
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Hairzilla on July 22, 2001, 12:35:48 AM

Title: Spino-Anguirus?
Post by: Hairzilla on July 22, 2001, 12:35:48 AM
  Ok, this one's strictly for the other Godzilla fans here...all two of you. As I watched JURASSIC PARK 3 [again] tonight, a realization struck me that I can't believe I missed the previous time around. Upon the first, good, close up shot of the Spinosaurus' head, it hit me that it looks amazingly like a "real" version, with a few minor changes, of Godzilla's on again-off again ally in the original film series.... ANGUIRUS!  Considering that Anguirus was another fictitous, "intermediary animal" dinosaur created for the G' movies, the similarities in appearance between it and the Spinosaurus, especially the head and snout, are pretty amazing.

Ok, I know. It's a completely pointless observation, but I'm a trained, "B movie" professional!

Aaaaaall niiiiight loooooong...!

Title: Re: Spino-Anguirus?
Post by: Squishy on July 22, 2001, 03:55:12 AM
Anguirus is based--very, very loosely--on the Ankylosaurus, which had an armor-plated back with spikes on the sides, and a spiked or mace-like tail. The Spinosaurus DOES bear a bit of a resemblence, because of the elongated, narrow jaw, but doesn't have that totally-weird curve that Angie's does.

Check out the latest "super-deformed" Godzilla trinkets! (I think Anguirus came out best. So cute!) Got mine from the fine folk at Clawmark Toys (, but just for good pics of the li'l buggers, take a look at Chibi-Goji ( Woof, indeed.
Title: Re: Spino-Anguirus?...A movie disease?
Post by: Flangepart on July 22, 2001, 01:34:42 PM
You get it from sitting too long in a too small theater seat. Even Iron Bottom Begg could catch that! Anguirus was always a cool dude(Dudett?) . Always played second Stradivarius to Godzilla...well, who dosen't?....and only in Marc Cericini's second G-novel does he get to show how tough he is. I've yet to see J-Park III. Is it realy worth the price of a Matenee ticket?
Title: Re: Spino-Anguirus?...A movie disease?
Post by: darkrider on July 22, 2001, 01:47:51 PM
The head and jaw of the Spino is that of a Fish Eater with spindly teeth...and it was an exact take on the Anguris head sculpt...but the that one was a take on a Fisheater dion...see the picture on the front page relating to the BBC article on such

NO way could a Fish Eating Spino ever defeat a Rex!Flangepart wrote:
> You get it from sitting too long in a too small theater
> seat. Even Iron Bottom Begg could catch that! Anguirus was
> always a cool dude(Dudett?) . Always played second
> Stradivarius to Godzilla...well, who dosen't?....and only in
> Marc Cericini's second G-novel does he get to show how tough
> he is. I've yet to see J-Park III. Is it realy worth the
> price of a Matenee ticket?
Title: Re: Spino-Anguirus?
Post by: Hairzilla on July 22, 2001, 02:16:21 PM
   I appreciate your offering me the insight Squishy. [And the links! This stuff rocks! Where's my wallet?!] But yeah, I knew that Anguirus was, for the most part, based on the Ankylosaurus - with some kaijuosity thrown in there. But you've gotta admit, it's pretty uncanny how Angie' resembles the Spinosaurus much more in the head, which is what I was trying to point out.

  Anguirus' origins, along with the fact you brought up, were explained in GODZILLA RAIDS AGAIN [The first and, I think, best sequel of the original series.] or, as it was known here in the states, GIGANTIS, THE FIRE MONSTER. I had originally owned the "Gigantis" version many years ago [which was ultimately ruined after I'd loaned it to somebody, but now I think that was a good thing], and was given the REAL DEAL just this past Christmas. Having now seen them both, all I can say in hindsight is....BOY did American retooling screw this movie up! The REAL, Japanese version is SO much more coherent than our Frankensteinian hackery! As I've since come to learn, the American group that bought the rights to the FILM wasn't willing to pay for the rights to use either the 'zilla NAME, or his distinctive ROAR, so neither appeared in the version that was released in this country.The changes made for an especially annoying viewing experience, since the same roar, that of Anguirus, was, essentially, used for both monsters! Not to mention that, during a scene where the Japanese government is holding an emergency meeting to discuss the approach of "Gigantis", the footage shown from the first Godzilla film NOW merely refers to an attack by a previous, but altogether unrelated, monster that just happened to be identical to "Gigantis" and was defeated with the Oxygen Destroyer! AAAGH!....No wonder this is the only 'zilla movie from the original series that is now "out of print" here.
Title: Re: Spino-Anguirus?...A movie disease?
Post by: Hairzilla on July 22, 2001, 02:23:14 PM
 In my opinion, Flange', yes. JP3 is definitely worth seeing, especially if you're a "giant monster" fan. The one, MAJOR flaw I thought it had was Tia Leoni!!! WhywhywhywhyWHY was she cast in this??????
Title: Re: Spino-Anguirus?
Post by: Flangepart on July 22, 2001, 02:50:02 PM
Here,Here, Hair! I've see the Orignal, and all the Toho stuff is better as Toho did it. BTW, The U.S. copy used the exact same music for the main titles, as they did for KRONOS. Same Music! Talk about cheap! Same with DAIKAIJU BARAN. Varan the Unbelievable WAS unbelievable after seeing the film done right. Baran is not a bad monster! But, unless you see the orignal.....
Title: Re: Spino-Anguirus?...A movie disease?
Post by: Hairzilla on July 22, 2001, 03:04:42 PM
That's hysterical Flange'! Hahahahaha! I could just hear the newscasts....

"Tragedy struck across several states today as reports of numerous people contracting a mysterious illness, which is now being refered to as "Spino-Anguirus", continue to come in. Oddly enough, the outbreak of this bizzare sickness seems to closely coincide with the release of the summer's most anticiapted film, Jurassic Park 3. Every victim reported so far is said to have seen the dinosaur epic, and doctors' describe the most common symptom as being an "unrestrained hatred" for actress Tia Leonni, who plays in the film. We'll have more on this story as it develops...."
Title: Re: Spino-Anguirus?
Post by: Squishy on July 22, 2001, 03:30:53 PM
Thank God I've never seen any version but the undubbed original. Either way, "Gojira no Gyakushuu" is my least favorite kaiju film. It's not good, but it's not bad enough to be fun, either*. And Godzilla has that horrible stupid-looking "overbite" in his close-ups...but the score is pretty kicky, and Anguirus' mournful wail made me fall in love with the poor little bugger before I even saw him.

*I own the Americanized "Varan The Unbelievable." The original version makes a so-so kaiju-katastrophe, but the US version is pantscrappingly funny, it's so bad. Plus I think the "wife" is a hottie.
Title: Re: Spino-Anguirus?
Post by: Hairzilla on July 22, 2001, 04:35:05 PM
Squishy states:

...but the US version is pantscrappingly funny, it's so bad.

That's it, I've gotta see this one!
Title: Re: Varan...He's Unbelievable!!
Post by: Squishy on July 23, 2001, 04:27:03 AM
Americanized Version: Myron Healy (star and narrator)'s role is condescending, jingoistic, arrogant, and occasionally smarmy towards the Japanese/"island natives," and the original score has been yanked out and replaced with Albert Glasser's theme from "The Amazing Colossal Man" (which he reused from an earlier film, I think). Owwwwwwww.

Astonishingly, Japan is changed into "an island in the South Pacific," and Tokyo and Haneda Airport not referred to as such. (Why, then, the Japanese wife, houseboy, and military liason?) The hero of the original--now appearing only at the very climax of the film--is now a Japanese man named...Paul. (Cough.)

Unfortunately, Varan's "flying" sequence--as well as a scene of a rocket launch--has been removed, but the rest of the original SFX are intact, and one is even added (Varan's claw traps Healy and company in a cave for a minute), though I think it is pirated from another source.

For nasty snickers, you have the painfully annoying houseboy (Healy enslaves an eight-year-old to sweep his...yard! The kid's almost as easy to hate as the little bastard in The Black Scorpion) who simply disappears halfway through the film, Healy's classic "Sediment!" outburst, an attack??? Plus, the whole subplot in which Healy is testing a water-desalinization agent which turns the island's lake into...well, poison. Yeah, for non-military purposes, of course. (Neither Healy's attitude towards the people, nor his violation of nature, earn him the requisite movie punishment; he doesn't even learn his lesson. His wife takes the blame. I guess.)
Title: Re: Varan...He's Unbelievable!!
Post by: Flangepart on July 23, 2001, 10:28:22 AM
Oh,lord. I'd fogotten how bad the Yankee Varav was. The Trapped in the cave scene was in the Orignal, with the star and his main squeese. Myron Healy...sound more like the name you'd give the comedy relief! "Sir. i'm Myron Healy from accounting. Whats this voucher for mind altering chemicals doing in the De-salinsation budget?"  Ha! Thats an idea! Squishy, how many "Kennys" can you name?   Irish> 1(O'Kenny) in GORGO.  Latino> 3 (senior?  Kenny) in BLACK SCORPION, BEAST FROM HOLLOW MOUNTIN, DINOSAUROUS, and maby others. Japanese> 5 (Kenny-san) In GAMERA (Natch), GAMERA VS ZIGRA (Add 1 Kenny-Chan), GAMERA VS GAOS, GAMERA VS OH,HELL, FILL IN THE BLANK. Is that all? hummmm. Oh, add GODZILLA VS (his arms look like the Chrysler building) MEGALON. Hummmm. Its hard to think of Kennys, unless confronted with them, because the mind tries to blot out painfull experiances.
Title: Re: Oh my God, You Listed Kenny!!
Post by: Squishy on July 23, 2001, 04:16:02 PM
You Bastard!

Top of my I Hate Kenny List: Benito/Juanito (he never seems to be called the same thing twice) from The Black Scorpion. I can't say whether it's the scene where he lectures the dog, or the umpteenth repetition of "I'll take keeer of dem!" that sets me off into the red mist of blind rage...(Heh heh heh, the scorpion trapped in amber squeaks like a rodent!) Compared to him, the Kenny of Gamera The Invincible has a quiet dignity.
Title: This one's for the gambler!
Post by: Mofo Rising on July 24, 2001, 01:41:35 AM
Come on.  Kenny Rogers has to make up for at least some of the other Kennys.
Title: Re: Oh, I forgot...
Post by: Squishy on July 24, 2001, 04:17:57 AM
Juanito/Juanita/Banana also helps the arthritic giant trapdoor-spider-thing get OUT OF ITS NEST to pursue and attempt to devour him. Why?

"I just wanted to help!!"

No wonder Pancho the dog ignores him during 'the lecture.'
Title: Re: Oh, I forgot...
Post by: Flangepart on July 24, 2001, 10:21:05 AM
Nice movie...rotten kid! The dog was a better actor. Stupid kid! You do not investigate weird things in a cave full of flesh eating giant scorpions! What were you thinking? "Crow: Maby the woodtick will give the kid lyme disease." we could only dream.....Dark Horse comics did a giant monster one shot, and man,  the writer was reading my mind. Yep, the kid got et' ! Gotta love it.