
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Steve on July 04, 2001, 02:24:38 AM

Title: Got a Movie Review
Post by: Steve on July 04, 2001, 02:24:38 AM
If you got a movie review on a new movie go to and send it in.  You could be posted.
Title: Re: Got a Movie Review
Post by: N. E. Moe on July 04, 2001, 09:04:57 PM
After seeing this site, a whole lot of memories drudge up like my dinner from last week.  And that week, I was tricked into eating liver.  But that's another matter.  Anyway (and i will do the same for that, I want to vent my anger on a few movies (I know they're kind of old but I gotta vent, please):

Batman Forever: Who's f**king idea was it to give Alfred a niece that will eventually become (drums please) Batgirl???

For those comics buffs, is Bane suppose to a big, muscular, one syllable idiot?  I thought the Hulk was from Marvel.

Batman &Robin and Batman Forever: The batmobile (oh, there's that dinner again)

Nipples does not a batman suit make. 'Nuff said.

Mortal Kombat: Shang Tsung or Shao Khan who was the best villain in the series?  (If you pick the wrong one, you got issues)

I forgot who was Goro's 4-armed daughter, but you think when you see her and Liu Kang are gonna start to go at it, and the fight music is starting, a big overhead cage is not suppose to drop on the she-monster's head and end the fight before it starts.

And speaking of Liu Kang, he's suppose to be the hero but he gets his ass kicked thoughout the almost entire movie?

One last question (and it's not racial), why did Johnny Cage get killed like a black man?

P.S. : I want to comment on The Mummy Retuns.  It was a good movie but here's the stumper: Since when is a deridgeable ('scuse the spelling) jet powered and can do mach 1.5?
Title: Re: Got a Movie Review
Post by: Flangepart on July 05, 2001, 12:01:54 PM
Since when is a derigable jet powered and can do Mach 1.5?  When it inhabits an alternate universe/Earth that does not exactly connect to our timeline. Hummmmn....anyone thinking "The Rocketeer?".  And on that thought....conciter the Godzilla Earth/Universe. From the point that G appears, all history changes for that Earth. And so, when we see a Kaiju film, we are watching the history of another planet unfold. Thats My thought, anyway.