
Other Topics => Television => Topic started by: Metropolisforever on October 31, 2008, 11:50:49 PM

Title: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: Metropolisforever on October 31, 2008, 11:50:49 PM
Yep, you read that right.

Apparently, King of the Hill doesn't appeal to the idiotic 7-year-olds who tune in every Sunday to watch "Peter Griffin" vomit out of his butt.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: nada on November 01, 2008, 02:58:42 AM
Too bad  :bluesad:

It had a good run though.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: HappyGilmore on November 01, 2008, 08:51:11 AM
King of the Hill was a great show.  Sadly, over the past couple of years, I haven't gotten to watch it as regularly.  Between my work schedule and Fox having football on til like, 8 or 8:30 sometimes, King of the Hill wouldn't be on as they'd just show The Simpsons.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: Patient7 on November 01, 2008, 11:28:36 AM
That's a shame, but at least Peggy Hill will finally stop haunting me with her undeserved overconfidence.  Oh how I hate her.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: Dave M on November 01, 2008, 07:30:56 PM
 :bluesad: I thought Beavis & Butthead went off the air a little too soon, but then King of the Hill came out, and that seemed like a decent tradeoff. Hopefully, Judge will come out with some new show that's even better again.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: JJ80 on November 01, 2008, 08:45:33 PM
I stopped watching any of the 'Adult' animation series a few years ago but I seem to remember enjoying a weird episode of this where the boy Bobby got an ant's nest and ended up becoming an acolyte of the queen. The character Boomhauer (sp?) was also good fun with his almost indechiperable speech.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: ER on November 02, 2008, 10:49:43 AM
That network ain't right.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: Psycho Circus on November 02, 2008, 07:00:43 PM
Yeah, cancel King Of The Hill and leave everybody with sucky new Simpsons episodes where they've run out of ideas and use the same unfunny gags over and over again, whilst relying on whatever media claptrap that's flavour of the month. I think Judge will come back with something good again, the master of simple, yet effective humor. Shame.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: HappyGilmore on November 03, 2008, 09:50:30 AM
This could all change, but from what I've read, it will still run through 2010.  Due to how long it takes to produce episodes and the fact that Fox ordered an initial 13 episodes for next season, it should still be running for a while. 

Could change, though.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: ER on November 03, 2008, 11:29:11 AM
Possibly, just possibly, KOTH will be picked up by another network, and live on. It could happen.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: asimpson2006 on November 03, 2008, 12:03:58 PM
It is a shame that the show is being canceled.  I really like King of the Hill as a show overall, and found it to be enjoyable to watch.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: HappyGilmore on November 03, 2008, 10:03:32 PM
The writing is still as good as it's been.  Sadly, it does get overlooked by the younger set.  I mean, when it debuted, I was about 13.  My friends all thought it sucked, but they loved Beavis and Butt-head.  While I loved B&B, I felt the KOTH writing was better.  It's a situation where the writing is awesome, but the ratings don't match.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: Doc Daneeka on November 03, 2008, 11:42:04 PM
It had a great run, even though quality had been declining (IMO) since around season 11. Peggy's overconfidence was brilliant, admit it, you loved to hate her :teddyr: .

I'm pretty much in agreement with those who say it was one of the few great "adult" animations still on, but remember it had been around a lot longer than Family Guy and the others. The stuff replacing it will probably be a string of early-cancelled stuff in rapid succession :P
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: D-Man on November 05, 2008, 09:29:25 AM
I actually heard that ABC might be interested in picking up this series.  I just hope that they don't put in some obscure time slot, like Saturday night. 

It's too bad that Fox doesn't want it anymore.  It added balance to their sunday night lineup, combining its smart writing with the random silliness of Family Guy, which I can also appreciate.  Not everything has to be overly serious you know.   :teddyr:

As for the Simpsons...I haven't watched any new episodes for 2 years, and I didn't care much for the movie.  They need to stop tinkling all over my fond memories of it, and just let it die. 
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: Patient7 on November 05, 2008, 06:37:54 PM
Quote from: Mr. Briggs Inc. on November 03, 2008, 11:42:04 PM
Peggy's overconfidence was brilliant, admit it, you loved to hate her :teddyr: .

I suppose I did love hating her very core.  :teddyr:
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: jbron8 on November 12, 2008, 08:41:01 PM
im not disappointed because i never liked the show. this would go under the bad tv slot.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: bladerunnerblues on December 03, 2008, 02:52:07 AM
Well it had to happen sooner or later.KOTH is the only network prime time show I give a rats ass about.The Simpsons used to be one too,but now I don't care if I miss an episode.KOTH averages  3 or 4 laughs a minute whereas nowadays,The Simpsons averages about 3 laugh out loud moments an episode.
Hopefully,before the final episode airs,Luanne will finally have her baby.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: WilliamWeird1313 on December 03, 2008, 07:55:31 AM

Amen! 'Bout that time that boring ol' propane salesman was put out of my misery.

No offense to any fans.

Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: Jack on December 03, 2008, 08:15:16 AM
I kind of enjoyed it for about 5 episodes, but lost interest pretty quickly.  That episode where they were playing golf and accidentally hit Kenny Rogers in the head with a golf ball was good for a few laughs.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: HappyGilmore on December 03, 2008, 09:37:21 AM
I loved when Bobby was trying to do parodies like Weird Al.  Hank looks at him and says, "Bobby, "Weird AL" had one hit, then blew his brains out out of disappointment."  Something to that effect.  I laughed hysterically.l
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: inframan on December 03, 2008, 12:33:41 PM
I loved the show, the last couple seasons have been subpar. The characters are still great, but I am getting sick of the formula. Someone with a radical idea comes into Hank's world. He does not agree with this persons ideas although all the other characters are swept up in them. Finnaly the new radical idea backfires and everyone is upset. Finnaly Hanks level-headed, middle of the road ideals are proven true yet again and he is able to save the day.

Still 100x better than Family Guy though...
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: peter johnson on December 04, 2008, 02:05:47 PM
I guess I don't have much trouble with formula, as long as it works --

With my schedule, I never watched King as new episodes, but always in whatever timeslot my local Fox affiliate chooses to re-run, so I'm always numerous seasons out-of-sync -- ditto with my Simpsons viewing --

I really like both shows, but of course the quality is uneven.  Some episodes are wonderful classics that bear repeat viewing -- like when Peggy inadvertently kidnaps a child from Mexico -- and others I don't care to see again -- almost anything to do with Cotton:  I find him painful to endure.  I enjoy the new character, Lucky, who started out as a predictable con-man, but has since revealed levels of cynicism and analysis that were not immediately obvious -- again, I'm several seasons behind, so don't know even about LuAnn's pregnancy -- WOW, THANKS FOR THE SPOILER, DOOOD!!! -- Kidding! . . .

I also didn't like how Ladybird, the dog, virtually disappeared from all storylines.  I thought the recurring gag of Hank's unwavering, uncritical love for her was a great run-on gag.  I always try to tie my King of The Hill necktie in such a way that Ladybird's face appears just below the knot.  I'll repeat that:  I own and wear a King of The Hill necktie.  To work.

I have no shame.

peter johnson/denny crane
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: HappyGilmore on December 04, 2008, 09:24:49 PM
Quote from: peter johnson on December 04, 2008, 02:05:47 PM
I guess I don't have much trouble with formula, as long as it works --

With my schedule, I never watched King as new episodes, but always in whatever timeslot my local Fox affiliate chooses to re-run, so I'm always numerous seasons out-of-sync -- ditto with my Simpsons viewing --

I really like both shows, but of course the quality is uneven.  Some episodes are wonderful classics that bear repeat viewing -- like when Peggy inadvertently kidnaps a child from Mexico -- and others I don't care to see again -- almost anything to do with Cotton:  I find him painful to endure.  I enjoy the new character, Lucky, who started out as a predictable con-man, but has since revealed levels of cynicism and analysis that were not immediately obvious -- again, I'm several seasons behind, so don't know even about LuAnn's pregnancy -- WOW, THANKS FOR THE SPOILER, DOOOD!!! -- Kidding! . . .

I also didn't like how Ladybird, the dog, virtually disappeared from all storylines.  I thought the recurring gag of Hank's unwavering, uncritical love for her was a great run-on gag.  I always try to tie my King of The Hill necktie in such a way that Ladybird's face appears just below the knot.  I'll repeat that:  I own and wear a King of The Hill necktie.  To work.

I have no shame.

peter johnson/denny crane

Good show of faith to the 'toon, owning a tie and all.  And I mean that, too.  I agree with your sentiments about Cotton, as well.  He can grate on a person, although he's had a couple of good lines over the years.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: Ash on December 05, 2008, 03:21:51 AM
King of the Hill is one of my favorite shows.
It jumped the shark ( a long time ago for me.
The worst was when Lucky was brought in.  He is without a doubt, one of the worst characters in TV history.  Why on earth would Mike Judge introduce a redneck loser who would sue anyone, anywhere, anytime?
I can't stand the sight of Lucky.   :thumbdown:

Another thing I dislike about the show is that for the last several years, the animation quality has become "better".  By "better", I mean that the colors have become brighter, the curves of people and objects have become rounder and the animation is more fluid.  (much like the Simpsons did) It has a super-polished look that detracts from the show in my opinion.
I prefer King of the Hill in it's old style of animation.  It was better when the animation was a bit more crude.

And the storylines of KOTH nowadays are absolutely awful.
It used to be that I would never miss an episode.  Now I don't even bother watching the new ones.
It is way past its prime.  I'll be glad to see it go and just stick to watching the older episodes.

Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: peter johnson on December 05, 2008, 06:14:09 PM
In the rerun episodes that I'm seeing now, Lucky has stopped being a sue-happy con man and actually is employing his smarts to expose other con-men.  Hank has put him on the straight & narrow & he's trying to man-up.  I hated him at first as well, but then the writers started adding depth to his character.  I still find the scripts I'm watching to be well-written.

I still wear my tie with pride.  The tie is right.

peter johnson/denny crane
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: inframan on December 10, 2008, 03:47:47 PM
Quote from: peter johnson on December 05, 2008, 06:14:09 PM
In the rerun episodes that I'm seeing now, Lucky has stopped being a sue-happy con man and actually is employing his smarts to expose other con-men.  Hank has put him on the straight & narrow & he's trying to man-up.  I hated him at first as well, but then the writers started adding depth to his character.  I still find the scripts I'm watching to be well-written.

I still wear my tie with pride.  The tie is right.

peter johnson/denny crane

Hank wins over yet another radical character...

I like the animation in the first season, watching it now it feel closer to Beavis and Butthead than latter KOTH.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: bladerunnerblues on December 14, 2008, 03:05:07 AM
Lucky realized that he is going to have to work rather than rely on "pee pee money".I still think Luanne could have done a lot better.
I miss Cotton.The episode where he died had no mention of Dee Dee,or little GH.WTF?
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: ER on August 17, 2022, 07:23:04 AM
For the past couple years I have been hearing a KOTH revival is coming and part of me has been excited and part of me cringes and hopes this never happens. I guess what I want is a continuation of the good old days of the series and I think we've been shown that revivals are like reanimating a dead body: an evil soul always sneaks in instead of your loved one, and you wake up in the night with your throat slashed while the one you resurrected leers and licks the blood off the blade, and the last thought you have as your life blood oozes out like Stony Baxter Freidgood's is, "How can she lick a knife without cutting her tongue?" (Answer? She can't but a ghoul doesn't care.) I've been in this situation before and you don't want it, so we should probably let Hank Hill lie in his Dallas Cowboys coffin and enjoy our sweet memories. If he is brought back at least sleep wearing a leather collar. I do already.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: RCMerchant on August 17, 2022, 01:38:02 PM
Quote from: Ash on December 05, 2008, 03:21:51 AM
loser who would sue anyone, anywhere, anytime?

Sound familiar?  :lookingup:
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: ER on January 09, 2023, 06:24:41 PM
That is not doggone dead which can eternal doggone lie, y'all.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: WingedSerpent on January 15, 2023, 07:02:10 PM
I also don't want a KOTH revival.   Especially since I heard it as going to take place in real time.  Which means we've lost some of the actors that played important parts.

Also, the show took place in a realistic world.  So some of those guys would not have survived the pandemic.
Title: Re: "King of the Hill" Canceled by Fox
Post by: ER on January 29, 2023, 04:16:00 PM
I doubt Ladybird would still be among us. Kind of have my doubts about Strickland Propane too. They could do some interesting things with Good Hank being grown up by now.