
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: pops_mcfly on January 02, 2006, 09:24:27 AM

Title: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: pops_mcfly on January 02, 2006, 09:24:27 AM
I may get a lot of attacks for this but I think the most recent "American" Godzillia movie with Matthew Broderick(whom I usually like) is the worst monster movie ever made. It was obvious these guys either never saw the original Godzilla flicks or simply didn't care. This wasn't the first American try at the big green guy either---remember Godzilla 1985?

Both to my recollection were essentially flops but is that any wonder?

I will say this, The japanese were p**sed over both movies and felt they were insults to the real Godzilla, in the case of Godzilla 1985 I feel they have no freakin right to be mad....I see it simply as the score being evened for their disrespectful destruction of OUR monster King Kong, they started it by making a Kong who was a punch juice druggie so I figure Godzilla 1985 was a way of getting revenge and that makes it allright.

The newer American Godzilla movie however I'll go ahead and side with them on--the score was evened so there was no need to destroy Godzillia again....
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: Fearless Freep on January 02, 2006, 10:28:40 AM
The American Godzilla movies were by far not the worst monster movies ever made.  At least the more recent one with Broderick was a decent movie in it's own right, as far as thos emovies go.  May not have been what people want from "Godzilla" but taken on it's ownmerits as a giant monster movie it wasn't too bad...I've seen worse and heard of worse
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: Shadowphile on January 08, 2006, 08:48:51 PM
The Broderick Godzilla turned me off when all the baby Godzilla's hatched.  It was like a raptor swarm.  If I wanted to see that kind of action, I'd go back to Jurassic Park.
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: Derf on January 08, 2006, 09:30:29 PM
Granted the Broderick Godzilla might win the prize for having missed the mark most. However, it was far from the worst monster movie ever. The Beast of Yucca Flats is much worse, as the "monster" is just Tor Johnson making random grunts in the desert. I think that I'd probably nominate The Godmonster of Indian Flats as at least one of the worst. The "monster" is an eight-foot-tall mutated sheep with mismatched forelegs (one is about three feet long, the other is about one and a half feet). It really has nothing to do with the movie; it wanders around, eats a few hot dogs at a kid's birthday party (the kids scream and run away from it), dances with a weird hippie lady, and then it gets captured and put on display. I can't think of any less menacing or more useless monster.
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: peter johnson on January 08, 2006, 11:45:48 PM
Pops:  I gotta say, I like you --
I like your posts --
BUT . . . (Didn't you know there'd be a Big But?) . . ."The Worst Monster Movie Ever Made"??!!?
Please . . .
"Not up to expectations", perhaps, but "Worst"?  Have you never seen The Flying Claw?  Monster of Piedro Blancas?
The list here could go on . . . My point would be that in a world that has had mainstream release films of giant balls of carpet (The Creeping Unknown) and ping-pong ball eyed men in shredded canvas suits -- see Haunted Sea -- to honor a relatively innocuous CGI exercise as "Worst Monster"  movie is really going overboard . . .
Rethink your position, please . . .
peter johnson/denny crane
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: LilCerberus on January 09, 2006, 12:02:49 AM
It's Alive!
Directed by Larry Buchanan, which should be self explanitory.
I can't remember what they called the monster, but it was supposed to be some kind of forty-foot tall dinosaur, but it only has two scenes at the very begining & very end of the film, and it's just some guy in a bug suit.
Seriously, it's not even on parr with Godzilla Vs. Megalon
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: AndyC on January 09, 2006, 05:16:06 AM
I think the topic is too broad. Perhaps if it were narrowed to worst giant monster movie. Even so, American Godzilla is far from the worst. It's not great, but not horrible either. It scores lower for most of us because we give it demerits for screwing around too much with a beloved icon. Had it been released under a totally different name, we might have liked it better.
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: pops_mcfly on January 09, 2006, 11:30:47 AM
I guess I shoulda been specific I meant the "large ramoaging through a city godzilla/kong sized " type monster movie.

I know it isn't a movie(although they have made one or two)but I think Power Rangers might just be the only one that beats the american Godzilla as the worst(at least IMHO) i mean really, the PR's are so far off the original concept now that it ain't even funny. Power Rangers is one of those things that has lived far past it's prime and or time and just needs to do everyone a favor and die for once and for all.
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: ToyMan on January 09, 2006, 01:52:18 PM
something tells me that "kaiju vs sentai warrior" programs, be they live action or animated, aren't going anywhere. also, i fail to see how the power rangers are "so far off the original concept".
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: pops_mcfly on January 09, 2006, 02:24:08 PM
to my knowledge, it used to be just ordinary kids, I think they are aliens who just look human now... but regardless, my point is this. Wether or not the Power Ranger format itself ever goes outta style I dunno--heck I could care less if similar shows keep coming up. I just wish the Power Rangers themselves would die off.
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: AndyC on January 09, 2006, 02:48:13 PM
Hard to believe the Power Rangers have been around, in one incarnation or another, for so long. I'll agree that the concept of the first show (which I hated anyway) really was lost in later ones. I could never understand why they had to keep reinventing the show so often, but then the whole live-action kids show thing was kind of lost on me. I just complained that they didn't seem to show cartoons on Saturday morning anymore (and in later years that they didn't show cartoons that weren't Digimon).

One of the more recent shows, Power Rangers: Space Patrol Delta, did manage to crack me up. I would have to explain that my wife suffered from a complication of pregnancy in which the ligaments of the pelvis slacken excessively, making movement rather painful. The short form is SPD. So, when a TV spot came on, promoting Power Rangers: SPD, the first thought that came to mind was Power Rangers: Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. Then my fertile imagination began to picture such a show.
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: MovieBug on January 09, 2006, 03:12:34 PM
In my opinion one of the worst was Yongary, Monster from the Deep. A cheap Korean knockoff of Godzilla produced back in the 60's.
Normally, I love kaiju films. Even the bad ones (well, especially the bad ones)....but this one stank. The moster is so obviously man-in-rubber-suit, that even I can't suspend my rational adult mind and enjoy the film as a kid. And there must be a hundred shots of Yongary "breathing fire" through a nozzle set into the back of his mouth (very visible).
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: Fearless Freep on January 09, 2006, 06:33:52 PM
Yongary was one I heard of...haven't seen

Also I think there was a Danish one at one time, not sure...
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: daveblackeye15 on January 09, 2006, 06:43:25 PM
I think you're refering to "Reptilicus",Freep.
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: Fearless Freep on January 09, 2006, 11:00:15 PM
Yeah, that's it...havent' seen it either, yet!
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: peter johnson on January 10, 2006, 12:38:57 AM
The big thing about this one -- (Have you seen it, pops?) -- was that for the most part, all you ever see is a large tail being dragged around corners.
When you finally do see the monster, he has this floppy tongue hanging out of his mouth, sort of like a plush toy --
Definitely in a class by itself -- The only Danish giant monster flick ever made -- Really quite awful, in a sincere, low-budget kind of way --
The Giant Claw, with its cross-eyed gooney-bird buzzard doll, is definitely in the running, though -- Oh, please do see that one!!
peter johnson/denny crane
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: pops_mcfly on January 10, 2006, 09:12:14 AM
Nope--never even heard of it. and just for the record, I was never a PR fan either. I'm just so sick of seeing them stick around that I'm about to go nuts.

I think another addition to terrible monster movies should be any one of them that has a "giant" human fighting a monster. to me that kinda blows the whole point.
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: AndyC on January 10, 2006, 09:27:49 AM
Or there was Godzilla vs. Megalon, with a man-sized robot programming himself to grow really big.

Oh, and the mere mention of Reptilicus broke down the mental barrier I placed around "Tivoli Nights" and allowed the song to flood back into my consciousness. The pain, the pain.
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: Ed, Ego and Superego on January 10, 2006, 01:47:56 PM
Well, I gotta agree with pops.  To my mind a movie is a failure if it completely misses the boat in execution.  
A movie like Boeast o' Yucca Flats hits right on, it was made on a shoestring, looks like it was made with much LESS than a shoestring, and no one is fooled about it being a better movie then it is.   Yet its still enjoyable, if only by Mike and the bots, or sickos like us.
The American Godzilla was supposed to be the end-all-be-all of monster movies.  It spent scads of cash, marketed itself to the hilt, and was not even good nor entertaining.  THAT makes it a failure in my book.  

Maybe there is a expense/enjoyability ratio in movies that could be applie dto assess "badness"?  Ideas?

All that said, Eegah is a pretty p**s-poor monster movie.  And I personally loathe Gorgo (the British/Danish Godzilla)
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: ToyMan on January 10, 2006, 01:55:29 PM
would "evil clutch" qualify as a "monster" movie?
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: Shadow on January 10, 2006, 08:02:47 PM
"Kraa! The Sea Monster" - total crap. Funny, cheesy crap, but still crap.

or "Zarkorr the Invader" - Zzzzzzzz
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: Derf on January 11, 2006, 07:07:42 PM
Since this has turned into a "best of the worst" type of posting, here's my list (in no particular order) of some of the most enjoyably horrible monster movies I have seen:

The Killer Shrews
The Giant Gila Monster
Robot Monster
Godzilla vs. (fill in the blank)
Godzilla vs. Bambi
Horrors of Spider Island
The Giant Claw
The Deadly Mantis

I'm not including the monster movies that I consider to be actually good movies, like 20 Million Miles to Earth or King Kong.
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: peter johnson on January 12, 2006, 12:54:39 AM
Pops:  You've got to see Reptilicus -- Get ye to a video store!!
Also, I loved Gorgo as a kid, and still do -- Jurassic Park 2 lifted the whole Momma comin' after baby premise of Gorgo.  It still holds up, to me, but then I like Vermin's band too --
peter johnson/denny crane
Title: Re: Worst Monster movie ever made?................
Post by: pops_mcfly on January 12, 2006, 01:00:15 PM
Meh--Jurrassic Park was good but the only thing that saved part 2 was Ian Malcom--he's hilarious! My favorite line from part 2 was "Oh sure at first it's ooh and ahh---but then it's running and screaming and terror" Jurrassic Park 3 was the worst though--Grant was boring the second time around and the plot was EXTREMELY hard to believe. I had a problem with it getting good reviews as well.

What p**sed me off about people giving it such rave reveiws was this, these same people(or most of them) trashed Red Dawn as unrealistic because it was about a group of kids who arm themselves against a Russian attack on America and become a freedom force, yet they praise JP 3 which features a kid surviving for nearly a month on a third Dinosaur Island with Dinosaurs that have been genectically altered to have near human intelligence despite the fact he knows NOTHING about dinosaurs and the fact that a bunch of dinosaur experts barely lasted one day in the first two movies. Now THAT is unrealistic.

Oh--and America's comic adaptions of Godzillia are worse than any movie they will ever make of the big green guy---I found this out only yesterday. In his comics he fought things like giant croutons.

I'm serious.