
Other Topics => Entertainment => Topic started by: Psycho Circus on April 15, 2011, 08:41:07 AM

Title: I Met Sam Yaffa!
Post by: Psycho Circus on April 15, 2011, 08:41:07 AM
Ah, went back to the Manchester Academy last night (was very drunk) to see former Hanoi Rocks frontman Michael Monroe. Great gig, full of energy, a good mix of old & new tunes - Hanoi, Demolition 23, his solo stuff and a Ramones cover (Blitzkrieg Bop). It was like watching Iggy Pop and David Lee Roth but 10 billion times better, plus he had Ginger (of The Wildhearts) on guitar. Mike was all over the place, playing harmonica, saxophone and even drums! I was at the front initially, but retreated to the sidelines halfway through as the gig was in one of the smaller rooms and was extremely hot. Anyway, once it ended I somehow went the wrong way down some stairs and ran into Sam Yaffa (hasn't aged at all) and Steve Conte (super cool New Yorker), the other guitarist. Great guys, we high-fived and had a quick chat, but I didn't have my camera on me or anything to get signed dammit! Oh well, another cool memory is now created....