
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Luke Bannon on September 13, 2002, 04:47:16 PM

Title: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Luke Bannon on September 13, 2002, 04:47:16 PM
I'm sure many of you would agree with me that some films are OK on their own without any need for a sequel. Which do you feel belong into this category? Neverending story is definetly one of mine.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: josh patrick on September 13, 2002, 06:14:36 PM
like i said before Highlander, and Planet of the Apes, and Rush Hour, and Gladiator, yes they are making a sequel, Under Seige, Austin Powers. thats about all i can think of and the neverending story 2 and 3 sucks ass i agree.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: J.R. on September 13, 2002, 06:21:01 PM
Return Of The Living Dead.

The Mummy (The first sucked, the second sucked).

Airplane! (The ZAZ team wasn't even involved!)

Superman (well, it should have had sequels, but they should have been good).

Batman (well, it should have had sequels, but they should have been good).
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Chadzilla on September 13, 2002, 06:26:57 PM
Halloween - I mean you couldn't top that, the sequels only proved it.

Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: josh patrick on September 13, 2002, 06:57:18 PM
i dont even acknowledge airplane 2 existance.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: L. Mason on September 13, 2002, 07:39:50 PM
Its hard to pick since some sequels were good while others were total trash.
Well, here goes nothing...

Toxic Avenger (I love Toxie, but the sequels sucked)

Lethal Weapon (Part 2 was iffy, but the rest were s**t)

Highlander (If there can be only one, why were there 4 movies?)

Stars Wars (Ok, I mean PREquels)

Airplane  (Part 2 doesn't exist, part 2 doesn't exist)


Night of the Demon's

Amityville (Past parts 1 and 2, they should have just stopped!  Even though part
                     2 is actually part 1 and....well, thats a whole other topic)

The Exorcist (Has anybody seen The Heretic?  And you admit to it??)
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Fearless Freep on September 13, 2002, 08:10:46 PM
Trancers 3 through5 (and I'm guessing probably 6, but I haven't seen it)

Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: josh patrick on September 13, 2002, 08:18:58 PM
What leathal weapon 2 was awesome and look at my highlander thread you ripped it off.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: L. Mason on September 13, 2002, 08:39:18 PM
Kinda' hard to rip off something I've never even read.  If whatever I wrote sounds like whatever you wrote, oops.  Never even read it.  Well, I'll go read it now.
Ok, read it.  Let's let the people of B-Movie land decide on this.  Just to be fair and not argue, we've all got better things to do.

What Mr. Patrick wrote:
"i like the fist highlander movie, but then they made 3 sequels. the dumbest movies ever made, 2 made no sense and then 3 he was all of a sudden back in time. Endgame was just, well i cant even thing of a word to describe the horrible, wait theres one. There can be only one!"

And what I wrote:
"Highlander (If there can be only one, why were there 4 movies?)"

Did I rip him off?  If so, I will apologize.  If not, then we can all say Whatever as one.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: J.R. on September 13, 2002, 08:40:19 PM
A Nightmare On Elm Street- The first is a dark and original horror/fantasy, but all the sequels just muddy the good reputation of the first.

Ghostbusters- The first was one big oerfectly told joke, did they really think they could match or top it?

Mortal Kombat- The first was just barely passable, the second is too childish for Saturday morning.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: ErikJ on September 13, 2002, 08:54:55 PM
Men in Black-Should have been done but not that way

Hellraiser past 2- The first 2 were great but what the hell was was 3 and 4
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: josh patrick on September 13, 2002, 09:03:29 PM
i wasnt b***hin i was just jokeing damn, Men in black 2 did suck
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: L. Mason on September 13, 2002, 11:02:30 PM
I know, I was just trying to think of an entertaining way to reply and ran out of idea's.  No bad blood, just bad sequels!

I thought of some other one's!

Scream Blackula Scream (Yeah, I'm a HUGE blaxploitation fan)

Children of the Corn 2-? (I lost count after 10)

The Crow 2 and 3 (2 was iffy, 3 was crap)

American Psycho 2 ('nuff said)

I'm sure I'll think of others later.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Mofo Rising on September 13, 2002, 11:09:30 PM
I just thought I'd point out that THE NEVERENDING STORY 2 was actually the storyline from the second half of the book.  Not that I'm defending the movie because, man, that movie sucked.

I'd also like to point out that I think THE EXORCIST III is a damn good movie.

My contributions were already pointed out.  THE AMITYVILLE HORROR and CHILDREN OF THE CORN should never have had sequels made.  Mostly because I forced myself to sit though all movies in both series.

CHILDREN OF THE CORN II deserves special derision.  It was made almost ten years after the first.  If nobody had thought to make it, we wouldn't have seven films out now.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: josh patrick on September 13, 2002, 11:26:29 PM
the scream movies there should have only been one they all sucked, really bad. i saw the first thinking it was going to be good, it sucked. i saw the second thinking, hey maybe wes did better this time quess what.........nope. i saw the third thinking hey third times the its NOT. i dont see what the big deal about these movies was they all sucked ass.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: ErikJ on September 13, 2002, 11:37:17 PM
josh patrick wrote:
> the scream movies there should have only been one they all
> sucked, really bad. i saw the first thinking it was going to
> be good, it sucked. i saw the second thinking, hey maybe wes
> did better this time quess what.........nope. i saw the third
> thinking hey third times the its NOT. i
> dont see what the big deal about these movies was they all
> sucked ass.

You are so right on that
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Phantosmos on September 14, 2002, 01:03:30 AM
Erik is right.  Those Scream sequels were monotonous and stupid.  As for other movies that should not have had sequels, some would include:

The Neverending Story - The first film is one of the best fantasy films ever conceived.  Now, the second film is not really all that bad as a general movie, but it has no place as a sequel.  I did not see the third one, but I'm sure it is dreadful, or so I've heard.

Friday the 13th - The first film wasn't even very good, but 9 sequels?  I rest my case.

Nightmare on Elm Street - Although I liked "Wes Craven's New Nightmare", these should have been halted after the second movie.

The Howling - Now this is strange, because the first film and the fifth film happen to be the only good movies in the entire canon.  Usually, sequels get progressively worse, but the 5th movie happened to be quite interesting.  I cannot say the same for the rest, and the latest one, "New Moon Rising", is easily on my list of the Top 10 Worst Films Ever Made (see my post to view the other 9).

National Lampoon's Vacation - The first movie was funny, and the Christmas film was okay, but the Griswald's European and Vegas adventures were absurd.

Halloween - The first film is probably one of the greatest horror films ever made.  The sequels all stink.  There is not a decent one amongst them.

Jaws - I don't think I even need to mention this.

Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: J.R. on September 14, 2002, 02:13:43 AM
Police Academy- the first was lame, so six sequels were made. Wha?
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Luke Bannon on September 14, 2002, 05:58:54 AM
I know what you did last summer. I wasn't impressed that much with the first but the second... UGH! Or Tremors. The first is one of my favorites but was a sequel necessary?
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: M.G.A. on September 14, 2002, 10:09:02 AM
The new movie "Time Machine" really sucked!
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Luke Bannon on September 14, 2002, 10:38:39 AM
Another one is Escape from LA. Ok, Bruce Campbell was good in it (as usual) and Kurt Russel was too but apart from that it was rotten.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: josh patrick on September 14, 2002, 10:53:12 AM
What Escape from L.A. was awesome and bruce was hardly in, only the skilled b-movie trained eye could catch him. I know Escape from L.A. was cheesy and everything, but thats why it was so cool. The ending was interesting too, ok its basicly the same as the first one, but who cares watch it for what it is and i will promise you WILL enjoy it. Tremors 2 was cool too, although 3 sucked.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: John on September 15, 2002, 12:07:20 AM
>What Escape from L.A. was awesome

 I ddn't think it was anywhere near as good as Escape from New York. It had some good parts, but most of it was silly, like a parody of the first movie. The first one was mostly believable, but the second was too far fetched (I don't mean the plot, but the details).
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Susan on September 15, 2002, 03:09:01 PM
Exorcist II  - simply an abomination

Creepshow II

Grease II

Staying Alive

An American Werewolf in Paris

Psycho ( any sequel, pick one)

Robocop (any sequel)

Pet Semetary 2 (aka: what the hell where they thinking)

Carrie 2

Teen Wolf, Too! (come to think of it we didn't need to see the first one)

Weekend at Bernies 2

jaws 3D was bad, but it can't top "Jaws: The Revenge"

I kinda wanna add stuff like Porky's and Meatballs to this list but that would be admitting the originals had some redeaming quality to them. ;-)

Nightmare on Elm street shouldn't have had sequels - tho the last one was the absolute worst. I agree with most of the suggestions above

Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Luke Bannon on September 15, 2002, 03:47:20 PM
The leprechaun films should have stopped after 3. I know no-one likes the first but some liked the 2nd and many agree the 3rd was the 'best' (not saying much) but after that an already woeful series (except for Davis' fine performances as the green meanie) really sunk low. I mean Leprechaun in space and in the hood? And now they're making back in the hood, come on! One good thing though it's giving Davis work and pay cheques.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: John on September 16, 2002, 02:45:11 AM
>Creepshow II

 It had its moments. The killer oil slick was pretty good and based on one of King's short stories.

>Grease II

 Without it, Michelle Pfeiffer probably wouldn't have a career today. Besides she was hot in that movie and it automatically gets points for not having John Revolta in it.

>Weekend at Bernies 2

 This one I don't agree with at all, I thought it was hilarious. "Swim with the fishes you zombie bastard!"
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Susan on September 16, 2002, 11:55:10 AM
>The killer oil slick was pretty good and based on one of King's short stories<<

Yeah, it was probably the only segment from that film that I can even say was descent however. It just didn't need to be done.

As for Grease II - to each his own, that movie is horrendous...whether a chick was "hot" in it or not. Awful music, very bad plot, rehashing of same gags, aged actors, and the lead actor was so bad. Some movies don't need sequels (whether they're good to begin with or not) Amityville horror for example..and didn't "the birds" even have sequels or remakes or something?

Here's another sequel from hell: "Troll 2"

So, who's look forward to the sequel for "Battlefield Earth"?

Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Mofo Rising on September 16, 2002, 01:48:32 PM
Susan wrote:

> Some movies don't need sequels
> (whether they're good to begin with or not) Amityville horror
> for example..and didn't "the birds" even have sequels or
> remakes or something?

I'll never get over watching all of the AMITYVILLE movies.

And THE BIRDS did indeed have a sequel.  A made-for-TV gem called THE BIRDS II: LANDS END.  Wait, did I say gem?  I meant "lump of coal".  It was mostly about some stupid couple's boring marriage problems.  It also had Tippi Hedren in a role unrelated to her's in the previous movie.  An "Alan Smithee" film.

> Here's another sequel from hell: "Troll 2"

I derive untold joy from just how bad TROLL 2 is.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Chadzilla on September 16, 2002, 02:39:43 PM
Mofo Rising wrote:
> And THE BIRDS did indeed have a sequel.  A made-for-TV gem
> called THE BIRDS II: LANDS END.  Wait, did I say gem?  I
> meant "lump of coal".  It was mostly about some stupid
> couple's boring marriage problems.  It also had Tippi Hedren
> in a role unrelated to her's in the previous movie.  An "Alan
> Smithee" film.
I wrote a review of The Birds 2 over at scifilm

read it, if you dare.  Alan Smithee subbed for director Rick (Halloween: Resurrection) Rosenthal.  Seems that when he took the project he was allowed to rewrite a terrible script.  However, a day or two prior to filming Rosenthal was informed by the producers that he had to go with the original script and not the one he had had altered, so he made the movie sans credit as it was not a movie had agreed to make.  Frankly I would have walked completely.

Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Andrew on September 16, 2002, 07:49:53 PM
Chadzilla wrote:
>so he made the movie sans credit as it was not a movie had agreed to make.  >Frankly I  would have walked completely.

He probably had a mortgage payment due, or something like that.  Poor fellow.

Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: K-Sonic on September 17, 2002, 12:48:28 AM
King Kong (1933 & 1976)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Friday the 13th
Blood Feast
The Devil Bat
Scary Movie
The Hills Have Eyes
Creature from the Black Lagoon
The Abominable Dr. Phibes
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Malus Diabolus on September 17, 2002, 08:02:03 AM
The Omen 2-4. (yes, they made a four- "made for tv movie" that starred a little girl and her unborn twin who lived inside her.

Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Cullen on September 17, 2002, 08:28:39 AM
" a little girl and her unborn twin who lived inside her"

That sounds like one of those "Very Special" episodes.  You know, the kind the whole family should see.

Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Luke Bannon on September 17, 2002, 11:56:38 AM
Sounds real good. Not.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Vermin Boy on September 17, 2002, 05:21:04 PM
I actually thought Son of Kong had an interesting premise-- the filmmaker who brought Kong back has to deal with all the lawsuits-- but they never did anything with it.

I'm holding out judgement on Blood Feast 2 until I actually see it. True, it didn't *need* a sequel, but at the very least it's nice to see HGL back in the director's chair.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: XxSilverHxX on September 18, 2002, 01:52:53 PM
Free Willy
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Babydoll on September 18, 2002, 02:54:14 PM
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Luke Bannon on September 18, 2002, 03:54:35 PM
Hmm, Flipper.
Title: Re: Smokey and the Bandit
Post by: AndyC on September 18, 2002, 04:27:55 PM
Amazingly enough, there was one movie not mentioned. Smokey and the Bandit was one of my favourites, but the sequels sucked. Not only did they just rehash the same story and the same jokes, they just got progressively more stupid.

The original was somewhat believable, or at least my disbelief could be easily suspended. A pair of southern tycoons make a big-money bet with a has-been legendary trucker to bootleg a load of beer. The trucker enlists/coerces his more responsible buddy, who has settled down with a wife and kids. Along the way, through some unusual circumstances, they pick up a bride fleeing a wedding, and attract the attention of her would-be father-in-law, a stereotypical southern cracker sheriff who brings all of law enforcement down on them. The performances are funny, the action is done well, and the story is pretty good.

Then we got the exact same story, but with elephants, and stuffed fish and Dom deLuise doing accents, and Sheriff Justice went from caricature to full-blown cartoon character. Burt Reynolds only shows up for a cameo in the third movie, and Jerry Reed becomes the bandit, and the Enoses are making bets with the sheriff. Aaaaaaagh!
Title: Re: Smokey and the Bandit Part 3
Post by: Chadzilla on September 18, 2002, 05:02:25 PM
Few things indeed can match the horror that is Smokey and the Bandit Part 3, would you believe I had the soundtrack back in the day?


"Buford T. Justice, fearless law of Texas.
The man who chased The Bandit coast to coast.
Buford T. Justice, now you've gone and left us.
Where are you Justice when we need you the most?"

I feel so bad for Jackie Gleason, the Great One reduced to THAT.

And just what was the item that the ersatz Bandit and the retired Justice were chasing each other all over Florida for in Part 3?

Title: Re: Smokey and the Bandit Part 3
Post by: raj on September 18, 2002, 05:23:17 PM
Chadzilla wrote:

> And just what was the item that the ersatz Bandit and the
> retired Justice were chasing each other all over Florida for
> in Part 3?

The last shred of their dignity.

I guess you can throw Cannon Ball Run II in this bin as well.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Fearless Freep on September 18, 2002, 05:58:36 PM
I guess you can throw Cannon Ball Run II in this bin as well.

I throw the first one in as well.

Gimmee "Gumball Ralley" any day

Title: Re: Smokey and the Bandit Part 3
Post by: Chadzilla on September 18, 2002, 06:36:30 PM
Well, actually, it was big plastic shark (I think it was the baby shark prop from Jaws 3-D, released that same year).

When asked if he had every cried while watching a movie, Jackie Gleason responded "While watching one of the Smokey and the Bandit movies."

I'll take a wild guess that it was this one.

Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: AndyC on September 18, 2002, 07:34:38 PM
I liked the first Cannonball Run. I would say that and the original Smokey and the Bandit were Hal Needham's only real successes as a director. They're the ones people remember anyway.

Speaking of Needham, imagine what Megaforce 2 might have been like. Now, try to sleep with that horrifying image in your mind.
Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: Susan on September 19, 2002, 11:59:33 AM
Not that it was great, but the RAMBO sequels progressively sucked harder

Title: Re: Movies that should not have had sequels.
Post by: The Burgomaster on September 20, 2002, 04:43:27 PM
How about sequels that were better than the original?
Title: Re: Superior Sequels
Post by: Chadzilla on September 20, 2002, 06:10:29 PM
Sequels that improve upon the source material...

The Bride of Frankenstein
The Godfather, Part II

are routinely offered up as examples of improving on the films they sequelize.

And I still say The Empire Strikes Back is the only Star Wars movie for grown-ups and well worth watching, even if you hate the first one.

Aliens is a solid piece of work.

I think those are the cream of the crop, their might be one or two oversights.

Title: Re: Superior Sequels
Post by: Luke Bannon on September 20, 2002, 07:11:25 PM
While I like The Evil Dead I may have to say Evil Dead 2 is superior. I know I am probably gonna get the s**t ripped out of me for saying that but I think that. I would also agree with Empire, even though I liked all of the Star Wars Trilogy. Plus many of the other Star Trek movies were better then the motion picture. Another would be Return of the Killer Tomatoes. I know that last one may be debatable depending on whether you liked the first or not. Some say, as I have documented earlier, they feel Leprechaun 3 was better then the first (not too hard if you ask me.) However I would need to sit down and think a bit before I come up with other replies.
Title: Re: Superior Sequels
Post by: AndyC on September 21, 2002, 09:16:32 AM
I thought the Die Hard sequels were at least as good as the original, if not better. With a Vengeance is my favourite of the three.

I think the difference might be in not making just another movie, but in having characters who can be sent on continuing adventures. That's why the Bond movies have worked for years, because they are the continuing adventures of James Bond, and not just Dr. No 2,3,4,5.......  If the movie is too plot-driven, without good characters, or the characters are just not suited for a variety of continuing adventures that are significantly different from the first (with a few similarities of course), a good sequel is not possible.

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Superior Sequels
Post by: Luke Bannon on September 21, 2002, 09:43:51 AM
I agree with your opinions. That and at times if the original sucked on its own.