
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: trekgeezer on April 20, 2004, 01:22:29 PM

Title: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: trekgeezer on April 20, 2004, 01:22:29 PM
Has anyone else read about this? What's next? Is nothing sacred? Does anyone have a semi-original idea anymore?

Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: maria paula on April 20, 2004, 01:59:03 PM
do u call porky´s something sacred?? the most machist and sexist film i have ever seen??, yes i hope that someday girls are not treated  just as a piece of meat anymore, and thats a good idea for the "teen films" that were and are, make nowadays,
sorry thats my opinion about porky´s, i know u guys u love this film and the entire series, but this kind of films "bunch of horny teenage nerds try to quit  with they virginity " turn me right off.

Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: George on April 20, 2004, 02:16:23 PM
Porky's was the greatest when I was a kid.  Obviously, as I have grown I realize that that's not the way life really works.  No one will really page "Mike Hunt".  But......the stuff is funny...and everyone has a friend that they called either "Meat" or "Peewee".

Porky's is to guys as Sex in the City is to girls.

These are just movies people.....they can't hurt you.
Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: George on April 20, 2004, 02:17:01 PM
P.S....I think Howard Stern is producing this.  Should be fun.
Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: maria paula on April 20, 2004, 02:28:48 PM
it doens hurt me at all, its juts a  film and i dont take it really seriously.its just that this is not the kind of comedy i like,and of course i respect everybody who does, i just find it, primitive, anyway, i admit that porky´s it can be an icon of the 80ies american comedies, by other heand, i think that sex in the city its a great comedy, clever, fun, naughty etc......
so howard stern is it producing it??

Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: lester1/2jr on April 20, 2004, 05:08:01 PM
Yes.  I wonder if he'll get what's her name from Sex and the City to reprise her role as the sexy howling gym teacher lady.  I'm usually not too open to criticisms of sexism, I'm just nt that sensative, but Porky's is sort of hateful and dummed down where Animal House or something wasn't.  But it still rocks and Howard Stern has also promised to use actual teenagers for the roles, not 30 year olds.  He's remaking "Rock n Roll HIgh School" as well.

"Don't pay me pay the bartender you ridiculous douche" -Porky
Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: Vermin Boy on April 20, 2004, 08:34:44 PM
Umm... Will a Rock 'n' Roll High School remake really work now that Joey and Dee Dee are gone? What, will they have Blink 182 come to the school? Doesn't quite have the same kick...

Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: Eirik on April 20, 2004, 09:40:52 PM
"No one will really page "Mike Hunt"."

You'd be surprised.  A counter-protestor against the women protesting the Masters (because its at an all-male club) gave a brief interview to an AP reporter last year.  The reporter's story actually ran in newspapers quoting the person and naming him as "Heywood Jablomi."  Seriously.

A remake of Porky's?  Sure, why the hell not?  While we're at it, doesn't anyone think it's high time for a remake of Ghostbusters?  How about a remake of the classic Michael J Fox movie Doc Hollywood, only with a more updated sensibility?  Maybe someone should consider a remake of the recently released Ving Rhames movie Dawn of the Dead.  I'm not going to go see one more remake or sequel in the theaters.  I'm done.
Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: George on April 21, 2004, 07:41:24 AM
Actually, I vote for a remake of Clash of the Titans.  I LOVE the original but can you imagine CG versus stop motion monsters and titans.  At least it would be interesting.
Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: Mr. Hockstatter on April 21, 2004, 10:37:52 AM
If Howard Stern is making it, I think it might be pretty good.  His Son of the Beach show was pretty funny in a very Porky's sort of way.
Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: The Burgomaster on April 21, 2004, 03:31:01 PM
PORKY'S is one of the stupidest comedies of all time.  Why anyone would want to remake it is a mystery to me.

Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: maria paula on April 21, 2004, 03:36:27 PM
thats what im asking to my self.

Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: Drezzy on April 21, 2004, 04:01:17 PM
Because it was successful, funny, and a remake would make bank. Hell, I'll probably end up seeing it with my dad, because it's one of my dad's favorite movies ever.

So, maria, you're saying that a sex comedy about teenage boys trying to get into a strip club and have sex is stupid, and then say that Sex & The City is clever? Sex & The City is basically Porky's with middle-aged women. I never got the appeal for S&TC, maybe because I'm a straight man...and yet I like watching Queer As Folk. Opinions are like donuts: some are tasty and delicious, while others are filled with spoiled jam.

Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: maria paula on April 21, 2004, 04:16:32 PM
the difference its that sex in the city its showing 4 middle age woman, not really beauty, wich is good, because they look avarage, not the typical very young lady who  is looking pefect,but silly anyway  but really classy and independent, yes, and feeling find with there sexuality wich is a thing that not many comedies show.
obviously im not takeing seriously all this stuff about "porky´s", its just a silly comedy, about a bunch of jerkers, without brain who treats girls like just "dark holes" i dont really mind if it remakes or not, i wont go to see it.
u are right at all
Opinions are like donuts: some are tasty and delicious, while others are filled with spoiled jam.

is it yours this sentence?? i like it :)

Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: jmc on April 21, 2004, 04:36:46 PM
I dunno, I don't think the women on sex and the city look average...I guess they're a little older than the ones in the teen comedies but they're still pretty much an idealized hollywood version of women.

What I've noticed about some of these newer sex comedies is that they tend to skimp on the nudity and instead have more gross-out humor, so I doubt the new Porky's will be as good as the original.  I remember when I was a kid we would talk about Porky's in hushed whispers, as if it were the dirtiest thing on earth.   Society is so hypersexualized now that I don't know if sex comedies can provide the same thrills they did during the eighties.  Too bad, in a way.
Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: Eirik on April 21, 2004, 04:48:56 PM
Because it was successful, funny, and a remake would make bank.

*****  Or because Hollywood is completely and totally spent from a creative standpoint.  

Stern's association with a Porky's remake is no surprise as Stern has a lot in common with Porkys: both were hilarious when I was 13.
Title: Re: Sacrilegious remake of Porky's
Post by: lester1/2jr on April 23, 2004, 02:48:41 PM
eirik- so you came out of the closet at 14?  You must live in a very liberal area. good for you