
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Sam on May 09, 2003, 01:53:50 PM

Title: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Sam on May 09, 2003, 01:53:50 PM
The Exorcist- I can't stand this movie, and on everyones list of scary movies this always tops it. I just can't see why

E.T. -I've always hated that little bastard and his crappy movie

One Flew over the Cucuckoos nest- Pure crap, and not even good crap but, that agonizing crap that just takes forever to come out and when it does it's just so painfull that  it lasts all day long.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Fearless Freep on May 09, 2003, 02:04:39 PM
None come to mind.  Life's too short to worry about hating things.  If I don't like something then I don't like it, but I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it or worrying that I'm supposed to like it because others do or whatever.

Sorry, but I hang out here because I enjoy bad movies and stuff most people don't like and like to talk about what I like and hear from others about what they've enjoyed that I might enjoy seeing.

Reading threads where people complain about what they hate just kinda depresses me and seems to run counter-intuitive to what this forum is all about

Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: raj on May 09, 2003, 02:09:41 PM
Out of Africa.  Mom & sis loved this movie, because of the book.  I found it to be slow and the main characters unsympathetic.  If it is so goddamn hard to make a living in Africa, go back to Denmark.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: The Burgomaster on May 09, 2003, 05:04:07 PM
First, I must say to Sam that I am one of the people who likes the movies that he hates. I think THE EXORCIST and CUCKOO'S NEST  are classics. I have my problems with ET, but I can't say that I hate it.

Anyway, here is my brief list:

* All STAR WARS movies. I don't really hate them, but I don't worship them nearly as much as most people. For sci-fi, I'd prefer to watch WAR OF THE WORLDS any day.

* Most movies that have some sort of "lore" to them that a bunch of nerdy guys know about and argue about all the time. EXAMPLE:

Nerd #1: "No, Girmax's father was a wood elf and he was the only descendant of Pava-Muli who knew the whereabouts of the Book of Suffering."

Nerd #2: "That's impossible. Xiran also knew the whereabouts of the Book of Suffering because Gugamel the Wizard conjured up a vision of it before he was cast into the Pit of Eternal Woe."

Nerd #1: "Yes, but that was only after he learned that Tipineus was really the king's brother."

Nerd #2: "Actually, he was only the king's half-brother. He killed the king's real brother in order to gain access to the Valley of Sorrow."

Nerd #1: "But he lost his sister's locket in the valley when he was trying to recover the Sword of 1,000 Burdens."


* SCREAM. When it first came out, everyone was saying, "It's so scary. You have to see it." So I did. What I saw was a guy running around wearing a mask and carrying a knife. Geez, where have I seen THAT before?

Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Bernie on May 09, 2003, 05:16:02 PM
Terms of Endearment.  Most cynically manipulative piece of crap I've ever seen.  I left the theater outraged (how stupid is that??).
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 09, 2003, 06:24:04 PM
Legally Blonde(men in black killing extraterrestrials?OK.Medieval midgets in search of possessed rings?Believable.But a bimbo being accepted at a Harvard-like university?NOW f**kING WAY!),
40 Days And 40 Nights(movies gloryfing a guy NOT getting laid are a capital sin),
Batman And Robin(look at me,I´m George Clooney!Now I´m George Clooney dressed as Batman!Jeez....),
Battlefield Earth(the aliens are supposed to speak in a foreign language,but they speak perfect,undertandable English!),
Charlie´s Angels(I hate whory,lesbianic b***hes),
Chasing Amy(not enough Jay and Silent Bob),
American Beauty(stupid hippie s**t,how this turd won an Oscar anyway?),
Shallow Hal(I DON´T get turned on by fat chicks),
The Lizzie McGuire Movie(their fans hate Kevin Smith.Enough reason for me to not like this movie)
The Goonies(this movie ain´t bad,but it left me psychologically scarred),
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake(nuff said,really)
The Punisher remake(ditto),
Dumb And Dumberer(the third sign of the Apocalypse)
Final Fantasy(this has WHAT to do with the video game?)
Reign Of Fire(they crapped it up when they said"dragons are not magical"),
Spice World(the horror.The horror),
The Mexican(the eleventh commandment:"Thou shall not use either Brad Pitt or Edward Norton in crappy movies")

They are all.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: illcos on May 09, 2003, 08:19:58 PM
'a clockwork orange'

my expectations were too high i think.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: illcos on May 09, 2003, 08:22:21 PM
'spice world' is awesome - i used to work at a video store and that was the perfect movie to play if you didn't want anyone in the store.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Dave: Blackeye15 on May 09, 2003, 09:29:21 PM
Can I put a movie that I like but almost everyone else hates:
The live action "Guyver" movies (ok that movie'S)

-the first rule of fat club-
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Creepozoid on May 09, 2003, 10:33:19 PM
Just about any movie that won a major Academy award comes to mind.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: ErikJ on May 09, 2003, 11:08:05 PM
The Evil Dead series- I know I'll catch heat for it but I can't stand these movies.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Foywonder on May 09, 2003, 11:08:22 PM
I love GUYVER 2: DARK HERO. Like an R-rated Power Rangers. Still not as good as the anime though.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Feathertop on May 09, 2003, 11:14:46 PM
You won't catch Hell from me for it. I liked the original Evil Dead but I thought the sequels got too silly and self-consciously "cute", the same qualities that I felt eventually downgraded Raimi and company's Hercules and Xena T.V. shows (to say nothing of the execrable "Jack of All Trades"! )
A little cutesy humor goes a long way with me and after awhile in Army of Darkness my wife and I started rolling our eyes and saying "Yeah, it's ANOTHER visual reference to ANOTHER movie! We GET IT already! "
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Matthew Sullivan on May 09, 2003, 11:37:25 PM
Forrest Gump:  How can ONE man do all of THAT in one lifetime?  And if you bad mouth the film, people will think that something is wrong with you.  You can't win an argument about this film.

Title: f**king forest gump
Post by: MoonShadow on May 10, 2003, 04:10:52 PM
I f**kin' hate Forrest Gump too, you are not alone! I find that move offensive. "Run forest, run....." I was hoping he'd get run over by the goddamn truck! In a similair vein, every scene in Titanic not involving the ship sinking, or that had that rotten bastard DiCaprio in it was agony (too bad he wasn't eaten by critters during the filming of Critters 3 huh?)
  I also LOATHE Dancer in the dark, which all the critics love. It might have something to do with the fact that I can't stand Bjørk's music, but then again, it might just be a s**tty movie that's been mistaken for a work of genuis... Absolutely terrifyingly horrible.
Title: Re: f**king forest gump
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 10, 2003, 05:30:30 PM
I like Forrest Gump.It´s a nice,cute movie,and truly deserved the Oscars it won.

Another movie I hate with a passion is"Hedwig And The Angry Inch",but because I´m a homop`hobic(ie.I HATE gays).
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: SkullNinja on May 10, 2003, 11:58:35 PM
Gone With the Wind. They want to make it better? Put Jason Voorhees in it next time.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Dolph Lundgren on May 12, 2003, 06:35:01 PM
I'm definitely with Matthew and MoonShadow.  Forrest Gump was the first movie that popped into my head when I saw this topic.  Words can't describe how much I hate this movie.  Even Dolph couldn't have saved this one, unless he showed up for no good reason and killed Forrest.  I guess the reason I hate it so much is because everyone who's seen it (i.e. the entire world) feels the need to quote endlessly from it, complete with the Forrest accent.  Like we haven't seen the movie before and need to be reminded of its splendid dialogue.  

Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 12, 2003, 06:45:34 PM
Also,the movie Manhunter.



Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Brother Ragnarok on May 13, 2003, 02:08:23 AM
DIE THE MATRIX! (William Gibson did it twenty years ago)
DIE FAST AND THE FURIOUS! (Japanese cars are NOT COOL and Ja does NOT RULE)
DIE ZOOLANDER (oh wait, no one else liked that one either...)
DIE-TANIC! (like you wouldn't have said it if you were me)

Brother R

Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: wycked nick on May 13, 2003, 02:27:59 AM
Any Adam Sandler movie( hey Sandler your no longer on SNL so stop acting like your in one of its stupid skits)
Any of the Austin Power sequals.the first one kicked ass but the sequals sucked.It was just the same jokes done over and over.
Mars Attacks
Resident Evil(god damn you Paul Anderson I hope you burn for this movie)
Reign of Fire
Dracula 2000
Akira.normally I love anime but this move was gay
Me My self and Irene my IQ droped because of this movie.
Freddy got Fingered.Further lowered my IQ
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: trala-log on May 13, 2003, 04:10:24 AM
i really liked exorcist...

i hate boondock saints, space odessy, fast and the furious, xXx, pitch black,
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: raj on May 13, 2003, 09:05:23 AM
Who liked Reign of Fire or Freddy Got Fingered?  RoF was a big disappointment, and let us not even speak of Freddy, Tom Green might just hear us and try to outdo himself.
Title: movies i forgot to mention
Post by: wyckednick on May 13, 2003, 09:25:25 AM
Scream pop culture bulls**t
starwars episode 1 and 2
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 13, 2003, 12:50:36 PM
I liked"The Fast And The Furious"and"XXX".

I hated"Austin Powers:The Spy Who Shagged Me".Too gross and stupid for my taste.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: jmc on May 13, 2003, 03:13:59 PM
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Dave: Blackeye15 on May 13, 2003, 03:18:15 PM
Aw man JMC hates "Dead Alive", oh well, and you hate "Army of Darkness" well that's a littie more believable. When I rented "Red Neck Zombies" I didn't like it that much.

-the first rule of fat club-
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 13, 2003, 07:45:45 PM
Showtime.God how I hate that movie.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Sam on May 13, 2003, 07:47:28 PM
Other movies I can't stand, Rocky Horror Picture Show and the Night of the Living Dead trilogy. I love all other Zombie films but, those 3 I just couldn't stand
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 13, 2003, 07:52:05 PM
American Beauty.Exactly WHAT does people see in this crapfest?
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Vermin Boy on May 13, 2003, 09:12:31 PM
I couldn't get into Basket Case. From what I had heard, I went in expecting a Peter Jackson-style splatter comedy. It just didn't strike me as terribly funny (though I'd be willing to give it a second chance). I loved Henenlotter's Frankenhooker, though.

Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 13, 2003, 09:19:22 PM
Hey,Vermin Boy,what´s your take on the current Grudge Match?:

Neo(from"The Matrix")VS Bugs Bunny
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Paquita on May 14, 2003, 12:43:27 AM
saggy boobs
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Vermin Boy on May 14, 2003, 07:21:33 AM
Gotta go with Bugs... Tough as Keanu & pals are, they can never touch the Mentos-level coolness of the uber-bunny. :)

Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: raj on May 14, 2003, 10:32:33 AM
How about the terminator from T2 v. Daffy Duck.  Both very hard to kill, and Daffy's been shot, blown up, hit with anvils, etc.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: jmc on May 14, 2003, 12:35:47 PM
I hate splatter comedies--basically, I don't like "horror" films where it's obvious no one is in serious jeopardy.  I don't like Wild Zero either for the same reason.  

I did like Bad Taste, maybe because of the novelty of it at the time.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 14, 2003, 09:50:57 PM

What does people see in this crapfest,ferchristsake!!!

And they are gonna releae a sequel!Oh the pain,the pain...
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Sam on May 14, 2003, 10:13:34 PM
Johnny, at least you weren't stuck on a plane with this movie. Man, I'm almost always stuck on a plane with a bad movie, especially last time with the Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood. Oh man after 5 minutes I quickly shifted over to listen to the airplane radio
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 14, 2003, 10:17:41 PM
Yeah,I know,"Divine Secrets..."is also dreadful.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Sven A on May 16, 2003, 01:56:53 PM
I found Undercover Blues almost unbearable
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 16, 2003, 02:00:57 PM
Legally Blonde.What a dumb piece of s**t!A bimbo accepted in an elitist university?I don´t think so...

And they´re gonna release a sequel!The horror...the horror...
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Funk, E. on May 16, 2003, 03:48:55 PM
Speaking of the Matrix... Not only have I come to loath the dreaded "bullet time" effect, but it's metaphysics is very sloppy.
Title: Re: Movies I disliked.
Post by: Chadzilla on May 16, 2003, 05:26:22 PM
The movie that fills me with the most dread to even contemplate watching it again is Forrest Gump (which has already been mentioned).  I think the subtle message of the movie is sadastically callous - that to be a success in America you need to be an unquestioning moron that does what he's told.  I remember sitting there and thinking what an evil sack of lies the movie was...

E.T. - While I can appreciate the technical artistry of the original (that reissue never happened, IMHO), it remains an overly manipulative and ultimately pointless exercise in tearjerking to me.  Even my 8 year old son frowns at the thought was sitting through it again.  As far as I am concerned Spielberg hasn't made a technically great film since Raiders of the Lost Ark, though I can appreciate the thrill ride fun of the Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park movies.

Sweet November - I so wanted to put my foot through the screen after getting subjected to maudlin love lessons taught to Keanu Reeves by a self absorbed and not surprisingly terminally ill angelic being.  Pass the barf bag and give me an honest love story, pronto.

There are others, but they are cowering in the debris that litters my cluttered mind.

Title: Re: Movies I disliked.
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 16, 2003, 07:13:50 PM
HEY!E.T. rules,a***ole!
Title: Re: Movies I disliked.
Post by: Chadzilla on May 16, 2003, 07:18:05 PM
Johnny Blister wrote:

> HEY!E.T. rules,a***ole!

Not in my book troll, which is just what you are if you choose the childish route of insulting those that do not share your opinion.  My reasons for not liking it as much as everybody else remain unchanged, despite your lengthy and spirited argument in the film's defense.

Title: Re: Movies I disliked.
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 16, 2003, 07:19:57 PM
What´s not to like?It´s a cute,touching story of a boy and his alien buddy,with top-notch FX and the best director at the helm.

And call me a troll.
Title: Re: Movies I disliked.
Post by: Chadzilla on May 16, 2003, 07:27:06 PM
I'll repeat my comment - While I can appreciate the technical artistry of the original (that reissue never happened, IMHO), it remains an overly manipulative and ultimately pointless exercise in tearjerking to me.

Yes the movie is a well made fairy tale.  Nonetheless I found Spielberg's handling of the movie too manipulative to enjoy more than one viewing (believe me, I've tried).  The movie is so cloyingly sweet that I need an insulin IV to even think about it.  It doesn't work for me.  I prefer Alien.

Title: Re: Movies I disliked.
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 16, 2003, 07:29:43 PM
It´s a family movie.But sdo you really consider a movie where the protagonist calls his buddy"penis breath"THAT sweet?
Title: Re: Movies I disliked.
Post by: Chadzilla on May 16, 2003, 07:38:28 PM
s**t man, when I was Elliot's age we kids called each other worse things than that.  Believe me.  Nothing more to say about it.  Bye-bye.

Title: Re: Movies I disliked.
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 16, 2003, 07:43:20 PM
"Shrek"and"The Muppet Movie"proved that family movies CAN be good.

But my friend here(Simon Croix)says that you say that because you like gory slasher,and that E.T. is a work of art.
Title: Re: Movies I disliked.
Post by: Chadzilla on May 16, 2003, 07:53:32 PM
Your 'friend' is mistaken on both levels - my tastes are extremely varied and E.T. is not a work of art.  Just an artfully manipulative tearjerker.  One that gets more and more boring with each viewing.  I find the idea of sitting through The Color Purple or Empire of the Sun more inviting.

Title: Re: Movies I disliked.
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 16, 2003, 08:07:32 PM
OK,to each his own.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Fearless Freep on May 17, 2003, 02:25:46 PM
Just an artfully manipulative tearjerker.

I would submit that most movies are intended to be manipulative in one way or another.  Slashers/horror movies are heavily manipulative, as are 'chick flicks', just in different directions.  I don't mind a movie being manipulative; I sorta suspect that at some level any director is trying to manipulate my emotions in some way, otherwise I wouldn't care about their movie. It's just a matter if they are going in the same direction I want to go.  If they are?  great.  If not?  *shrug* I go elsewhere.  No harm done.

If a movie is manipulative and successful, it just means that a lot of people wanted their emotions maniuplated in that way and the movie did it effectively.  Who am I to say they're all wrong?

Post Edited (05-17-03 14:26)
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Vermin Boy on May 17, 2003, 02:54:56 PM
I've never quite seen why people rank "Bride of the Monster" up there with "Plan 9" and "Glen or Glenda?" Sure, Bela and Tor are pretty funny, and it has its moments, but I didn't think it was anywhere near as amazing as Wood's other stuff.

Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: jmc on May 18, 2003, 11:53:02 AM
Amazing how?  

I thought NIGHT OF  THE GHOULS was Wood's most "amazing" in terms of badness.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Johnny Blister on May 18, 2003, 11:56:08 AM
To me,Ed Wood did only three movies:Glenn Or Glenda,Bride Of The Monster and Plan 9 From Outer Space.

You decided which is superior.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: jmc on May 18, 2003, 12:42:55 PM
For me GLEN OR GLENDA is just too bad to even watch.  I've only seen it once and could hardly get through it.  So I guess that's the superior film in the bad movie sense, but least entertaining.    But I agree that it's his most personal film.  That's part of the problem.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Vermin Boy on May 18, 2003, 12:53:23 PM
Amazing in the sense of nonsensical dialogue, glaring mistakes, bizarre personal flairs, etc. Those are all present in Bride of the Monster, but not quite on the same level as in Plan 9 and Glenda (I still haven't seen Night of the Ghouls, but I will the first chance I get). Maybe it was just the wavelength I was on when I watched it, but it didn't seem that much better or worse than most of Lugosi's movies at the time.

Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: claws on April 19, 2011, 04:19:26 AM
I don't exactly hate Day of the Dead (1985) but it certainly is my least favorite Romero movie. Everybody seems to love it, some even prefer it over Dawn of the Dead.


Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008)

Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Olivia Bauer on April 19, 2011, 09:58:48 AM
Jesus Christ! What's with all the guests on this thread?

-Fifth Element
-Wizard of Oz
-Most "Modern" Comedy films
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Rev. Powell on April 19, 2011, 10:07:17 AM
Quote from: A.J. Bauer on April 19, 2011, 09:58:48 AM
Jesus Christ! What's with all the guests on this thread?

Look at the dates of the posts. 


I don't hate THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION but I do think it has to be the most overrated picture in history.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Olivia Bauer on April 19, 2011, 03:26:59 PM
I thought it was new seeing that I made a thread on the opposite. I didn't look at the date. Looks like someone brought a fossil back to life. 2003, holy crap... I was still little.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Allhallowsday on April 20, 2011, 02:35:51 PM
Quote from: A.J. Bauer on April 19, 2011, 09:58:48 AM
Jesus Christ! What's with all the guests on this thread?
Look at how old the postings are...
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: 66Crush on April 23, 2011, 10:05:59 PM
Never got into "Jurassic Park," sorry, I'm not that much into the dinosaurs. I hate those tragic Oscar-worthy films that use the same 10 over-rated actors over and over again like "Titanic." I just don't care! Decaprio annoys me. I hate anything with Brad Pitt in it! That guy may not be the worst actor in the world, but his is without a doubt the worst actor that ever recieved such high praise. I'm one of about three people in the world that hated "Inglorious Bastards." I put aside the fact that Brad was in it, and tried to just enjoy it as a movie but I just couldn't. I hate to see a movie that's trying so hard to look important. That whole movie was just a big gaping vagina with a tattoo over it that said "Insert Oscar Here!" Hollywood is the ultimate high school. The cool kids are picked by the powers that be and you don't mess with them. Directors don't have much freedom because they are afraid of the powerful actors they cast. Kevin Smith told a story about being afraid of Bruce Willis that made me want to vomit! F--k Bruce Willis. I'd fire his ass and tell Hollywood to f--k off if I got blacklisted! I'd rather make independent films than to have to s--k some a--hole stars d--k!
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Psycho Circus on April 24, 2011, 05:16:57 AM
Pulp Fiction

Kill Bill
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Rev. Powell on April 24, 2011, 11:54:24 AM
Based on my experience in another thread, BEVERLY HILLS COP, FOOTLOOSE, POLICE ACADEMY...
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: bob on April 24, 2011, 11:56:33 AM
The Lord of the Rings triology and The Wizard of Oz.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Leah on April 24, 2011, 02:33:33 PM
Citizen Kane, I just hate how the result of the construction of it came out.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: InformationGeek on April 25, 2011, 10:28:01 AM
We have a lot of these threads, that even go back pretty far.

Blade Runner: Hate isn't the right word though.  I just don't get it.  I get why everyone loves the special effects, but just don't see why its so beloved.  The acting is forgettable, scenes seem to go on, there was a plot hole or two, some characters don't seem to have much purpose even though it seems like they should, and the story was just not interesting.  Some say if you watch it more, you get, but if you don't interest me enough the first time around to see it again, then the movie failed in some way to make me care about it.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: bob on April 25, 2011, 10:56:45 AM
Kill Bill Volume 2: I just hate how Uma THurman's character goes from a psycho kickass woman to wanting to play mommy. It kills it for me.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Rev. Powell on April 25, 2011, 11:18:22 AM
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Psycho Circus on April 25, 2011, 11:19:25 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on April 25, 2011, 11:18:22 AM
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Leah on April 25, 2011, 01:02:43 PM
Quote from: InformationGeek on April 25, 2011, 10:28:01 AM
We have a lot of these threads, that even go back pretty far.

Blade Runner: Hate isn't the right word though.  I just don't get it.  I get why everyone loves the special effects, but just don't see why its so beloved.  The acting is forgettable, scenes seem to go on, there was a plot hole or two, some characters don't seem to have much purpose even though it seems like they should, and the story was just not interesting.  Some say if you watch it more, you get, but if you don't interest me enough the first time around to see it again, then the movie failed in some way to make me care about it.
it's a neo-noir film, that even I can't get. :lookingup:
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Psycho Circus on April 25, 2011, 01:18:55 PM
Quote from: El Toro Loco on April 25, 2011, 01:02:43 PM
Quote from: InformationGeek on April 25, 2011, 10:28:01 AM
We have a lot of these threads, that even go back pretty far.

Blade Runner: Hate isn't the right word though.  I just don't get it.  I get why everyone loves the special effects, but just don't see why its so beloved.  The acting is forgettable, scenes seem to go on, there was a plot hole or two, some characters don't seem to have much purpose even though it seems like they should, and the story was just not interesting.  Some say if you watch it more, you get, but if you don't interest me enough the first time around to see it again, then the movie failed in some way to make me care about it.
it's a neo-noir film, that even I can't get. :lookingup:

You kids eh?  :lookingup:

Give the novel (Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?) a read, then maybe give it another go in a few years. It's a film with a dreamlike quality, neo-noir means it has modern elements and ideas not present in early 40s-60s noir (crime dramas) movies, with a dark leaning. It's simply a snap-shot of a distant future world, where nobody is quite sure of their place or even their own reality. I'll agree that the story takes a back seat to the visuals, but a complex and interesting universe was created that has given rise to many debates years after Blade Runner hit the cinemas. I think with you young dudes, it just comes down to taste, it's not your taste, it's not that pacy, unlikeable characters - fine. But it's worth high praise IMO, and that's just off the back of Rutger Hauer's performance alone, plus it is still the most visually stunning piece of film I have ever seen. I just don't see it as intelligent to say you hate something when you admit you don't even understand it and can't explain why...
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Flick James on April 25, 2011, 01:21:55 PM
B-movie/horror fans tend to like Friday the 13th movies, but I've never been able to get into a single one of them.
Title: Re: Movies everyone else loves but, you hate
Post by: Rev. Powell on April 25, 2011, 01:24:25 PM
Quote from: Flick James on April 25, 2011, 01:21:55 PM
B-movie/horror fans tend to like Friday the 13th movies, but I've never been able to get into a single one of them.

Me either, or slashers in general.  They have to be pretty horrible and incompetent for me to get any kind of enjoyment out of them.