
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Susan on May 18, 2005, 10:01:10 PM

Title: First B movie experience
Post by: Susan on May 18, 2005, 10:01:10 PM
Kind of along the lines of first horror I was thinking back to the first b-movies i saw.

Naturally i can't remember that kind of thing but i DO remember two specific movies from my very early childhood (under age of 6) that stand out from the rest...and always pop in my head before all others. I guess they left more of an impression on me.

ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES - my parents had this on VHS, with alot of other b-movies like Flash Gordon, Godzilla vs the Sea Monster and Barbarella. We had a large collection due to living overseas they had friends in the states who would record stuff on blank tapes and mail them to us. So each tape had about 3 movies and they never knew what they were getting. Lucky for me most of the films they wouldn't watch i would. Something about this movie in particular was always a litle nightmarish, borderline silly but maybe that's where i developed a severe phobia to any commercial with food that talks

ZAAT! - Thankfully someone pointed out this movie as a possible memory from my early childhood, i'm positive i saw it on tv when i was about 3 or 4, which was circa 1977. I haven't seen it since in all these years. And yet i would love to just because i want to see if certain scenes play out like i remember them, i have no idea why but this boat scene sticks out in my head with a woman. I hate boats and large bodies of water. I'm beginning to think my early exposures to bad movies have shaped my adult

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: BeyondTheGrave on May 18, 2005, 10:05:57 PM
My  grandmother was into B-movies and we has quite a collection. She liked Godzilla as much as I did. I think the first Godzilla movie I saw was Godzilla Vs Mechgodzilla. She was also into Zombie flicks and she had Day of the Dead. So it either one of those.

You can’t give it, you can't buy it, and you just don't get it!-Aeon Flux

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Dr. Kobb on May 18, 2005, 10:17:16 PM
OMG!  That has got to be the coolest Granny on Earth, rich!

Reminds me of one of my first b-movie epiphanies:

We were on a family vacation up to Colorado, visiting Grandparents.  One night, I got to stay up past the usual bedtime, hanging out with my weird, antisocial, mysterious, artistic uncle(who was many years older than me, and looked like Roy Orbison with his slickback hair and dark shades).  We sat up and watched Toho monster movies like "Destroy All Monsters" for awhile that night.  Sortova turning point for young Dr. Kobb, there...

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: ToyMan on May 18, 2005, 10:58:27 PM
one of my earliest memories is seeing "twilight zone: the movie" at a drive-in with my parents. also remember seeing "pirahna" and "dawn of the dead" when i was a youngster.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: odinn7 on May 18, 2005, 11:43:52 PM
As far as I can remember, my first B movies were Godzilla and King Kong movies. I used to love watching these things and for a while, they would play them on Saturdays and me and some friends would gather around the tv to watch.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: AndyC on May 19, 2005, 06:50:21 AM
Hard to say. I had older siblings, so the movies were always around. If there was a Godzilla movie or cheesy old flying saucer movie on, my brother would be watching it. And a lot of that stuff made cheap TV filler, so it was often available on Sunday afternoons.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Mr_Vindictive on May 19, 2005, 08:30:50 AM
I'd have to say that first really really bad film that I recall seeing as a child was "Heartbeeps".  I just remember small pieces of the film, but that's my first memory of a really bad flick.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Ed on May 19, 2005, 09:45:33 AM
My first B movie was the DiLaurentis King Kong.  A friend of my dad's took all the kids to the theatre.   Of course, I didn;t KNOW it was going to be a life long thing.  Later in life, I discovered MST3K and was totally hooked.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Diablo44. on May 19, 2005, 10:30:25 AM
Channel 5 in New York/New Jersey used to show Kung Fu movies every Saturday afternoon, and Channel 11 WPIX was always good for a Godzilla movie. I can remember being in my first house in NJ, I was about 6 years old, and watching Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster and King Kong vs. Godzilla. My first "in theater" b-movie experience was Clash of the Titans, when it came out in 1981.

 The KO Picture Show (

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: h.p. Love on May 19, 2005, 12:33:22 PM
My early years were cable-free back in the late 70s and early 80s and I didn't really get that made-for-tv movies could be good-bad. I remember watching the Captain America movie. My first cinema bad movies that I remember were along the lines of Troll, Trick or Treat, etc. But my first experience of conciously watching bad movies for fun would be watching USA Up All Night back when they used to show some crazy stuff and a lot of the Three Stooges.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: MrWarmHands on May 20, 2005, 06:59:20 AM
One of my friends older brothers, when we were 10, showed us "Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town"....
Awesome film , all those lovely, feisty ladies in leather.
And some of the worst zombies I have ever seen. Then we ate cake.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Rombles on May 20, 2005, 09:42:10 AM
This probably wasn't my first B movie experience, but it certainly got me hooked....

When I was 14 or 15, we had just moved to a new town, where the local TV station was on a frequency that you could pick up on an FM radio. Late one Friday night they had the John Carpenter classic "The Fog" on.  I didn't watch it. I was in bed, in the dark, listening to it on my tiny little battery-powered radio. It was terrifying.  Well, it SOUNDED terrifying, at least.

I am pretty sure that that was the point where I got interested in the cinematically unusual and obscure.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: ToyMan on May 20, 2005, 04:23:28 PM
i had a great aunt who lived next door to a drive-in, and you could get the audio over the radio.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Susan on May 20, 2005, 10:13:02 PM
It's funny that Godzilla has come up alot, i guess kids today have only seen the new godzilla version if they've seen godzilla at all. Shame. Nothing beat the rubber suit stomping on little tokyo. But he had the coolest roar in movie history! Does anyone know what sound effect was used to make it?

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Wence on May 22, 2005, 03:32:28 PM
I think that the first movie that made me realize my fetish for bad taste/trash/crap movies was:
"Shaolin Master and the Kid" (1984), probably one of the first real MartialArts-Movies.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Scottie on May 22, 2005, 05:55:42 PM
My high school friends and I began watching bad movies as a joke when there was nothing else to rent in a Hollywood video store. We picked up Attack of the Gila Monster, Beaks, and [/b]Maniac[/b]. I was the only one of the group to really take bad movies to the next level, but nothing beats watching [b/Space Mutiny[/b] with friends who can still appreciate some real b-movies.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Mofo Rising on May 22, 2005, 10:38:26 PM
I don't when I made the transition to watching bad movies as entertainment.

I grew up watching genre films.  That is sci-fi, fantasy and horror (also comedy, always comedy).  These were not "b-films" to me, only the movies I wanted to watch (and pretty much the only movies I did watch).  You don't really know they are bad films until you grow up, which I eventually did.

Now I watch all movies, but I'll always be devoted to genre films.  I actually list some "b-movies" as some of the best movies I've ever seen.  RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD is one of my best movies of all time, and I'll weigh that up against THE GODFATHER any day.

But I don't know when I started enjoying truly bad movies.  When did I realize the crazed brilliance of the truly awful TROLL 2?  (The first TROLL was one of those movies I mentioned earlier.  I didn't know it was bad when I was a kid.)

One movie sticks out in my mind.  EVIL DEAD II.  I saw that late one night watching HBO expecting a straight up horror movie.  That viewing was electrifying.  A truly unexpected experience, and one which showed the unending promise of the undiscovered b-movie.  And to think, I was only hoping to see naked breasts.  God bless you, Sam Raimi.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Dr. Kobb on May 23, 2005, 12:21:37 AM
I wanna know what sound effect was used to make Godzilla's voice!  Do you know the answer, Susan, or were you asking out of curiosity?

I heard once that Tarzan's yell is in fact a hyena's braying played backwards.  Sounds ludicrous, but for all I know, it could be scripture.

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Steve Byczek on May 23, 2005, 04:23:08 PM

Hi Friends: Click on the above link.

Susan... According to the IMDB,Godzilla's roar was a glove pulled slowly over a contrabass,which is a big fancy violin. Or at least,this is how they made his roar in the first "Godzilla" movie made in 1954. Not sure about the many sequels. Maybe they re-recorded this sound and altered it with sound equipment?

Dr. Kobb..I read somwhere Johnny Weismuller's "Tarzan" yell was a combination of his own voice and a laughing hyena. I think the original King Kong was various animal yells (bears,lions,tigers,etc.) mixed together and played backwards.

Lots of interesting trivia on the IMDB.


Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Susan on May 23, 2005, 08:02:51 PM
Cool, thanks steve. I always used to wonder what it was, one of the things it reminded me of was dragging a large heavy desk or piece of furniture across a gymnasium

As for Weismuller - i've heard everything from it's a mix to the real thing. I'm more included to think it was the real thing, i've heard that stated as a fact on tv shows moreso than the other. All it takes is a little yodeling ability, right? ;-)

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Steve Byczek on May 24, 2005, 05:26:56 PM
Susan....If memory serves...I think Godzilla's roar in his first flick, and the early movies, was slow,low pitched,and downright eerie. In the newer entries in the series (late 60's and throughout the 70's),his cry became faster and higher pitched, perhaps even slightly friendly.  Did they simply speed up the old cry from the earlier films,or did they record a new one to announce his "personality change" (he was a villian in the early movies,and became a "good-guy" in the newer entries).

Dr. Kobb...Read somewhere that they actually played audio-recordings of Johnny Weismuller's "Tarzan" yell at his funeral service while they were placing his casket in the ground. I wonder if he requested this in his will (just like Bela Lugosi requested in his will to be bured in his Count Dracula cape) or if Weismuller's family and friends came up with this on their own????

To all of my friends on this board...Speaking of audio recordings at celebrity funerals.... According to one website I read, Andy Kaufman actually made a recording of himself laughing out loud hysterically. He had it rigged so that the recording played whenever people would get close to his casket, and payed their "final respects". I guess Andy Kaufman did get the "last laugh" after all! LOL!


Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Susan on May 24, 2005, 05:34:37 PM
I guess funerals can be fun, i always wanted to hire a magician at mine to saw my casket in half. ;-)

I sure hope drobert carradine isn't buried with the sound of his nerd laugh echoing in the background

Title: Re: First B movie experience
Post by: Brother Ragnarok on May 24, 2005, 10:16:49 PM
I imagine my love of things B began with watching GI Joe and Transformers cartoons.  My love of dinosaurs and through them all monsters led to me seeing some stuff that I otherwise wouldn't have, like "Creepozoids," because back then neither myself or my parents knew what "unrated" meant, aside from the fact that it wasn't R so it must be okay.
One of my first and favorite theatrical memories is "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla."