
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Jamtoy on August 18, 2003, 11:33:00 AM

Title: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: Jamtoy on August 18, 2003, 11:33:00 AM
Just moved to Dallas/Fort Worth, TX and discovered that cable was too expensive for me right now.  So with the old rabbit ears on the TV, I only get a few local channels.  My wife discovered a TV show that comes on Friday nights that has brightened up our once boring evening : Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week.   This coming week he is showing "Blood Creature."  A movie that calls itself so terrifying that a bell will sound to warn the weak at heart of a scene that might be too horrifying to view.  

Friday night is saved.

Title: Re: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: NightFlight on August 22, 2003, 10:32:25 PM
You're lucky.  We need something like that out here in the Springfield, MA area.

Title: Re: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: Jamtoy on August 22, 2003, 11:37:13 PM
Well, I didn't get to watch it tonight.  (3 year old daughter got scared.)  But it is a Black and White, (or whatever) B-movie lovers dream.

Title: Re: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: Brother Ragnarok on August 23, 2003, 01:53:34 AM
All we've got here in Iowa is Sci-Fi Saturday Night (used to be Friday night) hosted by Mike Frisbee, a kickass old professorey kinda dude who floats around in the aether and talks about SF trivia.  The show is centered around Dr. Who, which it's played forever, usually some Red Dwarf, occasionally Blake's 7, or some other random SF show.  Now, I'm not complaining, I love my Saturday nights, but I'm jealous of all the people who have wacky hosts showing cheesy movies.  I never had that (except for Joe Bob, who rules, but a corny local gig has more charm).

Brother R

Title: Re: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: The Burgomaster on August 24, 2003, 07:55:41 AM
NightFlight wrote:

"You're lucky. We need something like that out here in the Springfield, MA area."

I feel your pain. I live just east of you, in Wilmington, MA.

Title: Re: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: Brian Ringler on August 24, 2003, 12:31:50 PM
What part of iowa does that play in and what channel?

Title: Re: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: NEC on August 24, 2003, 02:59:19 PM
We have a show out here in N. California called 'Cinema Insomnia' which is also being syndicated in a few markets across the country. It used to be on a regular channel, but for over 2 years now it's been on a local access cable channel. I watch it when they have movies that interest me on, but for some reason they rerun certain episodes over and over. I think they are having a hard time getting the rights to show certain movies. One thing they did recently that was cool, was when Bob Hope died they did a tribute to him.

Title: Re: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: yaddo42 on August 24, 2003, 05:22:46 PM
"Blood Creature" is an alternate title for "Terror Is A Man". A decent take on "The Island Of Dr. Moreau" set in the Fillipine jungles. Dr. Freex did a great review of it a while back. The "terror bell" souinds like an old-fashioned telephone bellof the era. It rings during a scene when the scientist is operating on his "panther man", and it quickly cuts to actual surgery footage. As the good doctor noted probably a big deal at the time but mild compared to the stuff you can see these days on TLC or the Discovery Health channel.

How I miss late night movies like this on broadcast TV, with or without a wacky host. A low-power station in the area sometimes carries America One. That channel used to run a show called Enigma Theater. The host was lowkey to the point of being boring, basically reciting off movie facts you can find in any mediocre horror film book or the trivia section of IMDB. But their selection of flicks was excellent. "I Eat Your Skin", "Werewolf of Washington", lots of Poverty Row Bela Lugosi flicks, a Paul Naschy flick or two, "Black Sabbath", plus the usual public domain flicks like "The Terror", "Night Of The Living Dead, and "Carnival Of Souls". It's where I got my introduction to the great pulpy Dr. Mabuse flicks from 1960s Germany. How I miss that show.

Title: Re: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: Scott on August 24, 2003, 09:42:08 PM
I still can't believe that we don't have a specialty channel for only Horror yet. They have every other genre except Horror. Also I can't believe that not even one of the cable channels (out of 150) has they're own Horror host to introduce a film do something weird between commercials. Not even one channel. Who cares if it makes money. Sometimes I don't like capitalism. Replacing Drive-Ins for shopping malls. I don't think there is much hope for mankind.

Title: Re: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: Brother Ragnarok on August 25, 2003, 02:57:13 AM
To my knowledge Sci Fi Saturday Night is on in every part of Iowa, it's on Iowa Public Television at around 11 at night.

Brother R

Title: Re: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: Steven Millan on August 26, 2003, 02:44:29 AM
                  They used to have SMOTW up here in las Vegas for awhile,but that show has been long gone down here,as well as the channel that played that show.
                   Very glad to hear you've discovered that show,Scott.

Title: Re: Friday night is saved: Video Bob's Stupid Movie of the Week
Post by: Anonymous User on July 29, 2005, 04:51:32 AM
This is a reply to a thread from like, 2 years ago... but I thought I would revive it.

Hello everyone, I am VIDEOBOB, host of the show mentioned,
"Videobob's Stupid Movie Of The Week" or

I was acting as chief engineer at a network in Fort Worth Texas called
"American Independent Network". I also did all of the in house production.
We had a huge library of public domain movies and I was going through
the crap in the warehouse and found all these movies with weird titles.
I asked the program director why we never played them...
"they are just too stupid, no one would watch those, they suck!"
I had always been a fan of Elvira, I even have an Elvira Pinball machine
in my office! SO I suggested to him, "why don't  we make one of those
goofy Elvira type shows with these movies?"
He said, "Well, we were playing this guy Madd Frank, but the show really
sucked and everyone hated was too hokey".
I had seen the MF show and it was freaking bad.... I mean, almost every one
of these hosts does the same s**t, same jokes, same make up,
same looking set. The thing is that they try to be funny and make
fun of the movies, but they only point out the obvious and never give
any real facts.
I have found truth is stranger than fiction, and so I decided to host the show
myself. I have done a lot of cable access shows in the past that were
pretty edgy so I figured this would be a sinch.
I had no idea how much time I would spend researching each movie
and writing the script.
But it worked, the show was a hit and even though it was on in the
middle of the night on Saturday it was thier biggest show!

The show played on AIN until they became the "Urban America Television
Network" (UATV) and played the over 30+ episodes for several years on
thier more than 70 affiliates.
For those of you who watched the channel, I did a lot of the commercials
they played, so you might have recognized my voice!
I also produced the "NWA-SOUTHWEST-WRESTLING" as well
as my comedy show, "ComiXspotlight" -

About  6 months ago, UATV replaced my show with "Mcabre Theater"
with Butch was all politics really, but they really flushed that
network down the tubes.....(and recently lost local 28)

Well the good news is that my show is being picked up by a distribution
company that will be getting it on in about 80% of the USA.
There is a good chance that many of you will be able to catch it.
It is scheduled to start  the first week of September 2005 but I don't
have a station list yet and I am not even supposed to mention this....
...but I was thinking that maybe if I got a little extra support from the fans
it might help out my distribution. They want viewers, and to know that
this genre has an audience.

What I would like from you guys is if you would visit my website and sign
my guestbook, and then email me privately so I can save your email address
for future contact. (I won't sell it or give it to anyone).
I want to be be able to call upon my legions of fans to help me support
projects and organize events. For instance, making personal appearances
at SCI-FI and HORROR cons, and getting products for free giveaways, s**t like that.

When the shows starts up again, they will do a 26 episode, 6 month run.
If the fan support is there we will do additional seasons that will knock your
socks off! I have big plans to show some great movies.
I have been talking with the guys at TROMA, as well as building a library
of over 50 more movies I want to play, and we are talking some weird ass
obscure stuff here! I also plan to add some cliche' big titty devil girls to the show.
I was always against cheesing it up like that, but damn it....I appreciate them too!

I hope you will all visit my website and check it out.
I will be back to post  a schedule the second  I know what it is!

Thanks, and stay stoopid.