
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: ER on October 18, 2018, 08:35:36 PM

Title: WWDWD
Post by: ER on October 18, 2018, 08:35:36 PM
What Would Doctor Who Do?

In a hypothetical scenario, what would Who do? <---I just want to call him Who. Why? It sounds better. And I don't like doctors. Doctors stick sick people.

For instance, let's say a Vulcan warlord in ShiKahr around the time of Christ, four centuries before the reforms of Surak, challenges the David Tennant incarnation of Who to combat to the death. What's a Who to do? (Yell for Horton?) Would Who introduce the non-violent teachings of Surak into Vulcan society right then, creating a Who-like paradox, or would Who slip back to the TARDIS and make love to Rose Tyler, which we all know Who did, right? Wow, the wily Who wooed the woman wildly? Who wouldn't!

If you answered, Who would scoot into the past to borrow Leela from Tom Baker's incarnation of Who and let her wallop the Vulcan warlord on Who's behalf you answered correctly. That is what Who would do.

Now then, what would Who do if Who was faced with being locked in a closet on the U.S.S. Orville (ECV-197) with Johnny's Depp's version of Barnabas Collins. Bonus if you can reference Fibber McGee's closet here when answering what Who would do.

Your turn. What would Who do?

Title: Re: WWDWD
Post by: Alex on October 19, 2018, 05:17:18 AM
I think Who would end up meeting Spock (who after all is also half human), and form some sort of alien hybrid's support network. Spock would however eventually get fed up with all his Timey Wimey stuff and go off on a rampage that would put a Pon Varr to shame.

One of the theories about the show is that Time Lords are actually humans from very, very far in the future and the reason for them objecting to the Dr's meddling in Earth is that they are worried that his actions will interfere with the timeline and prevent the Time Lords from evolving.

So my question is, assuming this is true what would Who do if he was in a position where he could stop some great evil, but by doing so would prevent the Time Lords ever coming into existence? For bonus points if he did, would the universe collapse in the paradox then formed?

Title: Re: WWDWD
Post by: ER on October 19, 2018, 10:05:07 AM
I think the secret to Who is that Who and all his kind on the Who home world of Dollar Tree (what a cute auto-correct!) are robots. There is a lot to suggest that on Who, that Who could be an artificial life form, if you think about Who's behavior and the actions of some of Who's buddies. Who as a robot would explain a lot that's happened to Who on Who.

Who is about nothing so much as plot twists happening to Who, after all.

The theory I like is that Who and his kind were created on Earth far in the future (or a more advanced past lost to history) by humans, intended as care takers and guardians so trusted they were given the right to travel in time and space to care for human beings and that's why Who hangs around Earth so much carrying out his robot directive.

So does Who have free will? Who knows? (Or does Who?)

Who is such a great fantasy show. (Small f.) In fact I wish I were watching Who now instead of pretending to do employee evaluations.

I love Who. Who rules. Peter Cushing was a great Who too!

Title: Re: WWDWD
Post by: ER on October 19, 2018, 10:14:35 AM
I think in that case, Alex, Who might adopt the Prime Directive off that one show. The resulting paradox as you term it would result from so many intercrossing events Who prevented or set in motion that whole universes would die in some timelines, like when Red Foreman uncreated worlds within timelines on that one show's third most recent virgin. (Oh, another cute auto-correct!) I can think of at least two instances when Who could have unmade the Daleks and chose not to, citing at least once all the good that also came from their evil.

Who is a mysterious Who after all!

Title: Re: WWDWD
Post by: Svengoolie 3 on October 19, 2018, 03:57:35 PM
Personally I would like to see the doctor face the same situation that superman faced in that man of steel movie. You either kill a murderer or let him murder people. I didn't like MoS but i admit forcing blueboy to either kill or allow several people to be murdered was a good situation.

Peter Davidson finally killed someone in one of his eps to prevent him from committing mass murder, and he was a fellow Gallifreyan.