
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: FLANGEPART on March 12, 2001, 04:24:26 PM

Title: He's a MANAIC,MANAIC at your door...
Post by: FLANGEPART on March 12, 2001, 04:24:26 PM
And of corse,i mean the MANAIC of 1934.Fritz the Niteowl showed it this Sat.Night,and,boy,did Dr Freex call that one! Hoody Hoo! Fritz says he'll try to get more of that films directors work. Hey,he knows his movies,are we luckey of what? Man, there was more ham in that thing then a truck load of SPAM! Oh,BTW, i could use some advice....I have to use the Columbus Public Library computer system, and while i can get Yahoo E-mail, the stupid machine won't allow me to use the direct E-mail connection at the links of the B-masters. Frost my shorts!.  How could i get the HTML of Sgt. Andy, Dr Freex,Chris ,Ken, and the rest. I think haveing that might work. Hey,Sarge...whats your take on MANAIC?
Title: Re: Maniac
Post by: Squishy on March 13, 2001, 01:20:03 AM
I not Sarge but am liking "Maniac." It am just like peeling a grape!

Fun trick for high-school biology class:

(1) When the dreaded dissection of a small mammal (cat, piglet) comes around, bring a Halls mentholyptus drop with you to school.

(2) Wait until the eye is dissected. Palm the unwrapped drop.

(3) Remove the clouded lens of the animal's eye.

(4) Using a little sleight-of-hand, palm the lens, then get your lab partner's attention.

(5) Pop the drop into your mouth. Crush it between your teeth. Chew and swallow. Avoid streams of vomit from classmates.
Title: Re: He's a MANAIC,MANAIC at your door...
Post by: Andrew on March 13, 2001, 08:38:51 PM
For the love of all that is Marine, please do not call me "Sarge."  That's an Army thing, I think.

Now, to add some substance (though none at all), I've yet to view "Maniac."  It's been on my list for some time and plenty of stories have been swapped, but a copy has not entered my collection to date.

Title: Re: He's a MANAIC,MANAIC at your door...
Post by: FLANGEPART on March 14, 2001, 11:15:36 AM
OOPS! Sorry. What would you prefer? Never Honk off a Marine,i know that much! My dad was navy WWII....close as i've come,myself.
Title: Re: Just call me
Post by: Andrew on March 14, 2001, 09:07:22 PM
Mr. Tibbs!

On second thought, Andrew will do nicely.