
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Mofo Rising on August 05, 2002, 01:51:13 AM

Title: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: Mofo Rising on August 05, 2002, 01:51:13 AM
Now, keep in mind that it's been  a really long time since I've seen the BACK TO THE FUTURE trilogy.

I have a friend who absolutely loves these movies.  So I thought it would be interesting to see what you people think about the films.

For instance, I take it as a matter of fact that the first is the best of the films.  A legitimate classic.  But I was surprised when my friend told me that the third movie was largely considered to be superior the second.  I'm basing my opinion on what I thought of the movies when they were first released, but I liked the second a whole lot (read the novelization and everything) but thought the third was terrible.

First off, the second had an entertaining view of the future.  Filled with all sorts of wacky gadgets like the self-fitting coats and the impossbily neat hoverboards, the second film is an excursion into a bright consumerist future.  Secondly, they filled the movie with all sorts of wacky crap involving the repercussions of time travel, e.g. alternate timelines and such.  Thirdly, they actually travelled back into the first movie.  The only major quibble would be that the movie didn't end, just left a segue for the next film.

The third film, I don't know.  Seemed like a bunch of crap set in the old west for some reason.  Huge disappointment.

So what are the opinions here?  Like the third better than the first?  Think all the movies are crap?  Wish Michael J. Fox was healthy enought to reprise his role in TEEN WOLF?  Believe Biff was robbed of an Oscar nod?  Let me know!

Also, the movies are being released on DVD soon.  Go to the website ( to see the amazingly hideous box design.

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: Drezzy on August 05, 2002, 01:53:08 AM
All 3 are favorites of mine. I'm proud to have a niece (8) and a nephew (7) that will knock on my head and say "Hello? Hello? Is anybody there? Think, McFly, think!" whenever I'm acting stupid.

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: J.R. on August 05, 2002, 02:08:37 AM
I always considered part 2 to be the best, followed by 1 and 3.

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: Brock on August 05, 2002, 11:03:12 AM
This kind of paralells the original Star Wars triology for me.  Almost everyone I know says that the second one is the bet, and I know they're probably right, but I enjoy the third one more.  I really think that BTTF2 had some good ideas, but it took itself too seriously and went on too long.  BTTF3 managed to stay on task plotwise, while at the same time actually having some fun with the time machine for once.

And Empire is just boring, y'all.  Admit it.

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: Susan on August 05, 2002, 02:16:57 PM
It was midly amusing..the first one. I did not need sequels. However I'm a nut for the time/space theory continium stuff. And it didn't fly. If you were going to go back to the past and change your future, it would have already happened so it didn't make sense that all the changes in his family and lifestyle happened the nite he got back from the time travel..they should have always been like that. IT's a weird thought of an infinate loophole but maybe i'm too picky. And why did they have to go to the future? IF you can change the course of events in present day there's no need to go to the future to do anything is there? See something like..say.."twelve monkeys" is a little more plausable in the time travel since he always had the memory of what he saw in the future ..and no matter what he couldn't change things because they already happened. Tho some people don't like the idea that maybe people have no real power of control..that fate is predetermined.

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: Chadzilla on August 05, 2002, 02:49:15 PM
I liked them, but admit to liking Part 3 the best when I saw in the theater.  Don't know if I'd pop for the DVDs though.

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: systemcr4sh on August 05, 2002, 03:32:04 PM

Good god why is the backround BRIGHT BLUE!!?!?!?!??!?!?!
I don't mind the actual Layout that much but so much blue. Why coulden't they have stuck with the black backround maybe.
Oh well its still the same movie inside I guess.

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: Pete B6K on August 05, 2002, 05:09:24 PM
Personally, I think 1 & 2 are equally good, where 2 lacks the freshness of the 1st one, it makes up for it with the gadgets and futuristic entertainment. 3 isn't as good as the others, but is still a good film.

I quite like the blue colour on the DVD box. My hair used to be that colour.

And I'm relieved that somebody else thinks The Empire Strikes Back is so overrated. It feels like it's just the middle of a film. A New Hope and Jedi are great standalone films, but Empire is just a bridge between the two. I don't know why people have voted it to 17th on the IMDB's best fims.


Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: J.R. on August 06, 2002, 01:09:25 AM
Okay, Lucas wrote the entire trilogy as one script, then cut it into three chunks to get the first made. That's why the films go like that. Act 1, you introduce the characters. Act 2, you get them into the obstacle. Act 3, you get them out. It's screenwriting 101.

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: Pete B6K on August 06, 2002, 11:02:28 AM
I realise that it was all written together, but A New Hope would have been a great film even without the sequels and Jedi wouldnt have suffered too much, just would have needed extra introduction.  I feel that for a film to be great, it should be a great film on it's own. Films can be enhanced by being part of a series, with recurring characters you already like, in-referencing and jokes, but any film that needs its backup is flawed.  Rant over.


Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: toggs on August 06, 2002, 12:59:17 PM
The problem with all Michael J. Fox movies is he plays every role exactly the same, the lovable, cute Michael show.

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: Jay O'Connor on August 06, 2002, 01:52:05 PM
>Jedi wouldnt have suffered too much, just would have needed extra introduction.

Jedi would've made no sense without Empire, and an extra introduction wouldn't have helped.

The interactions between Vader and Luke would be pretty meaningless unless you knew much of what happened with Luke on Degobah, and then Luke on Bespin.  Much of the Han-Leia-Luke interaction would be rather lame without the opening parts of Empire with the three (on Hoth, in the medical bay) and the growing relationship between Leia and Han.  

Almost everything that happens in Jedi ties back to a setup in Empire.   The extra introduction needed for Jedi *is* almost all of Empire

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: John on August 07, 2002, 06:20:50 PM
I like all three Back To the Future movies, although I think part 2 is my favorite. Some people found it too confusing, but I liked seeing the events of the first movie from a different perspective.

>However I'm a nut for the time/space theory continium stuff. And it didn't fly. If you
>were going to go back to the past and change your future, it would have already
>happened so it didn't make sense that all the changes in his family and lifestyle
>happened the nite he got back from the time travel..they should have always
>been like that.

 I guess we'll have to wait until someone actually travels into the past and tries changing something. At one point I ran across a web site that was selling working time machines, or maybe it was just the plans to build them. I believe he had two models, one that would just send your mind back in time and one that would allow you to travel physically into the past or future. They could only be used on one of the Earth's natural power centers but you had to be careful because the aliens who invented this technology could detect their use and would try to stop you.

 Ok, stop looking at me that way, I swear I'm not making this up...

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: Susan on August 07, 2002, 06:31:46 PM
>>I believe he had two models, one that would just send your mind back in time and one that would allow you to travel physically into the past or future<<

I just want the one to the future - in fact I don't even need to go. All i want is a newspaper 30 years from now. The finance section. ;-)

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: J.R. on August 07, 2002, 07:13:46 PM
I'd go back about thirty years and "invent" the internet and charge royalties to anyone using it. Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: Jay O'Connor on August 07, 2002, 11:37:13 PM
Whatever, Al Gore

Title: Re: Opinons on the Back to the Future Trilogy
Post by: NavySailorX on August 08, 2002, 04:08:42 AM
I have to say that I hated them all. The third was definately the worst.