
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: trekgeezer on September 30, 2004, 08:18:29 AM

Title: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: trekgeezer on September 30, 2004, 08:18:29 AM
Looks like this is a real possibility. We know the premise, but when should it take place?

Can you see Mark Hamil as old wisened Jedi Master Luke?

I think it would be a good way to flesh out some of the societies represented in the movies.

Could Kevin Smith pull it off?

Star Wars TV Series (

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Ash on September 30, 2004, 08:20:53 AM
I think anything having to do with the Jedi Academy would be cool.
It would definitely appeal to younger veiwers.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: daveblackeye15 on September 30, 2004, 09:08:40 AM
It would work very well if we just FOCUS ON THE STORY! And also put some effort in this thing called CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and try and also try and restrain ourselves from using CGI FOR EVERY FRIGGIN' THING! If they can do all that then the show can be great.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Vermin Boy on September 30, 2004, 09:17:59 AM
Two words:

Droids. Ewoks.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Gerry on September 30, 2004, 09:37:42 AM
Vermin Boy wrote:

> Two words:
> Droids. Ewoks.

STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL...[shudder]...and nary a CGI creation in sight.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: trekgeezer on September 30, 2004, 09:51:44 AM
The only way they could afford to do it is using extensive CGI at least for ships and other vehicles. I doubt the budget would let them have any believable CGI characters.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: nobody on September 30, 2004, 11:06:57 AM
Lucas is a multi-zillionaire- and he's always finding "new" ways to make more money. (i.e. How many of you guys bought the latest boxed trilogy of Star Wars for $60+?) The entire show could be CGI and his wallet wouldn't even feel it.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Yaddo42 on September 30, 2004, 12:09:18 PM
I'd settle for an expanded version of the animated "Clone Wars" series rather than those two minute serial segments. Even when they air back to back, like I caught part of on Cartoon Network this past Saturday, the choppy nature of that kind of pacing got on my nerves. But it was great looking, and made me want to see more.

I read the AP story where Lucas mentioned the idea of a TV series without his direct involvement. This interested me if nothing else just because the idea of screenwriters who know something about plotting, characterization, and believable dialogue might have to be called in. I just wonder what time setting he would place it in. I haven't read any of the novels in years (never warmed to them very much), so I have no idea about what is good or bad in the Extended Universe and if any of it could be mined for material.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Fearless Freep on September 30, 2004, 12:29:37 PM
"Character Development" is the last thing a Star Wars TV Series needs.  "Character Development" is a euphemism for "soap opera" and a soap opera masquerading as a sci-fi show is not a good idea.

Think about the original Star Wars, or the original Star Trek TV series for that matter.  Both were a lot of fun  and neither really had 'character development'.  They took basic personalities and watched those presonalities interact with various interesting events and settings; character development wasn't really needed.

I'm not against character development per-se but it seems to often that it's a copout by the writer because they learned how to write soap operas in school and writing good sci-fi in space requires a lot of personal creativity which is harder to find so you end up with soap operas in space.  It should be the events drives the development iof the character rather than the desire to develop the character dictates the story, but that requires coming up with good events, which is a lot harder to do, so you end up with lackluster stories trying to drive the development of 'character'

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: AndyC on September 30, 2004, 01:18:49 PM
Well said. In this type of story, characters are what they do.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: ED on September 30, 2004, 02:06:39 PM
Dave, I agree.  There is much room for story, and you don't HAVE to let CGI carry the whole show.  

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: trekgeezer on September 30, 2004, 02:26:45 PM
Character development  does not necessarily mean 'soap opera'. Meeting Spocks folks was character development, so was the story where he went into heat and had to go back to Vulcan or die. Finding out Vader was Luke's father is character development.

Any kind of backstory or a character revealing something about their past is character development.  Hell, just  establishing that someone is a badass by their actions is.

Characters  can't exist in a vacuum, real people don't.  When something bad happens to somebody it changes them for the better or worse.  I surely don't want cardboard cut outs that you don't give a s**t about.. If you don't care about them , you don't care what  happens to them or what they do and that equals boring, no matter how many space battles and light saber duels take place..

I don't want to see it be  Dawson's Creek in space, but I also don't want the big reset button pushed every week and eveything that has happened prior to this week's episode is rendered meaningless.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Prophet Tenebrae on September 30, 2004, 07:04:21 PM
Jeez, people who say character development leads to space opera are the kind of people who thought Voyager was a good show.

A Star Wars tv show... well, I scarcely think given the prequels that it could massacre the franchise much more. Although I hear New Jedi Order tries very hard with each new book realised.

Anyway, bottom line for me is that it wouldn't have the budget (because I'm guessing that Lucas isn't going to go "oh, here have a $100 million to make a decent tv series," because he just rubber stamps things so he can get more money - who knows what that chubby bastard spends it on). Even if it did, it would probably be weak.

It would be nice if it was a great show or something but really, the fanboys all probably just want Luke and Mara Jade. If it was based on KOTOR, it could be awesome.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: nobody on September 30, 2004, 08:33:04 PM
You made some great points, Prophet Tenebrae. Even though Lucas is loaded, he probably wouldn't finacially support the TV series (like I said he would)... He'd instead sign his name to the release form and let someone pay him a mountain of money to borrow the Star Wars name.

Aside from KOTOR the game, I'm finished with Star Wars.
...but if the TV show was based on KOTOR, too, I'd have to watch it.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: daveblackeye15 on September 30, 2004, 09:38:42 PM
I don't want the t.v. show to be like an soap opera but I don't think it's too much to ask for characters that you actually CARE about.

Example: (spoilers to Episode One and Star Wars)

Me when Qui Gon Jen died: Oh man! I'm outta soda!Huh? Oh that old Jedi just died, I guess this fight is almost over.

Me when Obi-Wan died (even to today): (With Luke) NO!

I would like to see a show that expanded the universe and that it would be a continuing story not episodic. It would be cool if an old Luke would show up in a few episodes but other than that I would like to see new characters. And it would be cool if there were no CGI characters ,if the background look well done then I don't mind but I hate CGI characeter (unless they look well done or appear in a complete CGI movie, then it's no problem)

And that's as they say is that.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: peter johnson on September 30, 2004, 10:10:18 PM
I say leave it alone & let it die --
"Star Wars", the original 2 episodes, had that fairy-tale/mythic quality to it that Joseph Campbell talks about in "The Hero's Journey".  Episode whatever with the Ewoks went to Hell in a handbasket, and the last 2 were even worse.
Lucas has made some amazing technical advances, but hasn't been able to leave well-enough alone.  What the hell is he thinking, for example, having Han Solo "defend himself" now against the Greedo thing in the Wookie bar on the revised box-set -- along with other micro-managing tweaking?  The whole point of him shooting Greedo under the table was to underscore that he was a brigand, a smuggler, and not a nice person.  He becomes heroic through his association with the others on their journey.  If he's a good guy from the get-go, then there's no point.
Anyway, I got off-topic a bit -- but not really.  I think my point is is that I think it would suck suck suck, especially if Lucas was involved because he's proven he has no respect for his own mythology.
peter johnson/denny crane

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: JohnL on October 01, 2004, 08:56:06 PM
>I'd settle for an expanded version of the animated "Clone Wars" series rather
>than those two minute serial segments.

They're supposed to be making some more of those, but longer this time.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: prozuim88 on October 02, 2004, 09:01:42 AM
Let's face it , it's just another lucasfilm cash cow !!!!!!!!!!!!!

If any of the new starwars movies are anything  to go by , I'm personally  not  particularlly bothered .

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Sugar_Nads on October 02, 2004, 10:19:30 AM
I think that they need to leave it alone. The last thing we need is some "Hollywood Hack" to screw up yet another perfect franchise.

If they really want to make the show happen, then they should leave all the "fan boys" out and let the greats take the wheel. Irvin Kershner anyone? Nuff said... ; )

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: trekgeezer on October 02, 2004, 01:41:35 PM
I really get tired of hearing people trash George Lucas. He started out in the business to be independent and guess what, he did it. He answers to no one but himself.  He was also smart enough to keep the merchandising rights for his movies when the studio heads were too stupid to see what they represented. Just because he doesn't do things the way you want doesn't constitute free license to bash the guy.

There is a simple way to prevent another  "cash cow" for  George. Quit buying or watching anything associated with Star Wars.  If he wasn't doing something that somebody liked he wouldn't be in a position to keep his "cash cow " going.

This is a little quote from H.G. Wells  I've posted before that fits people who trash others success,  " Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo."

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: nobody on October 02, 2004, 11:07:21 PM
trek_geezer: "I really get tired of hearing people trash George Lucas. He started out in the business to be independent and guess what, he did it. He answers to no one but himself. He was also smart enough to keep the merchandising rights for his movies when the studio heads were too stupid to see what they represented. Just because he doesn't do things the way you want doesn't constitute free license to bash the guy."

What I'm about to say in response to this isn't anything new. I'm sure this point has been made a zillion times on other messageboards... but here it is again, anyway:

Lucas is an artist, right? And "Star Wars" is his art- which he chose to share with the world. So isn't he now open to both praise and criticism from the world?

I choose to criticize the guy, and I think that's my right. I watched his movies, I have opinions of those movies (and of the artist who produced them)... and when I feel like sharing those opinions, who is justified in stopping me?

I used to like Lucas's art, but not anymore- in much the same way I like Michelangelo's "David", but wouldn't like it if Michelangelo came back from the grave and started giving his David extra, unnecessary appendages. Or, if Michelangelo started marketing a massive, embarassing wave of David related trinkets and other assorted apparel, I'd be equally turned off to the entire "David Universe."

trek_geezer: "There is a simple way to prevent another "cash cow" for George. Quit buying or watching anything associated with Star Wars. If he wasn't doing something that somebody liked he wouldn't be in a position to keep his "cash cow " going. "

That's true. Anyone who bashes the guy (at least to the extreme that I do) but still continues to buy the merchandise is an idiot and a hypocrite. I didn't buy the "new" "Star Wars" DVDs. I got rid of all my old "Star Wars" related merchandise and I won't be wasting my money on future "Star Wars" products ever again.***

So, Trek_Geezer, If you don't want to read any Lucas bashing (at least from me), you probably shouldn't read any of my posts in "Star Wars" related threads.

BTW, I'm not trying to start a flame war with you. I just wanted to explain my side of the discussion. We're just at odds about this particular subject, and that's unfortunate.

***I will continue to support the "Star Wars" franchise "Knights of the Old Republic" for Xbox, because the first one was the greatest RPG I've ever played... and YES, that does make me somewhat of an idiot and a hypocrite, but I take pride in knowing that Lucas doesn't have anything to do with that project. ...So say what you will about that. I can't deny that I enjoyed the game immensely.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: trekgeezer on October 03, 2004, 05:08:31 PM
I support everyone's rights to their opinions. I just can't see expending the energy getting upset about someone or their art  that I can do nothing about but move on.

And I do admire the guy for reaching his goal of being idependent.  He actually sees the irony of his situation this has landed him in. In a  interview he did state that he had become the thing that he fought against his whole career, the head of a corporation.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: The Ghoul on October 05, 2004, 02:55:10 PM
Nobody has mentioned this but I recall the Indiana Jones TV series and it was no great whoop. It was not horrible but I can't recall a thing about it. Does anybody got something good to say about that show? Or the rancid Ewoks Adventures live action TV show?? I recall dancin' teddy bears and a 10 seconds of special F/X. So the track record on a Lucas inspired live action TV series is not there. As for a Star Wars live action TV show stinking up the place? I can't even invision a bomb as huge as the 1978 Thanksgiving Special. Even if I have a fond childhood memory of seeing Boba Fett for the first time in some squirrely 70's TV quality animation by Nelvana. Or for starting my complete and total hatred for anything Bea Arthur. So why now? Maybe to keep the Hasbro machine turning out Star Wars plastic after the curtain falls on the last movie??? I think Kevin Smith is mentioned as a possible director because of his widely known views of NOT likin' Return Of The Jedi. So no Ewoks unless it is to blow their planet up thus hearing a million furry voices silenced. Good luck on that! If it was my choice I'd like to see TROOPS! the TV series.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Mr. Hockstatter on October 05, 2004, 10:09:21 PM
I just can't see expending the energy getting upset about someone or their art that I can do nothing about but move on.

Well, here's the reason.  You spend an hour (at least) getting the kids ready to go to the movie.  You drive 20 minutes, you stand in line for 45 minutes (oh the joy...).  You spend 3 or 4 or 5 hours worth of your paycheck (before taxes) on the movie, the popcorn, the pop and the candy bars.  You sit through a half hour of commercials, the 90 minutes of movie, and the 20 minute drive home.

And the movie freakin' sucks!  Lucas is apparently an egomaniac who's in the middle of - not his second childhood - but his second toddler-hood.  Spending 5 minutes on the net voicing your frustration and displeasure is utterly inconsequential in comparison to the entire evening you've blown on this thing.  We may not be able to "do" anything about it, but this is the only way we can express ourselves to anyone but our immediate circle of friends and family.

My apologies if you think we should just remain silent and mumble softly to ourselves.  :)

But I really have to ask, would this site even exist if every review was favorable?  I mean, criticizing "art" (lol) is such an incomprehensible waste of energy ;)

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: trekgeezer on October 06, 2004, 07:35:00 AM
The only point I was making is I can't see ranting about something every time it's mentioned.

I love movies and believe me I am disappointed in a quite a lot of what I see these days and I do b***h about some of them, but I have a real life and real problems to deal with.  That's where I put most of my energy .

There are certain actors and directors that I don't like, so I avoid what they do.  I can only judge what they put on the screen and since I don't know them personally I'm surely not going to start ranting and disparaging them every damned time their name is mentioned.

Blow your cork all you want , it's a  free country.  If you want to get an ulcer over a movie,  have at it.

This is not a flame by the way, just stating an opinion.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: George on October 06, 2004, 07:39:24 AM
This would have given me real concern 15 years ago.  I think now, however, it would be awesome because of the groundwork laid by the various Star Trek TV series.  I only hope that the TV series stays away from the movie characters and focuses on the expanded universe.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Mr. Hockstatter on October 06, 2004, 11:01:13 PM
No offense - I mean, you seem like a really nice guy, a "kindred spirit" of mine, and I agree with you one most things, but c'mon.  You're the one putting in all the time and energy.  Most people have 1 post each in this thread and you've got 6.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: trekgeezer on October 07, 2004, 04:51:23 PM
I know, but what can I say. I do like talking about this stuff and besides it's a good way to practice your grammar.

Hey , that makes seven now doesn't it ?

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Flangepart on October 08, 2004, 12:05:42 PM
Bablyon 5 worked character changes intom the scripts, and the plots were both shaped by, and shaped, the characters. Mike Garabaldi springs to mind there.

I love the X-Wing series of SW novels. THAT would make a great series! The average guys does the majority of the fighting and dieing...let them have their moment in historys sun shine.
Rogue, and later, Wraith squdrons were full of good characters who could die any minute. If Mike Stackpole does the books, or Michael J. Anderson, i'll give it a chance.

Finaly, what did you guys think of the Clone Wars toon, when run back to back? A bit too styalised, i thought. Did they realy expact them to not be run sequenscialy?

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Sugar_Nads on October 22, 2004, 11:00:45 PM
Ok, you guys are seriously overreacting. I don't get ulcers over petty crap. The fact is... Kevin Smith is just a fan boy with a desire to undertake a phenomenal franchise that he could never possibly begin to comprehend. He should stick to stuffing his face and making "left winged" films. Just my two cents....

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Sugar_Nads on October 23, 2004, 08:40:11 AM
I've gotta say that "stylized" cartoons are a poor excuse for low quality. Realism is far more interesting than some cartoonish jedi running around with a lightsaber.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: dean on October 23, 2004, 09:25:12 AM

I think the TV series would work best if, as previously mentioned, uses the Rogue Squadron, or some group not immediatley involved with the movies [maybe a short appearance, but nobody too important]

I have a few books at home, and the one with various short stories on the bounty hunters that appeared in Empire to hunt Han Solo were fantastic.  Something like that would be good.

But then again, I wouldn't expect too much from this.  It perhaps wouldn't be worth it...

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: Prophet Tenebrae on October 24, 2004, 11:40:44 AM
I'll get tired of trashing the likes of Kevin Smith and Lucas when they actually manage to recreate the same miracle which allowed them to make a good film.

If they made a TV series about Rogue Squadron, it's quite possible I'd go on a killing rampage if it followed the standard - Wedge sees Empire superweapon, Wedge thinks for a bit, Wedge hits it's ONE VITAL WEAK SPOT! and kills about a billion imperials.

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: nobody on October 24, 2004, 11:54:55 AM
Kevin Smith hasn't made a truly good film since "Clerks!" His movies are on a steady gradual decline, getting worse and worse as you get deeper and deeper into his filmography. If he's capable of "miracles" he needs to start pulling some soon.

As for Lucas, if you think he's avoided using the same old cliches in his movies then you haven't been watching his movies!

Title: Re: Star Wars TV series....What do you think?
Post by: wolf woman on October 25, 2004, 03:45:44 PM
They should just leave it alone.

If it isn't Lucas, don't try and fix it.   Dang.

You know the saying about too many hands in the pie.   Things get contaminated.