
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Ash on February 20, 2004, 04:07:45 AM

Title: Most Evil Mad Scientist
Post by: Ash on February 20, 2004, 04:07:45 AM
Many movies have had mad scientists who will stop at nothing to do whatever it is that they intend to do...which is always evil.

My vote for the most evil mad scientist would be for Dr. Soran from Star Trek: Generations.
Here is a scientific genius who is willing to kill not just a few but MILLIONS of innocent people just to be able to re-enter the Nexus ribbon.  
He is totally self absorbed and cares nothing for anyone else's life other than his own.
Now that's what I call evil!

What mad scientist gets your vote for the most vile person and why?

Post Edited (02-20-04 05:41)

Title: Re: Most Evil Mad Scientist
Post by: Brother Ragnarok on February 20, 2004, 04:57:09 AM
No mad scientist in the history of...well, history, has tried to conquer the universe more times, and has caused the death of more beings, than The Master.

Brother R

Title: Re: Most Evil Mad Scientist
Post by: Bgrade on February 20, 2004, 09:05:48 AM
She might not be the most evil but I would vote for the most Mad.

The scientist from Carnosaur 1

Title: Re: Most Evil Mad Scientist
Post by: gammaray117 on February 21, 2004, 12:28:33 PM
Well, it's not like who you voted for will really matter when I take over the world.


Title: Re: Most Evil Mad Scientist
Post by: Andrew on February 21, 2004, 12:56:48 PM
I am not certain that the Master would qualify as a mad scientist.  He certainly has a lot of knowledge and power, but I think his main focus is not on science, but on becoming a supreme dictator.  Still, a very easy to argue choice.

I am trying to think of one who had no motive behind their actions, besides causing terrible suffering.  Half the time even the inhuman ones have some reason that could be considered noble, if it was not wrapped up in pain and suffering for others.

Maybe Dr. Carl Hill from "Re-Animator," but I think there are worse ones somewhere among the films I have seen.  Just have to find someone who uses their knowledge (medical, etc) for truly evil ends.

Title: Re: Most Evil Mad Scientist
Post by: Flangepart on February 21, 2004, 01:16:23 PM
Dr. Moreau....that fits the "Nobel idea gone bad" idea.
Emperor Palpatine is a massive Megolomaniac, but has the skill to obtain his goals....up till he realises he has underestimated his opponents, a bit late....But, he hires scientest, and provides the madness himself.
Dr. Forrester was the funniest, i'd say. He kills me!