written in South Africa. :buggedout:

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Rev. Powell on April 14, 2017, 07:00:31 PM
I suspect that the article was mainly written to be provocative clickbait rather than a serious proposal, but it's really dumb. This kind of thing feeds white supermacists' paranoia and actually makes a good recruiting tool for them.

Like the article, the response sounds like it was written by an M.A. feminist sociology candidate with no idea of how the real world works.

I also note that the post is from the South African edition of the H Post, not the U.S. or international edition. I don't think Huff's U.S. editors would have let that one out.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Chainsawmidget on April 14, 2017, 07:56:56 PM
Garland's underlying analysis about the uneven distribution of wealth and power in the world is pretty standard for feminist theory. It has been espoused in many different ways by feminist writers and theorists for decades now.
And everytime they bring it up, we call them stupid and make fun of them. 

This is exactly why feminism has a bad reputation. 

I like how they end it. 
This doesn't necessarily mean we agree or endorse everything in Garland's blog. The point of our Voices section is to invite a wide array of voices and views.
Translation:  We agree with a lot of it but don't want to admit it because you're making fun of us and pointing out we're racists and we have no argument for that.   

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: El Misfit on April 14, 2017, 09:15:16 PM
This what happens when "PC" culture gets out of hand. PC being Privileged Character, aka how the white man got everything he wants and the minorities struggle is real.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: indianasmith on April 14, 2017, 10:08:21 PM
I refuse to  apologize for belonging to the race and gender that has collectively kicked more a$$ than any other in the history of the planet!   :teddyr:

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: El Misfit on April 14, 2017, 10:16:56 PM
I refuse to  apologize for belonging to the race and gender that has collectively kicked more a$$ than any other in the history of the planet!   :teddyr:
Say that to someone who wants the white male race dead and this would be their response

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: AlbertMond on April 14, 2017, 11:56:22 PM
I suspect that the article was mainly written to be provocative clickbait rather than a serious proposal, but it's really dumb.

All that really stands in my opinion. This stuff doesn't drive me to a sudden defensive conclusion that ze whites are ze bestest race and all those other races ought to thank them, though.

Ya'll at least aren't writing for a major outlet, but still.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: RCMerchant on April 15, 2017, 03:01:44 AM
Hey-white people did some good things! We invented atom bombs! What would bad movies be without radiation mutation?
 (the Spanish language version-because it's funnier that way)  :tongueout:
[/sub] (

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: RCMerchant on April 15, 2017, 03:05:41 AM
I suspect that the article was mainly written to be provocative clickbait rather than a serious proposal, but it's really dumb.

All that really stands in my opinion. This stuff doesn't drive me to a sudden defensive conclusion that ze whites are ze bestest race and all those other races ought to thank them, though.

Ya'll at least aren't writing for a major outlet, but still.
Whatta you mean? Don't be stupid,be a smarty-come and join the Nazi party!
 :drink: :thumbup:

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: RCMerchant on April 15, 2017, 03:11:26 AM (

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: kakihara on April 15, 2017, 07:30:52 AM
This really hurts my soul. This narrative that white men are inherently racist and evil, and that they can not experience racism themselves because of their " priviledge" is utter stupidity.  I pity Anyone who buys into this, unfortunely, i happen to spend alot of time with people who believe this crap. The thing is; they themselves are the racists! They have a chip on their shoulder because they are not happy with there lives. I guess whitey is easier to blame instead of taking personal responsibility. That seems to be very common now. I think all of this is by design and its working. Everything is based on race now. Most people would consider me racist because i dont care about race, but i dont! I really dont!

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: ER on April 15, 2017, 09:38:46 AM
This really hurts my soul. This narrative that white men are inherently racist and evil, and that they can not experience racism themselves because of their " priviledge" is utter stupidity.  I pity Anyone who buys into this, unfortunely, i happen to spend alot of time with people who believe this crap. The thing is; they themselves are the racists! They have a chip on their shoulder because they are not happy with there lives. I guess whitey is easier to blame instead of taking personal responsibility. That seems to be very common now. I think all of this is by design and its working. Everything is based on race now. Most people would consider me racist because i dont care about race, but i dont! I really dont!

When I was in high school in the mid-1990s, the local Archdiocese which ran my school redefined its policy on racism (you'd think their time would've been spent working against child sex abuse, wouldn't you?) and every student in any school in the entire massive archdiocese had to go to an assembly and listen to the reading of this update in policy, which defined racism as having to do with "a numerically superior group practicing discrimination against a numerically smaller group" and even young as I was I was instantly struck by how flawed that definition was, how it not only failed to admit that anyone can be the victim of racism, but it somehow dehumanized minorities by implying they are not capable of the fullest expression of human feeling, even negative impulses like hatred. I have no idea if that asinine policy still stands as written.

Just to comment on someone's earlier post, I was speaking a little satirically when I suggested a season of the year dedicated to praising white males, but if we're going to set aside a month  to highlight the contributions of one race, which we currently do in the United States each February, the idea I threw out there makes about as much sense.

I wish we'd arrive at a point where people saw their race as "the human race" and let it go at that, but we seem to be getting farther from that goal, not closer, proving year by year that Theodore Roosevelt was right a century ago when he warned how clinging to identifying people as "hyphenated-Americans" weakens the nation.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: AlbertMond on April 15, 2017, 09:58:23 AM
Weird to think of the archdiocese doing that, but then I guess I don't have much experience with 'em.

The 'racism as power dynamic' thing is a weird piece in general, just how convinced people get of it. As far as I know it was, starting out, only ever a suggested alternate definition of racism for academic discussions specifically geared towards institutional racism. Outside of that context, it makes no sense to define racism that way exclusively - especially when factoring in the history of "race theory" and the significance of forms of racism that aren't solely institutional and tend to be more readily observed in poorer communities than in elite spheres.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Alex on April 15, 2017, 02:12:16 PM
If she objects to white men so much she should show her disdain by refusing to use anything white men had a hand in creating. Especially anything involving Tim Berners Lee. Last year there was a protest in the UK at a university which had a statue of Cecil Rhodes based on what he'd done back in the days of the British Empire. Initially I thought that was fair enough, he wasn't the nicest guy in history (although I guess he wasn't the worst either, but still bad) however later on I found out the student organising the protest was only able to attend the university thanks to a scholarship he'd applied for that had been established by Rhodes.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Trevor on April 16, 2017, 11:41:14 AM
According to, the head of MediaSA has condemed the post as a bad day for journalism.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: kakihara on April 16, 2017, 02:52:25 PM
Im sure they just spoke ineloquently, not to be confused with untruths or fake news. I just couldnt quite understand or agree with this article after reading it again. sometimes I have white-priviledge flare ups and  it makes things difficult for me. With the right amount of guilt and self loathing my quality of life could improve.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: RCMerchant on April 16, 2017, 10:58:59 PM
This really hurts my soul. This narrative that white men are inherently racist and evil, and that they can not experience racism themselves because of their " priviledge" is utter stupidity.  I pity Anyone who buys into this, unfortunely, i happen to spend alot of time with people who believe this crap. The thing is; they themselves are the racists! They have a chip on their shoulder because they are not happy with there lives. I guess whitey is easier to blame instead of taking personal responsibility. That seems to be very common now. I think all of this is by design and its working. Everything is based on race now. Most people would consider me racist because i dont care about race, but i dont! I really dont!

Yer soul is hurt. It's breaking my heart!  :drink:
I find it telling you have a nazi sign on yer avatar.  :lookingup: I mean-cmon-yer makin' that a little to easy. :tongueout:

I also find it telling-"I don't care about race! I really don't!"
Of course you don't. "I'm fine-nobody f**ks with me".
I don't know about most people considering you racist. Do They? Gee? I wonder why? You justtold me most folks consider you racist. Do they really? I wonder why MOST folks consider you racist.  I dunno! It's a mystery!
I mean-you seem pretty colorless to me.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: RCMerchant on April 17, 2017, 12:24:43 AM
Im sure they just spoke ineloquently, not to be confused with untruths or fake news. I just couldnt quite understand or agree with this article after reading it again. sometimes I have white-priviledge flare ups and  it makes things difficult for me. With the right amount of guilt and self loathing my quality of life could improve.
no-I don't think your life will improve. You seem happily miserable.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Rev. Powell on April 17, 2017, 07:30:49 AM
Don't mind RC, he's drunk.

You've got to stop attacking your bad movie brothers, RC!

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: kakihara on April 17, 2017, 07:46:30 AM
You find it telling that I have a nazi symbol on my avatar?
It is not a nazi symbol. Do some homework. Or at least, it is not a nazi symbol as it is represented on this  chinese monk. I find it telling that you dont know the difference.

"Most folks WOULD consider me rascist", is what I said. I guess I should have explained that I was speaking insensitivly by saying I dont care about race instead of focusing on race and inequality. In todays PC culture I would be labeled as a rascist because of that.  Your reaction exemplifies that, and the fact that I have to explain myself.

Happily miserable? Apparently, that went over your head as well. I thought this thread could use a little humor. It seems as though you are the only one here who is miserable. You implied that im racist, I am not. I hope nobody here thinks that i am, except you rc, your opinion of me is not important.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: lester1/2jr on April 17, 2017, 09:18:46 AM
follow the link now

the article was taken down

Huffington Post SA has removed the blog "Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?" published on our Voices section on April 13, 2017.

We have done this because the blog submission from an individual who called herself Shelley Garland, who claimed to be an MA student at UCT, cannot be traced and appears not to exist.

We have immediately bolstered and strengthened our blogging procedures that, until now, have operated on the basis of open communication and good faith. From now on, bloggers will have to verify themselves.

We will hold discussions on putting in place even better quality controls.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Rev. Powell on April 17, 2017, 09:53:05 AM
I hope nobody here thinks that i am, except you rc, your opinion of me is not important.

Then please don't respond to him and feed the fire. You've been here long enough to get a sense of the personalities here. You can't always take what RC says personally.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: AlbertMond on April 17, 2017, 11:12:34 AM
follow the link now

the article was taken down

Huffington Post SA has removed the blog "Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise?" published on our Voices section on April 13, 2017.

We have done this because the blog submission from an individual who called herself Shelley Garland, who claimed to be an MA student at UCT, cannot be traced and appears not to exist.

We have immediately bolstered and strengthened our blogging procedures that, until now, have operated on the basis of open communication and good faith. From now on, bloggers will have to verify themselves.

We will hold discussions on putting in place even better quality controls.

I wonder if it was another "Emerald City Antifa" type dealie.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Olivia Bauer on April 17, 2017, 12:03:27 PM
"From now on, bloggers will have to verify themselves."

U WOT M8?!

That wasn't a thing BEFORE?!

"We will hold discussions on putting in place even better quality controls."

Nonono! Not EVEN! Don't say EVEN!

There's only two things that can be going on here:

1) Your quality control is so f**king awful that anyone can pretend to be a journalist on your high profile newsite

2) The article is real and you threw the journalist under the bus by calling her a troll in an attempt to save face

Take your pick Huffington Post.
Are you total retards or disingenuous liars?

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: javakoala on April 17, 2017, 12:15:17 PM

Take your pick Huffington Post.
Are you total retards or disingenuous liars?

I'm thinking they are a whole lot of both.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: alandhopewell on April 17, 2017, 12:43:38 PM
     I would think that reasonably intelligent, mature individuals would've discarded the whole concept of "race" by now.  No doubt, there are people who want to beat others over the head with / for their genetic makeup, buy WHY give such bedwetters an ear to begin with?

     Here's the only worthwhile response to such merde....

! No longer available (

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Trevor on April 20, 2017, 01:00:19 AM
Shelley is apparently a man named Marius Roodt and a very confused one at that. (

Dude, that makeup doesn't suit you at all.  :buggedout:

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Rev. Powell on April 20, 2017, 08:02:55 AM
Shelley is apparently a man named Marius Roodt and a very confused one at that.

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Dude, that makeup doesn't suit you at all.  :buggedout:

So it was just trolling all along. Fake news.

The only story is that Huff Post S.A. would publish it without hesitation.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Olivia Bauer on April 20, 2017, 09:36:50 AM
Shelley is apparently a man named Marius Roodt and a very confused one at that.

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Dude, that makeup doesn't suit you at all.  :buggedout:

So it was just trolling all along. Fake news.

The only story is that Huff Post S.A. would publish it without hesitation.

Did somebody say "fake news"?!


Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Chainsawmidget on April 20, 2017, 11:29:34 AM
Shelley is apparently a man named Marius Roodt and a very confused one at that.

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Dude, that makeup doesn't suit you at all.  :buggedout:

"I wanted to cause trouble, but I'm sorry I caused a lot of trouble instead of just a little."

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: javakoala on April 20, 2017, 01:04:15 PM
Yet, somewhere out there, members of the alt-left are saying, "I think this idea has legs. Let's strip heterosexual white males of EVERYTHING! Well, except the rich ones who donate to our causes."

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Olivia Bauer on April 21, 2017, 03:18:42 PM
Yet, somewhere out there, members of the alt-left are saying, "I think this idea has legs. Let's strip heterosexual white males of EVERYTHING! Well, except the rich ones who donate to our causes."

Alt-left, huh? I haven't heard that term before but it's pretty damn appropriate.
I'd rather say alt-left than "SJW".
"W" is the worst letter ever. Why is it three syllables? Why does it sound nothing like "U"? Why does it look like two "Vs" when capitalized? Why am I criticizing the alphabet when that isn't what I was talking about two sentences ago?

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: javakoala on April 21, 2017, 04:06:43 PM
Yet, somewhere out there, members of the alt-left are saying, "I think this idea has legs. Let's strip heterosexual white males of EVERYTHING! Well, except the rich ones who donate to our causes."

Alt-left, huh? I haven't heard that term before but it's pretty damn appropriate.
I'd rather say alt-left than "SJW".

I've never heard the term used, to be honest, but since the liberals have been supporting Eastern religious ideas warped by self-serving agendas, then every ying has its yang. So, if there is an alt-right, there must also be an alt-left.

Personally, I think all of the people whose beliefs are extreme right or left are arseholes.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: RCMerchant on April 22, 2017, 12:50:17 AM
This world is f**king crazy. I can't believe this is any better than "1984". I don't understand what the f**k is going on. It's crazy. (

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: El Misfit on April 22, 2017, 11:23:38 PM

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Trevor on April 23, 2017, 02:13:49 AM
The poop has really hit the fan on this one: both Roodt and the editor of Huff Post SA have resigned over this. :buggedout:

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: javakoala on April 23, 2017, 06:27:31 AM
The poop has really hit the fan on this one: both Roodt and the editor of Huff Post SA have resigned over this. :buggedout:

They should. This is the face of new yellow journalism.

Over at Youtube, major advertisers jumped ship because The Times in the UK "supposedly" started a campaign to undermine independent digital media and drive business back to the major, corporate-held media with claims of ads from major companies being attached to unfavorable content. Apparently, tweets from the primary author who "broke the story" indicate the intent of the articles was to stir up turmoil. Given the algorithms Youtube employs, I'm sure it did happen, but not in the large volume the original stories indicated.

I am fairly confident these two incidents are not uncommon. It's getting to the point that if you hear someone screaming, "FIRE!!", it is probably idiot blowing smoke out of her/his/its/their ass.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: AlbertMond on April 23, 2017, 11:30:32 AM
The real kicker is that the 'author' was just him in drag.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: El Misfit on April 23, 2017, 04:59:00 PM
The poop has really hit the fan on this one: both Roodt and the editor of Huff Post SA have resigned over this. :buggedout:
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: RCMerchant on April 23, 2017, 05:28:58 PM
I'm done with all this stupid s**t-this is crazy-and it made me attack people I don't even really know. I'm done,man. I'm not gonna buy into it,man. I have to stay separate from this insanity. And I got caught up in it. Thats crazy. I'm f**king done!  I was wrong to take any sides-cuz its all bulls**t.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: RCMerchant on April 23, 2017, 05:37:42 PM
Oh yeah-Kakahari-I do know that the swastika symblol goes way back-BUT! It was an oppurtunity for me to use it against you-so i did!  Its called dirty tricks. You know about that s**t,right? We all do, RIGHT :hatred: Yes we do. Because the human race is a bunch of back-stabbing scumbags.  :cheers:

And it's funny cuz its TRUE.
History,I mean. Will tell you this.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: AlbertMond on April 23, 2017, 05:44:35 PM
You know if you really want to make things right with the rest of the board, I think putting a dress on and submitting a thinkpiece to a major news outlet would be a great gesture of good will.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: RCMerchant on April 23, 2017, 05:46:53 PM
You know if you really want to make things right with the rest of the board, I think putting a dress on and submitting a thinkpiece to a major news outlet would be a great gesture of good will.

If i really wanna make things good with the board I'll put a dress on and f**k a monkey in the ass!
And film it!

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: El Misfit on April 23, 2017, 07:05:00 PM
RC, can you not do this?

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: AlbertMond on April 23, 2017, 07:33:38 PM
Come on, Misfit.

I'd watch it.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: RCMerchant on April 23, 2017, 08:14:45 PM
Come on, Misfit.

I'd watch it.

Folks take me way to serious.  :wink:
it's called "f**king with yer head" or "satire".
I'm a cartoonist. I like to blow s**t out to stupid proportions and see how folks react.
You may have noticed I'm pretty much mentally unbalanced-so arguing with me is useless-because I have this narrow tunnel vision thing in my head where I'm right and everyone else is wrong. I'm not a good debater-because I can't see the otherside. I'm f**ked in the head like that. So If the sky is blue-and I think it's green-no sense in debating me-because I'm insane.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Trevor on April 24, 2017, 05:07:07 AM
Just keeps on getting deeper....  :buggedout: (

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Trevor on April 26, 2017, 01:26:24 AM
Yikes: and now this article is considered hate speech!  :buggedout: :buggedout: (

Poo gets deeper and deeper: two people have lost their jobs and Huff Post SA's reputation is in tatters.  :question:

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: AlbertMond on April 26, 2017, 11:10:36 AM
I think that's really refreshing, tbh. It seems like they evaluated the article in a western way instead of considering that caucasians are a minority in South Africa. It's good to see them take heat for it.

Title: Re: Huffington Post's Incredibly Racist Article
Post by: Olivia Bauer on May 08, 2017, 06:41:07 AM