
Information Exchange => Reader Comments => Topic started by: Jared Reichard on October 21, 1999, 08:33:03 AM

Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: Jared Reichard on October 21, 1999, 08:33:03 AM
  Sleep away camp is definitly one of ,if not the , scariest movie i've ever seen.It is a a real corny movie and it dosen't make much sense, but by the end you realize that what we are dealing with is a movie with a brilliant writer, or writers,who save what true talent they have for the last minutee of the movie.Once this occures the rest of the movie pretty much falls intoo place,you finally think back and the rest of the movie makes sense, wich is the scariest thing of all.Sleep away camp is one of those psycologically disturbing movies.  
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: Courtney on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
Sleep Away Camp is definately a classic- so bad it's good.  My moment of zen occured last Tuesday... while eating dinner I asked my date if he'd seen the movie (this actually is a good date question, since anyone who has sat through Sleep Away Camp can't be too uptight!) and he had... haha instant bond with a hottie- what more could I ask for?
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: ALi & Paulo on November 25, 2006, 04:09:03 PM
This film is brilliant. It is so funny, we were completley naive that you could actually kill someone with a hair curler. Whoever wrote this is a genius, and whoever made this deserves a medal. See this if you like bad movies, the end is So Good. (Better than that milk that you can keep in your cupboard.)
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: Ginnie on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I love all 3 of these... my friend and I were at the video store and we were looking for some good old horror movies that no one has ever heard of and we picked these up... the movie place acually had all 3... so anyways we watched them and they are now our favorite movies! I was looking for them the other day at blockbuster and no luck! I was really bummed, but I think that i will just have to resort to buying them... For anyone that hasn't seen all 3 of these great movies, you don't know what you're missing. Oh and by the way I don't think these are that scary I think they are hilarious!!! Like when they use fornicating instead of sex... HA
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: JesusThorn on November 11, 2002, 02:39:31 AM
She has a sex change and wears weird underwear to hide the scars. She is in the third one, impersonating a girl she ran down with a dump truck.
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: Jesus Thorn on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
This is one of the most disturbing movies I have ever seen. I've never been the same since I saw it. A curling iron, for God's sake! Genius! The last moments are brilliant! Too bad the sequels were what they were. Sure, they tried to disturb us, what with the outhouse scene (woman drowns in feces and p**s, MmmMmm), but instead just had me racking my brain, trying to figure out WHY! The original is a classic. I hope the talk about the new sequel is true.
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: Brad David on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
One of the top most outstanding cheesies of all time.  If this classic is your style, you should also checkout "Don't Go in the Woods", and "The Nail Gun Massacre".  Their not quite as great but are very good.
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: Tabatha on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I loved this movie!!!!! The ending? great!! didn't see that coming!! What is really so bad? well I actually bought it!! ok and i have 2and 3!! I know I know!!! I really liked the Bee death scean the most!! I Never would have thought of that!! I don't really remember the curling iron, hey, i should watch it again!!! I soooooo remember the boiling water!!
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: Jacob on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
Oh, man, this move was amazing. I came across it totally by accident, and it turned out to be something my friends and i obsess over. the ending...brilliant. and that creepy ass aunt. she's so scary. the first sequel wasn't all that great, i thought it went by too fast.but, i still need to see the third. as for part one.....genius, pure genius
ps; curling iron death rocks out.
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: Jesus Thorn on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
Walking through a movie store today, I came across the Sleepaway Camp Survival Kit. A DVD Boxed Set with Sleepaway Camp 1,2 and 3 and a fourth DVD with the technical and behind the scenes making of 'Sleepaway Camp 4: The Survivors'. I was very tempted to buy it just for a sneak peek at the forth film, which apparently is a direct sequel to the first movie, starring the same actress who originally played Angela. What's her name?
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: penelope & nigel on November 25, 2006, 04:09:03 PM
did anyone notice that the creepy mother at the beginning was really the gay lover dressd in drag? its true i tell you. what does it all mean?
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: Timmy on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
This movie ruined my life with that last seen.  It didn't really bother me when I first saw it.  It's the day after when you're trying to comprehend all of it.  It's like a hang over.  Me and my friends are now perminently scarred.  About 5 seconds before the end you relize what's going to happen.  But then you're like no that couldn't possibly be whats about to happen then it does!  The ending was definenly the most disturbing thing I have ever seen!  But if you don't include the ending it wasn't bad "you cock-suckers"
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: Kristina on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I saw the first movie last Sunday before I went to bed...and I had nightmares, and have been ever since.  I'll never be the same again.  I will be emotionally scarred forever thanks to that damned ending! (which is just NOT right!)  Then I told my friends about it...and I'm spreading the morally wrong values that movie portrays.  Thanks to you guys my whole town will be corrupted and disturbed.  Is Angela a man in the other two movies as well....I haven't seen the second....but I didn't think she was in the third.  Your writers have some messed up minds.    
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: philip pitta on November 19, 2002, 02:13:36 PM
Sleepaway Camp is one of the scariest movies i,ve ever seen but i love it.That ending was extremely scary,however i have a question i hope somebody knows the answer to.Why was that cop wearing electrical tape for a moustache? Does anyone know? It looked so fake.
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: Tyler M. on February 16, 2004, 08:32:37 PM
This has to be one of my favorite B horror movies I have ever seen,my absolute fav is The Evil Dead Trilogy which in my opinion is the greatest horror movie trilogy of all time.
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: LH-C on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I finally got around to watching 'Sleepaway Camp' this last weekend! Holy crap, this movie is so awesome, and scary as hell, and also very funny. What is really strange is I had known the secret ending for years, but it still scared the crap out of me! The surprising thing about the movie - Jonathan Tiersten (Ricky)! He was beyond awesome! Very much like someone I would have hung out with at that age (14-18). I love how he's this basically good kid, but has a wicked foul mouth and a wicked sense of humour! And I absolutely loved the storyline of Mel thinking Ricky is the murderer! Their scenes are priceless!
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: ACM on November 25, 2006, 04:09:03 PM
YO I will always love sleepaway camp
It has a place in my heart, so does felissa
Title: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: joshg on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
I bought this film the other day...all I can say is...brilliant! It's one of my favourite horror films ever, and, it's the only horror film that actually scared me! (as in, creeped me out)...97/100 from me..."Poor Paul", I never knew that they could kill people that young back then!
Title: Re: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: ADAM on December 18, 2006, 05:55:22 PM
THIS MOVIE IS SO GOOD. tHEY SELL ALL 3 IN A BOX SET. The first is realy good. Thesecond was cool. The third was good.

ALL WORTH A LOOK. The first may be scary, but the sequels arnot scary at all for me.



***** OUT OF *****
Title: Re: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: SaintMort on January 01, 2007, 09:28:44 PM
My friends and I find ourselves quoting this movie constantly. Specifically simple lines like "TURN THE WHEEL! TURN THE WHEEL!" and "JOHN!" Someone had already told me how it ends before I saw it... but yet the ending still shocked me. To be honest, it scared the s**t out of me, every window I looked out that night I saw Angela's face staring at me.
Title: There Be Spoilers Ahead
Post by: BoyScoutKevin on January 04, 2007, 12:59:06 PM

As I understand it, for the ending, they were first going to put a prosthetic genitalia on the actress who plays Angela in the film. Well, for whatever reason that didn't work, so they found a male college student, who would put on an Angela mask, and do the scene in the nude. But he couldn't do the scene sober, so they had to get him drunk first to do the scene. Thus, what you see, whether it is noticable or not, is an actor that is drunk as a skunk.
Title: Re: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: The American Original on May 02, 2011, 05:20:40 AM
"Artie gets his just desserts"

What happened to that chef, I would not wish upon any human being. He deserved to be kept out of arm's length from children, not scarred for life.
Title: Re: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: voltron on May 11, 2011, 03:22:59 PM
"She's a real capenter's dream. Flat as a board and needs a screw!"  Judy was such a huge b***h. She deserved what was coming to her. :bouncegiggle: Awesome little flick.
Title: Re: Sleepaway Camp
Post by: JHGRedekop on October 30, 2012, 05:19:49 PM
No-one's mentioned this yet, but the guy who finds the cook at the end of the video clip is played by Robert Earl Jones -- James Earl Jones's father.