
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: wuggles451 on September 01, 2003, 11:53:03 AM

Title: Jeepers Creepers 2 review
Post by: wuggles451 on September 01, 2003, 11:53:03 AM
Yes I went to go see it, yes I knew my money would go to Victor Salva, yes I am aware of wish crime. That being said I am also a fan of Jeepers Creepers and was anticipating the sequel very much. Now however I regret wasting my money and financing Salva’s next movie.

I had heard of the pedophilia references throughout the movie but imagined them as wild exaggerations of the actual scene. For example people seam to think the Creeper is a portrait of Salva, stocking male characters when the horror standard is for the females to be victimized. Knowing Salva’s back round it is easy to compare the director to the monster on screen, to the ignorant viewer though, the detail wouldn’t warrant a second thought. Also the Creeper eats to regenerate, so it is arguable that it would be a plot inconsistency if he ate female characters because it would cause him to regenerate as a female demon.

With that being said there were two fairly disturbing sequences, once again the average theatre patron wouldn’t give it a second thought. The opening of the movie sees a young boy about 12 to 14-years-old tying up scarecrows. He notices one looking at him, watching him work, he examines the scarecrow closer and is then attacked. The boys father and brother run to the rescue but are to late the boys is flown off. What makes the scene so disturbing is the boy is just about the age of Salva’s victim. The Creeper stalks the boy from a Christ like position on a cross, maybe a comment on how the director was punished for his actions. That may be a bit of over analyzing. The other scene that made me uneasy occurred while the teens were trapped on the bus. The Creeper cycles through the boys smiling, winking, licking the windows when he sees one he likes. Very unsettling.

Now that I have that out of the way, the movie it self was very lackluster. Every 23rd spring it eats for yadda yadda yadda… The previously mentioned boys father is understandably distraught over his son’s death. The guy goes a little bit off the deep and constructs a demon slaying pneumatic spear gun. Then he patiently waits by the radio.
Mean while a busload of basketball players and a handful of cheerleaders are making the way down route 9 when they blow a tire. The bus driver discovers a ninja star like weapon lodged in the tire. The Creepers efforts fail to stop the bus and the team is soon back on their way.
   Slowly moving their way home eventually puts Rebecca (I believe, can’t remember her name really) to sleep, she dreams of Darri (from the original JC) and the young farm boy each are a bloody mess. Then she sees the Creeper throwing a star and is awakened when another tire is blown out. The bus is skating on rims and is forced to stop. Leaving easy pickin’s for the Creeper.

   The rest of the movie is basically as follows, dream sequence, some kids say f**k a lot then argue if it’s better to stay on or get off the bus, until they eventually radio for help. Help comes in a big way in the form of a p**sed off farmer, trucking a lethal pneumatic spear. SPOILERS AHEAD. The farmer ropes and wrangles the demon chases him down and stabs him until he reverts back into his 23-year sleep. Flash forward about 23 years an old truck winds down a little dirt road to a barn and sign reading: BAT OUT OF HELL $5.00. The old farmer and his grow up son are charging admission to see the demon that pretty much ruined their lives. SPOILER END

   Jeepers Creepers 2 wasn’t total crap, but the original was so that, original. It wasn’t the cookie cutter teen dribble that JC2 gets filed under. Don’t get me wrong the movie had its moments and I liked the idea of the Creeper using tools but the shurikins were kind of, well, dumb. The CGI was pretty unremarkable, in fact it sucked and took away from the movie considering the make up FX rocked. Also where was the Creepermobile?

   Oh well! $7.00 down the hole, it had its moments but any movie that relies on dream sequences as filler probably shouldn’t be made. It really is a shame it could have been real enjoyable given a little more creativity and had it been helmed by someone other than Victor Salva. Nonetheless I give it 2 of 5 slimes.

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers 2 review
Post by: Scott1 on September 01, 2003, 01:13:38 PM
Good review. I don't plan on seeing the movie anyways, but thanks for warding me away from it even further.

Great MC Chris signature! How do you know about his music? Are you a fan of his other songs too, or just the one?

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers 2 review
Post by: JohnL on September 02, 2003, 03:47:11 PM
>Im Boba the Fett
>I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt

"Boba the Fett"? "Jabba Hutt"?

Title: Re: Get ready for Jeepers Creepers 3
Post by: Chadzilla on September 02, 2003, 03:50:55 PM
The movie raked in something like 18.5 million, 3 million more than the first movie's opening did and setting a Labor Day Weekend record.  So another movie is a given.

Title: Re: Predictable and fairly boring.
Post by: akiratubo on September 02, 2003, 09:54:47 PM
I thought the movie was boring.  The first one had lots of cool and disturbing stuff like the Creeper's awesome delivery van, the pit of bodies, the poor gutted boy, the attack on the police station, etc. etc.  This movie was a STEEP regression into teenie slasher territory.

Things were looking up when Ray Wise showed up with his Pole Puncher 500 but that kinda went nowhere.


Post Edited (09-02-03 21:57)

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers 2 review
Post by: Nobody on September 05, 2003, 07:23:10 PM
I just read a review on by somebody named "wayne" who says the film "offers plenty of beefcake" and how most of the guys take off their shirts and they're "young,handsome,and muscular". After reading this,I'm scared to go see it because I might end up sitting next to some guy who's masturbating.