
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Bruce on December 15, 2001, 08:19:23 AM

Title: Help, what's it called?
Post by: Bruce on December 15, 2001, 08:19:23 AM
Watched a film in mid-80s re. Australian/possibly New Zealand mass murderer who at one ties a woman to a tree and does her in with a trombone with a spike on it - all whilst playing a tune on said trombone.

Claims to be based on a 'true' story about an as yet uncaught musical serial killer.

I am not making this up!

Title: Re: Help, what's it called?
Post by: Squishy on December 15, 2001, 08:28:59 AM
I am thinking it's this one, but Samuel Z. Arkoff and Charles (Legend of Boggy Creek) Pierce are involved, so the "true story" angle is probably a rip from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre or just some other form of hooey.

Title: Boggy Creek - you beauty!!
Post by: Bruce on December 15, 2001, 08:35:25 AM
Thanks for the title and revealing the 'true story' bit to be a big old lie.
I watched the movie when I was far too young and have lived in fear of trombones ever since - indeed most brass instruments come to think of it. I can now put that behind me.
Is the film worth watching again?

Title: Re: It's A Boggification Process
Post by: Squishy on December 15, 2001, 09:20:50 AM
Oh, hell, I haven't seen it, just wanted to help out. And I can't resist a challenge. (Actually, I all I did was go to and enter "killer true trombone," and the review link came up immediately.)

However, having seen Boggy Creek...And The Legend Continues on MST3K and The Boogens, I can safely say anything by Charles B. Pierce is tough going. The review I posted the link for has much to say as well. N'ja!

Title: Re: Gah! Boggified!
Post by: Squishy on December 15, 2001, 09:28:05 AM
I'm mixing up my ground Chucks. Charles B. Pierce didn't have anything to do with The Boogens; that was Charles E. Sellier Jr.--of In Search of Historic Jesus infamy.

Title: Re: Gah! Boggified!
Post by: Bruce on December 15, 2001, 10:17:02 AM
And disaster strikes.....
Went to track down Legend Of Boggy Creek.....not the trombone man at all!
Boggy Creek is about Big Foot (filmed in docu-Vision).
I knew that I recognised the name as I saw the film when I was about 12.....quite scary for a wee kid!
The hunt from the limping, trombone playing maniac goes on...........

Title: Re: Gah! Boggified!
Post by: Cullen on December 15, 2001, 11:16:39 AM
"Went to track down Legend Of Boggy Creek.....not the trombone man at all!"

Try "The Town that Dread Sundown."  I think you'll be (un)pleasantly surprised to find that that's the movie you're looking for.

Before you ask, nope, haven't seen this one.  However, I have been researching horror movies for the better part of my life, and I have yet to come across any praise of any kind for this film.

"I watched the movie when I was far too young and have lived in fear of trombones ever since - indeed most brass instruments come to think of it. I can now put that behind me."

Incidentally, I kind of know how you feel.  I watched this episode of an anthology series called "The Dark Room"  once.  It had an adaptation of a Robert Bloch story in it (can't remember the name) which ended with the protagonist looking underneath his bed and seeing the living head of a witch he killed earlier.  He screams and the witch's cat comes out from beneath the bed and takes his tongue out.  I had problems checking underneath the bed for a long time after that (although I knew better.  I swear.)

Pretty sad, I know.

Title: Re: Gah! Boggified!: Boggifired?
Post by: Flangepart on December 15, 2001, 12:44:14 PM
He sure could have used a mirror, the, coulden't he? Useful for checking around suspicious corners (Except when hunting Vampires), and surprising Medusa's.

Title: Re: Gah! Boggified!
Post by: Squishy on December 15, 2001, 04:31:16 PM
Copy my link. Paste into address bar. The Boggy Creek mention in my post is just to let you know what else the guy has done to us.