
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: RCMerchant on March 12, 2018, 01:12:14 AM

Post by: RCMerchant on March 12, 2018, 01:12:14 AM
 There's has been a lot of bad blood on this board.

With Me and ER-Zombie and ER- just bad blood.

I been trying off line to mend wounds.

Things have been said in the heat of the moment-some are thought to be unforgivible.

I don't think so. Were all on this s**t mudball planet earth.

We HAVE to get along-we have no choice.

We have to stop this in-fighting. I am so anti-myself-the last thing I need is hate from others.

We gotta stick together!

Man-it  wont' if we don't.

f**king man- lets be cool-love one another-sound hippie- I don't give a flying f**k.


Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: ER on March 12, 2018, 01:20:15 AM
Sounds like a good plan to me, Ronny. No grudges on my part. Peace among non-enemies makes for a happier online hangout and I hope we can have that again. As far as I'm concerned everyone has a clean slate with me and I hope others feel that way too.
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: RCMerchant on March 12, 2018, 01:40:53 AM
If It keeps up with the hate-I'm gone. I can't-and won't do it no more. I didn't sign up for this. What really f**ks me up- I instigated it. It was my fault.
If others look into themselves and realize the same-we will be ok. I can see how I started it-And if others can see how others feel-maybe-JUST maybe-we can all be cool. Just understand the others life. On both sides. We can't change who we are-but we can TRY to understand each other. And instead of being critical-be understanding.
And aint that what life is all about?

Just look and try to see you in others-thats the key.

I really love every one here-good or bad. (

Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: RCMerchant on March 12, 2018, 01:56:30 AM
Al Green helps me.  :wink: (
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: indianasmith on March 12, 2018, 07:02:21 AM
All families have their quarrels from time to time, this one is no different.
And most families make up when they are done.
Free root beer on me!   :cheers:
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: ER on March 12, 2018, 09:52:29 AM
Next time you're mad, get active. I believe the Chinese have it right when they claim emotions are stored in the muscles, since after a hard five-set tennis match, win or lose, I feel glowing harmony with all God's chilluns. A long run does the same thing. Or a long swim. Or.... Well I'll stop there.
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Allhallowsday on March 12, 2018, 02:30:55 PM
Quote from: ER on March 12, 2018, 01:20:15 AM
Sounds like a good plan to me, Ronny. No grudges on my part. Peace among non-enemies makes for a happier online hangout and I hope we can have that again. As far as I'm concerned everyone has a clean slate with me and I hope others feel that way too.
I'm not sure I believe you, E.  What is a grudge?  Might it be something that one's own self perceives is borne against yourself?  And maybe the grudge is only in one's own mind, not in the other party's... (Please forgive my grammar.  I'm a rebel.)  You had mentioned a grudge you perceived I had against you, which I didn't.  You apologized repeatedly.  I was perplexed.  Now I am perplexed again.  And perhaps now, bearing a grudge.  It's not personal, on the board and in PM I believe we are both respectful.  If I bear you a grudge, it's completely intellectual.

Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Alex on March 12, 2018, 03:31:53 PM
Damn, am I like the only person here quite capable of holding a minor grudge for over 30 years, and then taking revenge at the end of it?
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Allhallowsday on March 12, 2018, 05:51:22 PM
Quote from: Dark Alex on March 12, 2018, 03:31:53 PM
Damn, am I like the only person here quite capable of holding a minor grudge for over 30 years, and then taking revenge at the end of it?
:teddyr:   :wink: :thumbup:

I can no longer relate to the desire for revenge.  I have felt it, but haven't for many years.  
Keeping a scorecard, however, I can certainly relate to.   :smile:
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: ER on March 12, 2018, 06:04:23 PM
Quote from: Dark Alex on March 12, 2018, 03:31:53 PM
Damn, am I like the only person here quite capable of holding a minor grudge for over 30 years, and then taking revenge at the end of it?

Because I know you're probably reading this....

Revenge, no, but proactive violence, sure. There is strange joy in hurting the deserving, in overcoming enemies, even in undertaking acts of justified violence. The twin highs of danger and triumph make sex seems tame. Anyone who doesn't think so is innocent or self-deluding. T.E. Lawrence found it out. In fact I am trying to convince some former co-workers of mine to make a particularly awful man's life living hell for threats he's made against us all, threats he's backed up very tangibly, and I'm not getting a lot of support for the idea. I went off on one of them today telling him to think back to when he used to have actual balls and people were afraid of him. Weren't we Death From Within? Words now or does it still apply? Now we skulk and hide in our lives of comfort and respectability and for what? Because we're older? Because we have children and so much to lose? They won't even help us. Time to be feared again. Time to remember what we are. But no, they're timid. No, they're scared. No, it's not right. Right? Right? Jesus in a handbasket man, I told him to think back to the things we've done and talk about right? We were ever right, and were they wrong? Does it matter? You pick your side and you follow through to Hell itself but you don't waiver. Hint, men everywhere, when it's the chick among you who wants to go for blood and you don't, you've hit male menopause, so crawl off and give up. God I am sick of weakness in this world. Strike hard, die fighting, go to Valhalla and perish slashing giants at Ragnarok. Beats wasting away in a retirement community wearing Depends and watching Jerry Springer while you drool applesauce down your chest. Seriously, if I cannot die on my own terms old and happy, I'd rather die nobly and still in possession of strength, asserting myself in the face of the lazy apathy that governs most people's lives. Revenge, grudges, bah, two wrongs don't ever make a right. Better to forgive and forget. Better to live and let live. Best to turn the other cheek no matter how deep the insult. Pick your battles and never harm the undeserving. But to be feared by those who choose to threaten your loved ones, absolutely. Hurt them. Torment them. Remove every instant of peace they once took for granted. Make them remember who defeated them in the first place. Let them know who authors their suffering. Remind them as often as it takes. No mercy til victory. Ever.

Performance art concluded.
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: lester1/2jr on March 12, 2018, 06:51:51 PM
's gonna fall on you (
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: 316zombie on March 12, 2018, 08:20:04 PM
Quote from: Dark Alex on March 12, 2018, 03:31:53 PM
Damn, am I like the only person here quite capable of holding a minor grudge for over 30 years, and then taking revenge at the end of it?
nope. i'm very good at that. in my case, i didn't even have to be there in person, just my recent picture at high school reunions, lol!
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Rev. Powell on March 12, 2018, 08:24:54 PM (

'Cause if we can't fight, then be all right,
we're done for in the end ...
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: 316zombie on March 12, 2018, 08:25:38 PM
Quote from: RCMerchant on March 12, 2018, 01:40:53 AM
If It keeps up with the hate-I'm gone. I can't-and won't do it no more. I didn't sign up for this. What really f**ks me up- I instigated it. It was my fault.
If others look into themselves and realize the same-we will be ok. I can see how I started it-And if others can see how others feel-maybe-JUST maybe-we can all be cool. Just understand the others life. On both sides. We can't change who we are-but we can TRY to understand each other. And instead of being critical-be understanding.
And aint that what life is all about?

Just look and try to see you in others-thats the key.

I really love every one here-good or bad. (

ron, i love you better than my brother, you know that. and ANY argument here isn't your fault, please understand that, okay? it may LOOK that way to you, or others,but it isn't. sometimes it's just a case of having had it" up to here" with others, and it just happens to be your thread that it comes out in,you know? but that doesn't make it YOUR FAULT. we ARE grownups here, but we aren't perfect, so maybe the timing can be bad sometimes.
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Allhallowsday on March 13, 2018, 02:04:19 AM
Quote from: ER on March 12, 2018, 06:04:23 PM
... There is strange joy in hurting the deserving, in overcoming enemies, even in undertaking acts of justified violence. The twin highs of danger and triumph make sex seems tame. Anyone who doesn't think so is innocent or self-deluding.  
T.E. Lawrence found it out.
(Then here's the long blahblahblah part.)

Quote from: ER on March 12, 2018, 06:04:23 PM
In fact I am trying to convince some former co-workers of mine to make a particularly awful man's life living hell for threats he's made against us all, threats he's backed up very tangibly, and I'm not getting a lot of support for the idea. I went off on one of them today telling him to think back to when he used to have actual balls and people were afraid of him. Weren't we Death From Within? Words now or does it still apply? Now we skulk and hide in our lives of comfort and respectability and for what? Because we're older? Because we have children and so much to lose? They won't even help us. Time to be feared again. Time to remember what we are. But no, they're timid. No, they're scared. No, it's not right. Right? Right? Jesus in a handbasket man, I told him to think back to the things we've done and talk about right? We were ever right, and were they wrong? Does it matter? You pick your side and you follow through to Hell itself but you don't waiver. Hint, men everywhere, when it's the chick among you who wants to go for blood and you don't, you've hit male menopause, so crawl off and give up. God I am sick of weakness in this world. Strike hard, die fighting, go to Valhalla and perish slashing giants at Ragnarok. Beats wasting away in a retirement community wearing Depends and watching Jerry Springer while you drool applesauce down your chest. Seriously, if I cannot die on my own terms old and happy, I'd rather die nobly and still in possession of strength, asserting myself in the face of the lazy apathy that governs most people's lives. Revenge, grudges, bah, two wrongs don't ever make a right. Better to forgive and forget. Better to live and let live. Best to turn the other cheek no matter how deep the insult. Pick your battles and never harm the undeserving. But to be feared by those who choose to threaten your loved ones, absolutely. Hurt them. Torment them. Remove every instant of peace they once took for granted. Make them remember who defeated them in the first place. Let them know who authors their suffering. Remind them as often as it takes. No mercy til victory. Ever. Performance art concluded.
Florence of Arabia has spoken!   :buggedout:  Thems lotsa werdz and anguhree!   :hatred::teddyr:   ... did i mention there were a lot of words...? :question: :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Alex on March 13, 2018, 07:32:09 AM
Quote from: ER on March 12, 2018, 06:04:23 PM
Quote from: Dark Alex on March 12, 2018, 03:31:53 PM
Damn, am I like the only person here quite capable of holding a minor grudge for over 30 years, and then taking revenge at the end of it?

Because I know you're probably reading this....

Revenge, no, but proactive violence, sure. There is strange joy in hurting the deserving, in overcoming enemies, even in undertaking acts of justified violence. The twin highs of danger and triumph make sex seems tame. Anyone who doesn't think so is innocent or self-deluding. T.E. Lawrence found it out. In fact I am trying to convince some former co-workers of mine to make a particularly awful man's life living hell for threats he's made against us all, threats he's backed up very tangibly, and I'm not getting a lot of support for the idea. I went off on one of them today telling him to think back to when he used to have actual balls and people were afraid of him. Weren't we Death From Within? Words now or does it still apply? Now we skulk and hide in our lives of comfort and respectability and for what? Because we're older? Because we have children and so much to lose? They won't even help us. Time to be feared again. Time to remember what we are. But no, they're timid. No, they're scared. No, it's not right. Right? Right? Jesus in a handbasket man, I told him to think back to the things we've done and talk about right? We were ever right, and were they wrong? Does it matter? You pick your side and you follow through to Hell itself but you don't waiver. Hint, men everywhere, when it's the chick among you who wants to go for blood and you don't, you've hit male menopause, so crawl off and give up. God I am sick of weakness in this world. Strike hard, die fighting, go to Valhalla and perish slashing giants at Ragnarok. Beats wasting away in a retirement community wearing Depends and watching Jerry Springer while you drool applesauce down your chest. Seriously, if I cannot die on my own terms old and happy, I'd rather die nobly and still in possession of strength, asserting myself in the face of the lazy apathy that governs most people's lives. Revenge, grudges, bah, two wrongs don't ever make a right. Better to forgive and forget. Better to live and let live. Best to turn the other cheek no matter how deep the insult. Pick your battles and never harm the undeserving. But to be feared by those who choose to threaten your loved ones, absolutely. Hurt them. Torment them. Remove every instant of peace they once took for granted. Make them remember who defeated them in the first place. Let them know who authors their suffering. Remind them as often as it takes. No mercy til victory. Ever.

Performance art concluded.

You know doormen at night clubs often know a surprising range of people most able to assist with the correction of lives little irritations.
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: ER on March 13, 2018, 08:01:16 AM
Yeah, but he's in prison, so it takes some finesse.
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: ER on March 13, 2018, 08:03:36 AM
Quote from: Allhallowsday on March 12, 2018, 02:30:55 PM
Quote from: ER on March 12, 2018, 01:20:15 AM
Sounds like a good plan to me, Ronny. No grudges on my part. Peace among non-enemies makes for a happier online hangout and I hope we can have that again. As far as I'm concerned everyone has a clean slate with me and I hope others feel that way too.
I'm not sure I believe you, E.  What is a grudge?  Might it be something that one's own self perceives is borne against yourself?  And maybe the grudge is only in one's own mind, not in the other party's... (Please forgive my grammar.  I'm a rebel.)  You had mentioned a grudge you perceived I had against you, which I didn't.  You apologized repeatedly.  I was perplexed.  Now I am perplexed again.  And perhaps now, bearing a grudge.  It's not personal, on the board and in PM I believe we are both respectful.  If I bear you a grudge, it's completely intellectual.

I literally can't understand what you are trying to say. That may be conciliatory, it may be critical, I can't tell you.
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: ER on March 13, 2018, 08:21:16 AM
Quote from: Allhallowsday on March 13, 2018, 02:04:19 AM
Quote from: ER on March 12, 2018, 06:04:23 PM
... There is strange joy in hurting the deserving, in overcoming enemies, even in undertaking acts of justified violence. The twin highs of danger and triumph make sex seems tame. Anyone who doesn't think so is innocent or self-deluding.  
T.E. Lawrence found it out.
(Then here's the long blahblahblah part.)

Quote from: ER on March 12, 2018, 06:04:23 PM
In fact I am trying to convince some former co-workers of mine to make a particularly awful man's life living hell for threats he's made against us all, threats he's backed up very tangibly, and I'm not getting a lot of support for the idea. I went off on one of them today telling him to think back to when he used to have actual balls and people were afraid of him. Weren't we Death From Within? Words now or does it still apply? Now we skulk and hide in our lives of comfort and respectability and for what? Because we're older? Because we have children and so much to lose? They won't even help us. Time to be feared again. Time to remember what we are. But no, they're timid. No, they're scared. No, it's not right. Right? Right? Jesus in a handbasket man, I told him to think back to the things we've done and talk about right? We were ever right, and were they wrong? Does it matter? You pick your side and you follow through to Hell itself but you don't waiver. Hint, men everywhere, when it's the chick among you who wants to go for blood and you don't, you've hit male menopause, so crawl off and give up. God I am sick of weakness in this world. Strike hard, die fighting, go to Valhalla and perish slashing giants at Ragnarok. Beats wasting away in a retirement community wearing Depends and watching Jerry Springer while you drool applesauce down your chest. Seriously, if I cannot die on my own terms old and happy, I'd rather die nobly and still in possession of strength, asserting myself in the face of the lazy apathy that governs most people's lives. Revenge, grudges, bah, two wrongs don't ever make a right. Better to forgive and forget. Better to live and let live. Best to turn the other cheek no matter how deep the insult. Pick your battles and never harm the undeserving. But to be feared by those who choose to threaten your loved ones, absolutely. Hurt them. Torment them. Remove every instant of peace they once took for granted. Make them remember who defeated them in the first place. Let them know who authors their suffering. Remind them as often as it takes. No mercy til victory. Ever. Performance art concluded.
Florence of Arabia has spoken!   :buggedout:  Thems lotsa werdz and anguhree!   :hatred::teddyr:   ... did i mention there were a lot of words...? :question: :bouncegiggle:
And yet you read every syllable. Some here ignore what doesn't interest them, but you, well, your obsession continues. I sometimes wonder just how much of your time I can steal, and there seems no limit. Truly, I have filled screens here and yet to my amazement you keep reading, quoting, drawing others back to read me when they may not have. Once you won me a small bet. Did you know that? You remind me, John, of the scene in Private Parts where it's quoted that Howard Stern haters listen in more than Howard Stern fans. It's great. Please don't stop, you're my most devoted follower.
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Pacman000 on March 13, 2018, 08:25:47 AM
Sometimes, I wish I could give you karma, RC.Would you settle for a virtual cola?

Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Allhallowsday on March 13, 2018, 11:26:57 AM
Quote from: ER on March 13, 2018, 08:21:16 AM
Quote from: Allhallowsday on March 13, 2018, 02:04:19 AM
Quote from: ER on March 12, 2018, 06:04:23 PM
... There is strange joy in hurting the deserving, in overcoming enemies, even in undertaking acts of justified violence. The twin highs of danger and triumph make sex seems tame. Anyone who doesn't think so is innocent or self-deluding.  
T.E. Lawrence found it out.
(Then here's the long blahblahblah part.)

Quote from: ER on March 12, 2018, 06:04:23 PM
In fact I am trying to convince some former co-workers of mine to make a particularly awful man's life living hell for threats he's made against us all, threats he's backed up very tangibly, and I'm not getting a lot of support for the idea. I went off on one of them today telling him to think back to when he used to have actual balls and people were afraid of him. Weren't we Death From Within? Words now or does it still apply? Now we skulk and hide in our lives of comfort and respectability and for what? Because we're older? Because we have children and so much to lose? They won't even help us. Time to be feared again. Time to remember what we are. But no, they're timid. No, they're scared. No, it's not right. Right? Right? Jesus in a handbasket man, I told him to think back to the things we've done and talk about right? We were ever right, and were they wrong? Does it matter? You pick your side and you follow through to Hell itself but you don't waiver. Hint, men everywhere, when it's the chick among you who wants to go for blood and you don't, you've hit male menopause, so crawl off and give up. God I am sick of weakness in this world. Strike hard, die fighting, go to Valhalla and perish slashing giants at Ragnarok. Beats wasting away in a retirement community wearing Depends and watching Jerry Springer while you drool applesauce down your chest. Seriously, if I cannot die on my own terms old and happy, I'd rather die nobly and still in possession of strength, asserting myself in the face of the lazy apathy that governs most people's lives. Revenge, grudges, bah, two wrongs don't ever make a right. Better to forgive and forget. Better to live and let live. Best to turn the other cheek no matter how deep the insult. Pick your battles and never harm the undeserving. But to be feared by those who choose to threaten your loved ones, absolutely. Hurt them. Torment them. Remove every instant of peace they once took for granted. Make them remember who defeated them in the first place. Let them know who authors their suffering. Remind them as often as it takes. No mercy til victory. Ever. Performance art concluded.
Florence of Arabia has spoken!   :buggedout:  Thems lotsa werdz and anguhree!   :hatred::teddyr:   ... did i mention there were a lot of words...? :question: :bouncegiggle:
And yet you read every syllable. Some here ignore what doesn't interest them, but you, well, your obsession continues. I sometimes wonder just how much of your time I can steal, and there seems no limit. Truly, I have filled screens here and yet to my amazement you keep reading, quoting, drawing others back to read me when they may not have. Once you won me a small bet. Did you know that? You remind me, John, of the scene in Private Parts where it's quoted that Howard Stern haters listen in more than Howard Stern fans. It's great. Please don't stop, you're my most devoted follower.
It's the thread, dearie, not you.  That's an interesting characterization you make there, but hardly accurate.  I don't usually read you, but I'm starting to do so religiously.  Some one has to keep an eye on you. 
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: ER on March 13, 2018, 12:14:04 PM
Thank you, John, I'll try to stay interesting for you because I know how valuable your time is.

I have noticed when you talk to me one on one you're polite, and when you post here you're not really posting to me, even when you address me, you're posting to the room, like you're hoping for collective approval. Wouldn't it be better to let past enmities go and attempt to have harmony here again?
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Allhallowsday on March 13, 2018, 01:10:16 PM
Quote from: ER on March 13, 2018, 12:14:04 PM
Thank you, John, I'll try to stay interesting for you because I know how valuable your time is.

I have noticed when you talk to me one on one you're polite, and when you post here you're not really posting to me, even when you address me, you're posting to the room, like you're hoping for collective approval. Wouldn't it be better to let past enmities go and attempt to have harmony here again?

My writing style hasn't changed.  Nor is it any different in PM.  When you write it down, it's forever, even if no one reads it. 
"Collective approval"?  I've never enjoyed that privilege here or anywhere.  And of course, anyone who has read me here knows I do not concern myself with "collective approval".  Your snarky is not lost on me either, and I doubt I'm alone in that.  After-all, you did pay me a compliment - that was backhanded. 

As far as "enmity" goes, you might consider why you have battled with at least three prominent members of this forum in recent weeks (and I'm not counting Sven).  Though I am upping your game.  Y'know, your Sven game.   The subject line of this thread is BAD BLOOD.  You want to write about spilling it.  That's bad. 
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Alex on March 13, 2018, 02:24:02 PM
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: ER on March 13, 2018, 02:38:00 PM
So be it. An do what thou will shall be the whole of the Law. :smile:
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Alex on March 13, 2018, 03:56:00 PM
Please folks, find a way to settle your differences. I don't think I am the only person who comes here to get away from the real world and chill out. If you can't then how about settling for peaceful coexistance. I don't expect everyone to get along with everyone all of the time, but hey we can at least try to respect each others views.

Except for any trolls that happen to infect us with their presence. They should be mocked and rejected. Maybe even burned at the stake. I am good with medieval tortures.

There is one particular person I'd cite as an example without naming them. I disagree with lot of this person's views, but I do regard him as a scholar and a gentleman whose opinion I am willing to listen to even when I don't agree with it. I hope other people can have the same kind of view on those they don't share the same views are, (while still accepting some other people are just a***oles ofc).
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: 316zombie on March 13, 2018, 06:22:31 PM
alex, you are a very nice man. but as i said,sometimes a person has just had it with someone else. and at that point, differences CAN'T just be settled. MAYBE they can be ignored, maybe not.
   BUT. i have years of experience on chatboards, including running one for 8+ years. what i CAN  do is don my " board manager" persona,and valiantly attempt to be civil to those who are civil to me. it won't mean i respect them, or i like them, but i can try to do the civil thing.
  you learn how to do that in real life when you work with the public, as i do. believe me, i have had clients as a catering chef whom i would give my soul to be able to tell them what i REALLY think of them, lol! and i had board members like that too, on HPH.
  i've learned that when i CAN'T be civil to those who pay me, i leave the room. and when a member of MY board put me in that position, i asked my staff to handle it instead of me.
  i'm not perfect, of course, and i did have to actually give MYSELF a warning or 2 on my board. and i voluntarliy banned myself for 3 days once. the person who caused that was eventually banned because she ASKED to be, and my admin granted her request. she attempted to get the board shut down anyway, didn't work, lol!
  so i will be " mamafright" when necessary, and when possible, okay? that's my level best, my friends.
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: The Burgomaster on March 13, 2018, 06:36:00 PM
Come on. Everyone. Bring it in. Group hug.

The Burgomaster has spoken!

Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: Alex on March 13, 2018, 06:54:21 PM
Quote from: The Burgomaster on March 13, 2018, 06:36:00 PM
Come on. Everyone. Bring it in. Group hug.

The Burgomaster has spoken!

All hail THE BURGOMASTER for his wise words.
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: 316zombie on March 13, 2018, 07:59:33 PM
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: WingedSerpent on March 13, 2018, 09:44:34 PM
As long as Taylor Swift isn't singing about any of us....I'll think we'll be fine.
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: RCMerchant on March 14, 2018, 04:09:51 AM

( (
Title: Re: BAD BLOOD
Post by: BoyScoutKevin on March 20, 2018, 03:55:05 PM
Redd Foxx actually died of a heart attack , which occurred when he was working on the set of the show The Royal Family, which is why his fellow cast members, actually though he was at first joking.

Redd Foxx was his stage name. His actual name was John Elroy Sanford. Which is where they got the title for his show Sanford and Son.