
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: mr. henry on September 10, 2002, 08:39:44 PM

Title: recent view: The Alien Factor (!!!)
Post by: mr. henry on September 10, 2002, 08:39:44 PM
This movie is a lot of fun in an ed wood kinda way...only with 70s clothes...and a much more coherent storyline...i really recommend it for a good entertaining laugh...a popcorn-mandatory joke-inducing good time:

The Alien Factor - 1977. (DVD) Written and directed by Don Dohler. An alien spacecraft transporting intergallactic zoological specimens crash lands out in the sticks. Two man-in-a-suit-type creatures and a roaming homicidal light-source escape and terrorize a small town. The man-in-a-suit ON STILTS!  has to be seen. Also not to be missed is the semi-transparent stop-motion bug-eyed lizard from space. The town's best hope appears in the form of a mysterious Macguyveresque stranger. Entertaining due to very B-acting and effects, the B-movie world is more fun with the presence of goofy flicks like this one. RECOMMENDED.

anyone else enjoyed this gem?...or able to recommend another don dohler production?

-mr. henry

Title: Re: recent view: The Alien Factor (!!!)
Post by: Andrew on September 10, 2002, 10:17:52 PM
I've seen it.  I cannot say that it holds as near and dear a place in my heart.

Again, as in any number of movies, the creatures can be avoided by walking quickly away from them, but the people seem to refuse to.  The dialog and acting drove me up the wall.  That is mostly due to the sudden "people talking about what is going on scenes" that were inserted.  One minute the movie is plodding along, then suddenly we have people talking.  It was jarring.

I think that it is a single slimer in my book, but can well understand that others may feel differently.  Seeing the "surprise" ending from a mile away did not help matters.

Title: Re: recent view: The Alien Factor (!!!)
Post by: mr. henry on September 10, 2002, 11:58:57 PM
i see where you're coming from...i just found the acting cheesy enough and the effects bad enough to be entertaining...oh boy the're right about the slow monsters that could be walked away from...i just got a kick out of that gotta admit the stilt-walking monster was a trip.

and what about the monster that couldn't be shot, yet a hypodermic needle (shot out of a gun!!!) could penetrate and kill it!

PS: tonight i'm gonna watch my Guru the Mad Monk dvd...oh boy, don dohler followed by an andy milligan chaser...the horror......

-mr. henry

Title: Re: recent view: The Alien Factor (!!!)
Post by: John on September 12, 2002, 02:18:56 PM
>anyone else enjoyed this gem?...or able to recommend another don dohler

 I liked it. This was one of many movies that I read about in Famous Monsters, but never got to see until many years later. BTW, Dohler made two other similar movies (neither of which I've seen), Nightbeast and The Galaxy Invader.

Title: Re: recent view: The Alien Factor (!!!)
Post by: Fearless Freep on September 13, 2002, 10:22:28 PM
It's at the local Hollywood...guess I'll have to give it a look-see-groan