
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Chris K. on December 05, 2001, 07:17:53 PM

Title: THE EVIL DEAD Limited Edition: I just can't wait!
Post by: Chris K. on December 05, 2001, 07:17:53 PM
After recieving my Limited Edition for BAD TASTE and not disappointed at all, I hope Anchor Bay's release of THE EVIL DEAD: BOOK OF THE DEAD Limited Edition will be just as good (from what I hear, it is being restored from the ORIGINAL 35mm negative that was considered to be lost).

Questions or comments?

Title: Re: I can.
Post by: Chadzilla on December 05, 2001, 08:16:44 PM
Not excited about it all, sorry.  I am sure there will be plenty for fans of the movie to ooh and ah over (Anchor Bay is wonderful in that department, I adore my L.E.Ts of both The Beyond and Maniac), but, as I get older (I saw the movie first run in theaters at the tender age of 17) I am less and less impressed with and/or interested in revisiting it.  For me the movie has remained an average level exercise in aggressively marketed drive-in schlock horror, granted made by a stylishly gifted director and featuring a talented lead actor.  But time has shown it of having no real lasting value to the genre itself, to me at least.  Deadites can feel to flame and throw insults at me, but how would that change my mind?

Now a tin for Day of the Dead, that is one I would love to see.

Title: Re: I can.
Post by: Lee on December 05, 2001, 09:52:16 PM
What the f**k?! You go and trash a classic like Evil Dead but you praise s**t like Day Of The Dead?! You need to get your head examined buddy!

Title: Re: evil braindead
Post by: Abby on December 06, 2001, 12:35:01 AM
Burn the witch!! Break his fingers lest he ever type again!! Heathen!!!

Bah humbug.

Historical importance aside, both movies are played out in my book -- Day Of slightly less so. I just can't believe how many versions of Evil Dead DVD's are already out there.

But is this new version going to finally include the original Evil Dead short with the female lead? (which just about everyone has already seen anyhow?)

Title: Re: Why?
Post by: Chadzilla on December 06, 2001, 12:53:34 AM
Simply because I prefer one movie over another?  They're only movies after all.
My thoughts on Day are as follows in my review at, if you are interested, which you may not be...  And I did not trash The Evil Dead, just called it average...which is just what Andrew does in his review.

Title: Re: One edition too many.
Post by: Chadzilla on December 06, 2001, 01:20:24 AM
Amen to that...more and more movies are getting pulled, remastered, reissued, pulled, remastered with new/restored footage, reissued again and again and again...the Star Wars editions (now being retooled YET AGAIN I hear), the first Halloween, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Star Trek TMP, Evil Dead, Army of Darkness....the list is growing and growing.  It really makes me want to stop buying movies.  STOP THE MADNESS!

Title: Re: THE EVIL DEAD Limited Edition: I just can't wait!
Post by: slaX on December 06, 2001, 11:38:31 AM
frankly i'll be happy when I can go to best buy and find r.o.t.l.d and not a tin,limited edition,collector's edition,and a box set of evil dead

Title: Re: THE EVIL DEAD Limited Edition: I just can't wait!
Post by: Vermin Boy on December 06, 2001, 06:24:27 PM
I hear MGM's putting ROTLD on DVD early next year, as part of their Midnite Movies series.

Title: Re: evil braindead
Post by: Skaboi18 on December 06, 2001, 08:16:12 PM
Abby, I'm afraid not everyone has seen the original short.  I would kill to see it!

Title: Re: THE EVIL DEAD Limited Edition: I just can't wait!
Post by: Videodude on December 09, 2001, 10:26:41 AM
I can't wait for it either, but you know those dicks are going to pull a fast one and release some other definitive version. They already released three. The one with the clear cover, the special edition, and then the lunchbox. But I'm a sucker, and I love the Evil Dead movies, and I've only got them on tape for financial reasons. But as soon as the Necronomicon version is released, I'm picking it up.

Title: Re: evil braindead
Post by: Vermin Boy on December 09, 2001, 10:28:56 PM
I've read that, yes, "Within the Woods" is included on the disc. that alone is enough to make me want to buy the disc; ever since reading Campbell's autobiography (an excellent read, BTW) I've been itching to see any and all early Raimi/Campbell shorts. Anyone got any for trade?

I just saw the film for the first time today. It was an interesting little movie; it doesn't begin to approach the sublime level of its sequels (most of the territory it covers was done in a cooler manner in ED2), but, as an aspiring low-budget filmmaker, I was taking notes on the techniques and effects. I'll probably get the "Necronomicon" version, as it'll have the features from the Elite disc (including the commentaries, with which Campbell & Raimi never disappoint), plus the aforementioned short and maybe some other stuff.