
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Olivia Bauer on August 15, 2014, 09:29:50 AM

Title: ISIS
Post by: Olivia Bauer on August 15, 2014, 09:29:50 AM
I would imagine they didn't get their name from Archer.

For those that don't know ISIS is a terrorist group that recently emerged. They are hell bent on killing every non-muslim in the middle east. They have been beheading Christians and burying women and children alive for their faiths.

In other words, they're inhuman monsters.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Chainsawmidget on August 15, 2014, 11:38:52 AM
I think you may have posted this in the wrong section.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 15, 2014, 07:57:59 PM
So a terrorist group is using the name of a cheezy '70's kid show? (

If they start calling themselves Electra Woman and Dyna Girl-the world is in deep s**t.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: indianasmith on August 15, 2014, 08:40:34 PM
It's an acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Olivia Bauer on August 15, 2014, 09:50:33 PM
I think you may have posted this in the wrong section.

They're all over the news, so I don't think so.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Chainsawmidget on August 15, 2014, 10:37:14 PM
This section is for press releases and film news.  You know, movie stuff, not for real world events. 

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 19, 2014, 11:28:19 AM
Aint we bombing them in Iraq right now? GOOD! Crazy cocksuckers.  :hatred:

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: LilCerberus on August 19, 2014, 11:53:48 AM
Does anyone know what the name of that flag is?
I heard it's not the ISIS flag, but some other kind of Islamic flag that's getting a bad rep, kinda like the St Andrew's Cross after the Dixiecrats commandeered it...

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 20, 2014, 07:20:43 AM
Most Muslims are GREAT folks-its just extremist nuts like this that f**k it up for all. It would be like comparing Christians to Jim Jones. Not the same ball park.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Josso on August 20, 2014, 11:03:47 AM
I heard about a year back the FSA were having scraps with them but didn't really at that time understand the severity of the tactics the islamic state use to run their territory. "Non-muslim tax" and all that nazi nonsense. It really is full 1984 creepy in IS controlled places right now.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: ER on August 20, 2014, 12:55:25 PM
I wish more people in the west would read the Koran and be better informed about what motivates faithful Moslems to act as they do. Then maybe the "religion of peace" myth might be a little harder to swallow. Because of its central message of world domination by any means necessary, Islam can't be compared to other religions. Neither Sikhs nor Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, Zoroastrians, Baha'i, Wiccans, Christians, or any animists I know of are directed to violent conquest as Moslems are. Groups like ISIS, while extreme, are faithful to Islam. Read the Koran. There are plenty of free apps if you can't find a physical copy. If you value tolerance, peace, human equality, free expression, democracy, universal education, the protection of children from sexual predation, as well as freedom of and from religion, you just may be shocked at what Mohammad directed his followers to do.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Josso on August 20, 2014, 01:06:51 PM
I get what you are saying ER but I think it is possible to be compared, there are plenty of christians that are OK with homosexuality for example despite what the bible says.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 20, 2014, 01:43:28 PM
I wish more people in the west would read the Koran and be better informed about what motivates faithful Moslems to act as they do. Then maybe the "religion of peace" myth might be a little harder to swallow. Because of its central message of world domination by any means necessary, Islam can't be compared to other religions. Neither Sikhs nor Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, Zoroastrians, Baha'i, Wiccans, Christians, or any animists I know of are directed to violent conquest as Moslems are. Groups like ISIS, while extreme, are faithful to Islam. Read the Koran. There are plenty of free apps if you can't find a physical copy. If you value tolerance, peace, human equality, free expression, democracy, universal education, the protection of children from sexual predation, as well as freedom of and from religion, you just may be shocked at what Mohammad directed his followers to do.

Im an atheist.I dont give a flying f**k about their religion. I KNOW they are murdering scumbags. f**k THEM. What Obama is doing-bombing them-is right. I would think you Republicans would be on his side.

Of course-with politics-it aint about right-its about who has money funding. Right?

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Ed, Ego and Superego on August 20, 2014, 01:43:55 PM
Most Muslims are GREAT folks-its just extremist nuts like this that f**k it up for all. It would be like comparing Christians to Jim Jones. Not the same ball park.

I agree, these are nutjobs, criminals and terrorists.  The guy/girl who runs the market,works in the next cube, or is your HR person and happens to be Muslim is NOT one of these.  

Its no different from radical clinic bombers and any Christians you may meet.  Different animals.


Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 20, 2014, 01:52:05 PM
Its comparable to the treatment of Japanese in WW2-not as harsh-but when you see a guy with a turbin-you freak out. Its a differnt world-but it isnt.  Its scary.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Rev. Powell on August 20, 2014, 01:52:33 PM
I don't think you can judge a current religion/movement/ideology by the literal words of its foundational documents. Judaism would be both ridiculous and abhorrent if we used that standard. What matters is what people today think and believe. Some Muslims, like ISIS, are violent and delusional, most are not. Islam clearly has the largest number of dangerous religious fundamentalists today, but I wouldn't judge the average Muslim by that standard. It doesn't describe the Muslims I've met in my own life.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 20, 2014, 02:04:51 PM
Revs got it-you can twist your beliefs-Muslim,Christian-dont matter-to your own twisted way of thought-IE-Manson,Jim Jones,David Koresh-your religion is ok-the way you twist it to fit your psychopathic mind-well-you know...Hitler. I can twist all sorts of things with the right words.
Its f**ked-and ISIS is Nazi Germany-I DO believe-as a pacifist! -we should go to war with them. We should kill them.
The one time in my life I would ever say war is justified. THEY NEED TO GO!!!

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 20, 2014, 02:08:41 PM
I DO believe that the international community should take this threat as serious as we did Nazi Germany-THIS IS REAL. They need to GO!

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 20, 2014, 02:15:26 PM
Obama sent planes-we need to drop an atom f**king bomb-a small one-on these idiots main home-even if good people has to be done. These idiots need to know they are f**kED. Coming from me-thats serious-cuz Im a very liberal  dove.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: El Misfit on August 20, 2014, 02:47:19 PM
It's like having those people in peace riots that starts violence, then everybody is gonna join in on the violence because blood-thirsty people are scared.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 20, 2014, 03:07:16 PM
It's like having those people in peace riots that starts violence, then everybody is gonna join in on the violence because blood-thirsty people are scared.
These ISIS folks are Nazi's.f**k em. Aint even close to the same thing.ISIS has not connection to anything close to peace.They are evil scumbags.
I know what you are saying-comparing the riots in MO to this? Really? What planet are you on?

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: ER on August 20, 2014, 05:39:06 PM
When people say there are good Moslems, they say it as if it somehow changes the nature of the violence being waged against the west. I don't like singling a religion out for criticism, but I also think when you read the Islamic holy book and see that its own words sanction acts like those going on now in the Middle East, it's not wrong to point that out. All I'm saying is read the Koran and form your own opinion.

Of course there are good Moslems, but that didn't stop 9-11 or 7-7, or the beheadings and burials alive and all else happening in Iraq right now against Christians and even other Moslems who stand in the way of ISIS.

To say there are good Moslems is like saying there were good people in Nazi Germany. Yes there were many good people living under Hitler, and the Holocaust still happened. And terrorism under groups like ISIS is ongoing.

My point is, it doesn't hurt to be educated about what motivates religious zealots like ISIS, and the best way to do that is to do yourself the courtesy of going to the source material of their beliefs, the Koran. I have found most who read it end up shocked, myself included.


Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Rev. Powell on August 20, 2014, 06:04:07 PM
I have a rule of only responding twice to any controversial topic to keep it from turning into an unproductive back-and-forth battle, so this will be my last word on the subject. (Not that we aren't being civil here, but we've seen that things can go south fast when politics and/or religion get dragged into the conversation).

There are good Muslims, and that doesn't change the nature of the violence. But as you point out  the violence isn't strictly against the West. Many, if not most, of ISIS' victims are fellow Muslims.  ISIS and the Islamofacists in general want to frame the issue as us versus them, Islam versus the West. I think it's counterproductive to see things that way. I see the conflict as the values of the civilized world versus a desperate, ruthless minority of fundamentalists.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on August 20, 2014, 08:35:22 PM
the Vice video series on ISIS was interesting. they got one of their insane reporters to actually be embedded with them. What struck me was the resignation of the people in the town in Syria that ISIS had taken over. The ISIS morality squad calls over some guy on the street and tells him his wifes veil is the wrong fabric and not to lift her dress when she walks and the guy just takes it. really? you're gonna let some guy you don't know emasculate you like that? Amazing that people would step all over other people and be stepped all over in the name of religion.

Also, most of the Muslims I know or have known have been Shia. They hate wahabi's like ISIS which makes sense because they have been persecuted by them for millenia.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: indianasmith on August 20, 2014, 10:40:44 PM
I applaud the decision to bomb the crud out of these evil people.
Even Al Qaeda has rejected ISIS for being too indiscriminately violent.

ER does have a point, however.  Alone of all the world's great religions, Islam's holy Scriptures, the Quran, do prescribe ongoing war against all other faiths. Sensible, progressive Muslims realize that the reason for that is that Muhammad was a man of war who spent a good part of his life sword in hand, and that the constant jihad for the expansion of Islam is no longer practical or realistic in a modern, pluralistic world.  Unfortunately, while these type of Muslims are a majority here in America, they are a minority in many other parts of the world, especially the Middle East.  The more literally one reads and interprets the Quran, the more likely one is to become a jihadist.

The moral equivalency game doesn't work here.  Jesus NEVER ordered his followers to make war on anyone, anywhere in the New Testament.  The fact that the Church did so anyway is simply a measure of how far short they fell of Jesus' actual teachings.  The Jews of the Old Testament were a closer parallel, but they were ordered to make war on specific peoples for a specific time in their history.  Unfortunately, Muhammad attached no conditions to the "sword passages" of the Quran.

The problem with Islam, as it is practiced in much of the Middle East, is that it has NEVER had anything parallel to a Reformation or a New Testament.  These folks are still trying to practice the religion as Muhammad defined it 1400 years ago, jihad and all.

But, even among them, ISIS is generally regarded as being on the lunatic fringe.

So, as RC says, NUKE EM. :hatred:

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Jack on August 21, 2014, 07:04:41 AM
the Vice video series on ISIS was interesting. they got one of their insane reporters to actually be embedded with them. What struck me was the resignation of the people in the town in Syria that ISIS had taken over. The ISIS morality squad calls over some guy on the street and tells him his wifes veil is the wrong fabric and not to lift her dress when she walks and the guy just takes it. really? you're gonna let some guy you don't know emasculate you like that? Amazing that people would step all over other people and be stepped all over in the name of religion.

Also, most of the Muslims I know or have known have been Shia. They hate wahabi's like ISIS which makes sense because they have been persecuted by them for millenia.

I watched that too.  I think what I found most surprising is the way these guys can go and decapitate people and leave their severed heads propped up on top of their dead bodies, and then in the evening they're in town having a little county fair type thing, showing off their tallest and shortest soldiers to the villagers;  isn't this fun?  What a bunch of wonderful guys we are - don't you want to be one of us too?  Or the way that one guy was asking his son if he was going to be a jihadist or a martyr, with the same happy enthusiasm as an American dad would ask his kid if he was going to be a fireman or an astronaut.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on August 21, 2014, 07:38:31 AM
Indiana- Have you ever read The Discovery of Freedom by Rose Wilder Lane? Islam had a very libertarian era without even much civil law and prospered greatly. They turned away from it kind of like western civilization did as it entered the dark ages.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Josso on August 21, 2014, 06:14:47 PM
the Vice video series on ISIS was interesting. they got one of their insane reporters to actually be embedded with them. What struck me was the resignation of the people in the town in Syria that ISIS had taken over. The ISIS morality squad calls over some guy on the street and tells him his wifes veil is the wrong fabric and not to lift her dress when she walks and the guy just takes it. really? you're gonna let some guy you don't know emasculate you like that? Amazing that people would step all over other people and be stepped all over in the name of religion.

Also, most of the Muslims I know or have known have been Shia. They hate wahabi's like ISIS which makes sense because they have been persecuted by them for millenia.

I watched that too.  I think what I found most surprising is the way these guys can go and decapitate people and leave their severed heads propped up on top of their dead bodies, and then in the evening they're in town having a little county fair type thing, showing off their tallest and shortest soldiers to the villagers;  isn't this fun?  What a bunch of wonderful guys we are - don't you want to be one of us too?  Or the way that one guy was asking his son if he was going to be a jihadist or a martyr, with the same happy enthusiasm as an American dad would ask his kid if he was going to be a fireman or an astronaut.

That bit really hit me, I was trying to interpret by little body movements and looks whether the guy genuinely wasn't offended or whether he was just trying to not get into trouble. Really crazy little piece vice did there.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on August 21, 2014, 07:41:18 PM
that guy who was talking about raising the ISIS flag over the White House got killed. By Assad I think

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: indianasmith on August 21, 2014, 10:00:26 PM
Indiana- Have you ever read The Discovery of Freedom by Rose Wilder Lane? Islam had a very libertarian era without even much civil law and prospered greatly. They turned away from it kind of like western civilization did as it entered the dark ages.

That was during the heyday of the Ottoman Empire, was it not?  You are right - at one time Jews were better treated in Muslim
Turkey than they were in Christian Spain. But that pattern of enlightened rule is largely gone from the Muslim world, with a few
exceptions, like the King of Jordan and the ruler of Morocco.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Archivist on August 21, 2014, 11:17:22 PM
Melbourne has a fair Muslim population, and everyone I know is shocked and disturbed by what ISIS is doing at the moment. 

ISIS is doing just what extremist groups do, only they have a lot more people and resources than the Christian fundamentalists who bomb abortion clinics.  Frankly, it's frightening that this sort of thing is happening in today's society, but similar things have occurred under different names and regimes.  Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia springs to mind, and much further back, the Crusades.

The philosophical cause is one of not fundamentalism, it's not religion, it's about power.  The literalist interpretations of the Koran are just vehicles for their attempts to exercise power over others.  The religious beliefs give them a feeling of belonging to something greater than themselves, which is a common human desire, and a way to absolve themselves from personal responsibility.  "I did not do that, it was that hand of Allah that guided me."

These people cannot be reasoned with, because their motivations are not of logic or necessity.  And they are not motivated by a contemporary central command, like Hitler, but by people working with a religion that is thousands of years old.  It's not a government that can be negotiated with, nor called to surrender.  it's a sprawling parasitic mass that must be excised and rendered impotent.

The war to stamp this out must be fought not only with the gun, but with the mind and the media.  The Muslim population who might be swayed to join that fight must see what horrors are being committed so they will know the true face of those who claim to be heroes.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 23, 2014, 09:57:50 AM
Indiana- Have you ever read The Discovery of Freedom by Rose Wilder Lane? Islam had a very libertarian era without even much civil law and prospered greatly. They turned away from it kind of like western civilization did as it entered the dark ages.

That was during the heyday of the Ottoman Empire, was it not?  You are right - at one time Jews were better treated in Muslim
Turkey than they were in Christian Spain. But that pattern of enlightened rule is largely gone from the Muslim world, with a few
exceptions, like the King of Jordan and the ruler of Morocco.

This is amazing. The ISIS terrorists are very much like Nazi Germany-they think they are right-and f**k us.
NO. f**k YOU.
ISIS is EVIL-and I cant believe I am siding with a hard core Republican-but Indy is RIGHT!
 These people are EVIL.-We should do EVERYTHING in our power to stop them. I really do believe these scumbags are comparable to Nazi Germany-OR WORSE!
We need to be Captain America.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 23, 2014, 10:04:45 AM
Isis got nothing to do with religion-it has everything to do with carzy young maniacs trying to be important. Its insane s**t by young revolutionary PUNKS. Who wanna be important.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 23, 2014, 10:14:35 AM
If ISIS wants to walk in and think they can take over the world-we should drop a f**king A bomb on there main home-it would work. It would f**k them.They will be punked.f**kED!

f**k em-punk em..they will stop.
I actually dont think punking them is enough-I think we should KILL THEM ALL.
Yeah-Im crazy-oh well-I never said I was Democrat-I was always Anarchist....which means KILL THEM ALL.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on August 23, 2014, 10:17:17 AM
Assad is doing that. Any one of the dictators that just got taken out by the Arab Spring, etc would have too. Saddam Hussein would have butchered them.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 23, 2014, 10:24:37 AM
Assad is doing that. Any one of the dictators that just got taken out by the Arab Spring, etc would have too. Saddam Hussein would have butchered them.
Thats f**king scary-are you comparing us to Saddam?
Im sure Saddam would-but thats like Freddy vs Jason.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 23, 2014, 10:28:54 AM
WHY we are in the Iraq-too late to worry about that now-WE ARE THERE!
ISIS is a real evil-that needs to go.
I know-why we are there-dam-is wrong.
BUT we are-AND we promised the Iraqi people we would help.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on August 23, 2014, 10:46:18 AM
No I wasn't comparing us to Saddam Hussein! I'm saying these old dictators were paranoid about holding on to their power so they kept these sorts of groups in check. Assad is literally fighting ISIS every day. If the Arab Spring had taken him out who knows where we'd be. power vaccum city starring ISIS

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on August 23, 2014, 11:20:18 AM
IF this or that is -dont matter. NOW is HERE!
NOW we should fight them as an evil threat.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: alandhopewell on August 23, 2014, 12:40:33 PM
I wish more people in the west would read the Koran and be better informed about what motivates faithful Moslems to act as they do. Then maybe the "religion of peace" myth might be a little harder to swallow. Because of its central message of world domination by any means necessary, Islam can't be compared to other religions. Neither Sikhs nor Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, Zoroastrians, Baha'i, Wiccans, Christians, or any animists I know of are directed to violent conquest as Moslems are. Groups like ISIS, while extreme, are faithful to Islam. Read the Koran. There are plenty of free apps if you can't find a physical copy. If you value tolerance, peace, human equality, free expression, democracy, universal education, the protection of children from sexual predation, as well as freedom of and from religion, you just may be shocked at what Mohammad directed his followers to do.

     HEAR, HEAR!

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: ER on August 23, 2014, 01:30:54 PM
No I wasn't comparing us to Saddam Hussein! I'm saying these old dictators were paranoid about holding on to their power so they kept these sorts of groups in check. Assad is literally fighting ISIS every day. If the Arab Spring had taken him out who knows where we'd be. power vaccum city starring ISIS

lester, this is one of those rare occasions I 100% agree with you, buddy!  :cheers:

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Jack on August 23, 2014, 02:38:03 PM
I think the only solution is to figure out which group has historically been the most pro-western, anti-terrorist and anti-fundamentalist and give them all the arms and air support they want and tell them to take the damned place over and run it however they want. 

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on August 23, 2014, 02:43:33 PM
Apparently, some people who wanted us to support the rebels fighting Assad now want us to support Assad in fighting ISIS who are the rebels to a large extent. It would be our own weapons and $ against our own weapons and $.

RC- well, the main reason ISIS was able to cut through Iraq so fast was the political problems between the Sunnis and Shias that existed because of Maliki's policies. Now that they have a new guy in there hopefully there will be reconciliation and ISIS will get the boot. That's what happened during The Surge. We facilitated the Sunni Awakening and they drove Al Queda out out of self interest.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: indianasmith on August 23, 2014, 05:28:00 PM
One of my friends, a PhD in history, says that the best solution to the whole Middle Eastern mess is to reconstitute the Ottoman Empire and let them run the place again.  The Turks were the only ones who had much success keeping the  Arabs in line, and they were pretty good about letting Jews and Christians worship as they pleased (in exchange for an annual tax, but hey! that's better than having your head cut off!).

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on August 23, 2014, 06:57:21 PM
Now Libya is falling apart, too.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 06, 2014, 06:17:19 AM
Indy-the Ottoman Empire was a different world.
The only thing to defeat a threat like this is total mobilization of our Allies-much like WW2-because if we dont stop this now....we will have a global conflict.We ignored the Nazi's to long-and we should have nipped it in the bud when Germany blitzed Poland-we waited untill Japan bombed Pearl Harbor-to ignore this-after 911 is insane.
The  Islamic Extermists in the Mideast has been f**king this world long enough-it's time to put the foot down HARD.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: indianasmith on September 06, 2014, 08:30:03 AM
I couldn't agree more, but this country no longer has the spine it had 75 years ago.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on September 06, 2014, 08:33:39 AM
I say leave the middle east completely and never look back lest we be turned to a pillar of salt.  Let Muslims live under ISIS the way Asians lived under communism that is : miserably.  


This is the America I want back except for that scary ass blond girl

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: ER on September 06, 2014, 09:10:17 AM
I say leave the middle east completely and never look back lest we be turned to a pillar of salt.  Let Muslims live under ISIS the way Asians lived under communism that is : miserably.  


This is the America I want back except for that scary ass blond girl

Trouble is, I don't think they'd leave us alone. Pakistan is relatively unstable and has nukes. Iran, a nation with a grand martyrdom complex, will have them shortly, if they don't now. Every university of any size has samples of deadly diseases that could easily be stolen for cultivation and release into the general  population. Isolationism appeals to me but it worked better when the world was a bigger place.

Indy-the Ottoman Empire was a different world.
The only thing to defeat a threat like this is total mobilization of our Allies-much like WW2-because if we dont stop this now....we will have a global conflict.We ignored the Nazi's to long-and we should have nipped it in the bud when Germany blitzed Poland-we waited untill Japan bombed Pearl Harbor-to ignore this-after 911 is insane.
The  Islamic Extermists in the Mideast has been f**king this world long enough-it's time to put the foot down HARD.


I couldn't agree more, but this country no longer has the spine it had 75 years ago.

Sadly true. In 1904 Moroccan terrorists under a thug named Ahmed Raisuli kidnapped the son of a US citizen, Ion Perdicaris, and Theodore "the god who walks as a man" Roosevelt issued the statement:

"This government wants Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead."

While the resolution to the incident is more complicated that a bunch of terrorists in an Islamic nation suddenly releasing a hostage because they quaked in fear of US retaliation, at least it shows the United States and its leadership in times past had backbone.

I cannot imagine that kind of resolve coming out of the United States today.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Javakoala on September 06, 2014, 09:17:18 AM
I somewhat agree with Lester here.

Let them stew in their own juices. Any American fool enough to enter that part of the world accepts the risks. Draw very strict lines and clearly announce that if any of these fanatical groups cross those lines through direct attack or acts of terrorism, then all people in their region are forfeit, men/women/children. Then follow through with it. Zero tolerance.

But this country and a lot of the rest of the world has enough bleeding hearts and PC nay-sayers that we would be considered "evil".

When I went through surgery to remove cancer, they had to remove healthy tissue as well as the affected tissue. I'm still cancer-free.

Groups like ISIS are a cancer using religion as their motivation. Remove them and all of their people and I doubt you'll see too many people try to pull crap like this again.

Of course, I feel the same way about North Korea and the band Nickleback, so what do I know.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 06, 2014, 10:32:06 AM
Republican-Democrat. f**k that. We are AMERICAN.
Our job is to fight EVIL.
Lets DO IT.  :hot:

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Javakoala on September 06, 2014, 01:10:12 PM
Hell, yeah, Bela. Let's whoop some butt!!

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on September 06, 2014, 01:27:08 PM
If you want to fight evil, fight our government. Let people with actual skin in the game who are directly affected by ISIS, Putin, or whoever todays boogeyman is deal with them. We're broke, have no right to invade other countries and it makes us less safe.

Trouble is, I don't think they'd leave us alone. Pakistan is relatively unstable and has nukes. Iran, a nation with a grand martyrdom complex, will have them shortly, if they don't now. Every university of any size has samples of deadly diseases that could easily be stolen for cultivation and release into the general  population. Isolationism appeals to me but it worked better when the world was a bigger place.

this type of paranoia is more of a danger to our country than ISIS

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Olivia Bauer on September 06, 2014, 02:00:47 PM
Update: ISIS has beheaded an American journalist on camera.
They say they'll kill an American for every Missile we fire.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Josso on September 06, 2014, 02:09:26 PM
Republican-Democrat. f**k that. We are AMERICAN.
Our job is to fight EVIL.
Lets DO IT.  :hot:

Do you reckon the people who dropped fat man had this ideology to justify the "means to and end" thing? Realise I've taken your thing totally out of context but y'know... just sayin'

Edit, feel like I should have elucidated here... I have no idea what the political affiliations were of the people that dropped the nukes, if I had to guess they would say they did it for a country or the country's army. I'm just saying let's not let borders and national pride mess with our strategical methodology here.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Javakoala on September 06, 2014, 02:38:15 PM
Republican-Democrat. f**k that. We are AMERICAN.
Our job is to fight EVIL.
Lets DO IT.  :hot:

Do you reckon the people who dropped fat man had this ideology to justify the "means to and end" thing? Realise I've taken your thing totally out of context but y'know... just sayin'

Edit, feel like I should have elucidated here... I have no idea what the political affiliations were of the people that dropped the nukes, if I had to guess they would say they did it for a country or the country's army. I'm just saying let's not let borders and national pride mess with our strategical methodology here.

Not to be mean, but I think I'm offering up a collective "huh?"

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Josso on September 06, 2014, 03:02:06 PM
Basically national pride shouldn't cause rash decisions

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Javakoala on September 06, 2014, 07:18:57 PM
Basically national pride shouldn't cause rash decisions

Ah. Sometimes my brain's wiring shakes loose.

Valid point.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: ER on September 06, 2014, 07:31:53 PM

this type of paranoia is more of a danger to our country than ISIS

Paranoia is worry that Slender-Man is after you. Knowing you share a world with people who have attacked you before and proclaim their desire to attack you again isn't paranoia, it's facing a harsh truth.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: indianasmith on September 06, 2014, 08:39:29 PM
What ER and Ronnie said!

As for the nuking of Hiroshima - Japan STARTED that war when they invaded China in 1937 with a brutality that rivals that of ISIS today, if not eclipsing it altogether.  They widened that war when they attacked our fleet at Pearl Harbor after we declared an embargo on petroleum and iron ore exports to their country.  And they made it clear they would fight us to the death for their home islands when they showed themselves willing to die to the last man for tiny, isolated rocks in the middle of the Pacific.  My Dad, who turned 88 last weekend, was part of the army that was training for the invasion of Japan in September of 1945.  They were informed that the projected survival rate of the soldiers in the SECOND wave was 1 out of 132 who would make it without being killed or wounded.

Truman was desperate for a way to end this awful conflict in which 50 million had already died.  And they brought him a way.  A horrible way. But war is horrible.  He used it, and felt that he had saved both American and Japanese lives by doing so.  I think he was right, but what I think doesn't really matter.  The burden of that decision rested on his broad Missouri shoulders, and he made the call and was satisfied that he had done the right thing.

Would to God we had a leader of his caliber in the White House today.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on September 06, 2014, 09:43:34 PM
Yeah we need a leader who could nuke thousands of innocent people. God, good riddance to the gory 20th century and it's insane centralized power and volcanoes full of human sacrifice. 2000-1900 BC was more civilized

Knowing you share a world with people who have attacked you before and proclaim their desire to attack you again isn't paranoia, it's facing a harsh truth.

I don't remember Pakistan or Iran nuking us or attacking us in any way. I'm not worried about it. I am worried about stateless actors doing so and no amount of bombing will change this: Muslims want us out of their countries. Anyone who saw jean Claude Van Dammes " Legionaire" knows how the story ends. You either choose to go or you are driven out

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 06, 2014, 10:07:57 PM
Fact is-you can talk politics all dam day long-they dont give a flying f**k about politics-they need to be fought with tooth and nail. If that sounds extreme-well-we aint playing with little girls here-they use the most evil means to hurt theyre fellow man. The gloves need to come off.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: indianasmith on September 06, 2014, 10:18:35 PM
Dang, RC, I wish your karma was adjustable!  Your common sense has earned some points tonight.

Lester, I don't agree with you on foreign policy, and probably never will, but I do respect the consistency of the positions you take.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 06, 2014, 10:48:43 PM
I just think this really is comparible to Nazi Germany-but they are lacking a Hitler-they are leaderless a***oles. We can beat these f**kers if we get serious. We HAVE the weapons to do it. I usta think Harry Truman was wrong using the atom bomb.
I dont think so any more.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on September 06, 2014, 10:49:32 PM
No matter how much of a hawk you are though you can't say yes to everything. If we'd had a president who paused before Vietnam or Somalia we could have saved mens (and civilians) lives and spared ourselves the tragedies.  Look at how the USSR collapsed after Afghanistan went south. nothing brings down a country like a sour war.

Obama just killed the head of Al Shabab in Somalia with drones or something. Is the world better off for that guy being gone? probably. Do we have the responsibility to be in SOMALIA helping I guess Ethiopia with their problems? Are we a country or an insane octopus with ten million arms I don't know

I understand the revulsion towards ISIS and I'm pretty sure every normal person shares it.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 06, 2014, 10:51:54 PM
Im sorry if I come across as crazy-being a radical left wing anarchist-but there is a time to drop politics and KICK ASS.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 06, 2014, 10:57:22 PM
I hate war. I am so far left I make commies look like  Ronnie Reagan.
I am not so stupid to ignore a very evil threat to ALL people-and that is what ISIS is.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Olivia Bauer on September 12, 2014, 05:06:48 PM
President Obama has essentially declared war on ISIS. He plans to bomb them.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: indianasmith on September 12, 2014, 05:28:49 PM
I hope that does the trick, but I imagine before it's all said and done there will have to be boots on the ground.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 13, 2014, 04:52:42 AM
I hope that does the trick, but I imagine before it's all said and done there will have to be boots on the ground.
Yeah...I agree.
Obama said we are gonna train Iraqi folks to fight-hell-they were too passive to fight Saddam-they gonna fight these maniacs? No. We really need to do get really crazy-scatter them like roaches.They wont give up. EVER.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 13, 2014, 05:46:56 AM
If we find a there main camp-we need to drop a low level nuculer bomb.
I know that sounds crazy-but it would work. Would end it all NOW.
I used to think what Truman did was murder-but he was right.
It IS murder-but you have to fight murder with BIGGER murder-cuz hipie s**t aint gonna work.
Dam-if CheezeFlicks could see me now he would s**t.  :bluesad:
it makes me sad that I-a pacifist-is even thinking this. What a world.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 13, 2014, 05:49:29 AM
Yeah we need a leader who could nuke thousands of innocent people. God, good riddance to the gory 20th century and it's insane centralized power and volcanoes full of human sacrifice. 2000-1900 BC was more civilized

Knowing you share a world with people who have attacked you before and proclaim their desire to attack you again isn't paranoia, it's facing a harsh truth.

I don't remember Pakistan or Iran nuking us or attacking us in any way. I'm not worried about it. I am worried about stateless actors doing so and no amount of bombing will change this: Muslims want us out of their countries. Anyone who saw jean Claude Van Dammes " Legionaire" knows how the story ends. You either choose to go or you are driven out
So-should we sit on our hands? Let them kill like maniacs?
Rabid dogs cant be tamed-they need to be SHOT.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Josso on September 13, 2014, 06:14:22 AM
For the most part I agree with what you are saying RC, I just worry about details like separating perpetrators from victims - or philosophical points like if you are brainwashed lower ranking guy, even though you've committed evil acts does that really 100% make you a perpetrator. This is the sort of thing that makes war look like a blunt object instead of a precision tool. What's your view on that kinda thing?

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 13, 2014, 06:30:13 AM
If an SS guy follows Hitler-he's just doing his job killing Jews-that makes him MORE dangerous than the man he follows.
Because if you take away the tools of a fanatic-he;s just a ranting nut. The tools do the killing.
I have no qualms of them getting killed.
As far as civilians getting caught in the crossfire.That is f**ked. But if we dont do anything at all we will ALL be caught in the crossfire.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Josso on September 13, 2014, 06:37:19 AM
So would there be a limit of "collateral damage" for you, could you put a number on that like 1000 civilians is ok but 1001 is not.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 13, 2014, 07:06:04 AM
So would there be a limit of "collateral damage" for you, could you put a number on that like 1000 civilians is ok but 1001 is not.

I dont know-I'm a bad movie geek-not an expert on military affairs.
If it was involved with killing folks in Lawton,Michigan,I'm sure I wouldn't be so loose with my views.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 13, 2014, 07:23:39 AM
What happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki was awful.
But it DID end the war.
At what price?
At what human price?
War is evil-we all know that.But if we dont stop these people-they wont stop. Chamberlin tried to p***yfoot with  the Nazi-didnt work.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: RCMerchant on September 13, 2014, 07:40:24 AM
All war is evil-murder is evil.But if we don't stop ISIS now-it will get worse. Teenage American girls are joining them-because they think its cool. This is BAD.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Newt on September 13, 2014, 08:23:23 AM
We love you, Ronnie.  You know that - right?

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: JaseSF on September 13, 2014, 04:43:26 PM
I agree that ISIS is a great evil that needs to be stopped. The big problem with ISIS is that they could have supporters anyplace, anywheres...that's what makes them so scary. Does that mean we go rounding people up and putting them in camps like with the Asian people in the 1940s? That seems a tad easy answers...

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Jack on September 13, 2014, 07:41:26 PM
The Suadi's and Qatari's basically created ISIS by pouring a ton of money into Syria in hopes of getting rid of Assad.  And the Qatari's also financed the whole Palestinian missile program. 

Instead of spending money on a war we should spend it on sealing up the Southern border and impose draconian travel restrictions.  Only by having to deal with the consequences of what they've done will these Middle Eastern countries ever change their ways.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Rev. Powell on September 15, 2014, 11:07:56 AM
Islamic State Group Becomes Target Of Arab Satire (

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Archivist on September 22, 2014, 09:55:36 PM
In the last few days, there have been police raids in Australia involving 800 officers, arresting dozens of people suspected of being Islamic militants.  They had been surveilled since at least September last year and were recorded discussing plots to randomly capture and publicly behead someone, maybe in Sydney or Queensland or both.  And in the wake of this, some terrorist idiot has ordered the faithful to kill Australians, Americans, French and whoever else has been involved in this conflict.

These people are not following orders or being forced into this, they are volunteer nutcases who need to be locked up and stamped out.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on September 22, 2014, 10:38:38 PM
I saw that Australia story. US is bombing Syria now I hope this doesn't send these lunatic 5th columnists some sort of signal

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Flangepart on September 23, 2014, 08:02:01 AM
I think the 'kill anyone who ain't us' signal was sent a looooong time ago. They just try to milk it in the western media if it helps defeat their enemy psychologically.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: dean on September 23, 2014, 08:20:55 PM
In the last few days, there have been police raids in Australia involving 800 officers, arresting dozens of people suspected of being Islamic militants.  They had been surveilled since at least September last year and were recorded discussing plots to randomly capture and publicly behead someone, maybe in Sydney or Queensland or both.  And in the wake of this, some terrorist idiot has ordered the faithful to kill Australians, Americans, French and whoever else has been involved in this conflict.

These people are not following orders or being forced into this, they are volunteer nutcases who need to be locked up and stamped out.

I think it's important to note that only one person has been charged, and the details are awfully murky.  That recent one in Melbourne of the teenager being shot by police also smacks more of someone with a mental problem who has a bit of support to the cause of ISIS rather than an out and out militant [I mean who goes to a police station with armed with a knife? Just stupid...] 

It's likely that eventually some idiot will try something, but the reality is I have more danger of getting hit by a car than being swept up as a victim of a domestic terror attack, so really I'm choosing to focus my worries on more important matters.

As for abroad, by all accounts ISIS are pretty terrible.  I wouldn't even fathom the right approach to dealing with it, though I would labour the point that 'just bombing the entire region into ash' is probably not the right way to go about it.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: dean on September 23, 2014, 08:24:12 PM
Islamic State Group Becomes Target Of Arab Satire ([url][/url])

Reminds me of this:

Four Lions Trailer (

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Olivia Bauer on September 27, 2014, 02:05:08 AM
My Mom is getting paranoid. Apparently ISIS has been recruiting in Minneapolis. On 9/11 she picked me up from school saying "People always act screwy on 9/11".

I suppose that's why they're called terrorists.

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Olivia Bauer on September 27, 2014, 02:11:40 AM
Also the mobile wallet application "ISIS Wallet" changed its name to "Softcard". Be funny if another terrorist organization called Softcard appeared.

I kid but at least they knew it was a good idea to rename the product. If only everyone were so smart...

(I didn't Photoshop this. This was a thing.)

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Jack on September 27, 2014, 06:40:36 AM
My Mom is getting paranoid. Apparently ISIS has been recruiting in Minneapolis. On 9/11 she picked me up from school saying "People always act screwy on 9/11".

I suppose that's why they're called terrorists.

Yeah I heard that most of the Americans that traveled to Syria to join ISIS were from some part of Minneapolis.  Good grief, I used to live there  :bluesad:

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: lester1/2jr on September 27, 2014, 03:25:21 PM
lots of Somalis in minnesota

Title: Re: ISIS
Post by: Olivia Bauer on September 28, 2014, 01:42:26 AM
lots of Somalis in minnesota

True. Very true. You should see Mall Of America, crazy packed with them.