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Cherry 2000

Started by Steve Bentley, November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM

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John Dashwood

Helmuut has it right. A simpler time! Now we have to deal with
millions of illegal Aliens brazenly demanding our money and that we change our laws as if they are entitled to it. But enough of that. Felicity is missing out. B-Sci Fi movies are great! Cherry 2000 is one of the best of the Bs! I love this movie. Yuppie dude comes of age, guns, explosions, Hoover Dam, sex robots, guns, killer Yuppies as the main antagonists, (Come on now! Surely that's a new one on all of you!) twister, reverting to their animal natures, a calvary charge of four wheelers, toaster ovens, (Lots of them!) donkeys, and guns.
What's not to like? Just watch and enjoy. Don't take them that seriously.



One of my all time favorite flicks next to Repulsion, Star Wars and 2001: A Space Odyssey - even though it has a minor flaw or two - **ha, ha**.


The first second i saw the movie back in the 80's i knew exactly why he developed such an attachment to the screwbot. mainly because women don't know how to shut up and do what i tell you to do kind of love these days. I keep checking every month hoping before the year 2050 in anticipation for this kind of perfection.

xoxo to my future screwbot companion.


The first second i saw the movie back in the 80's i knew exactly why he developed such an attachment to the screwbot. mainly because women don't know how to shut up and do what i tell you to do kind of love these days. I keep checking every month hoping before the year 2050 in anticipation for this kind of perfection.

xoxo to my future screwbot companion.

You just have to know how to keep them in line is all.     


I must have watched this movie about 10 times back in the '80s.  It goes well with a nice bowl of weed  :teddyr:  Watched it again recently, it's still fairly entertaining.  Definitely gets slow in a few spots though. 
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


O.K. so was it me or do you think that Sam's ex-girlfriend Ginger was a robot? I mean they never really said that she was a robot, but she was acting very weird. She was Lester's girlfriend and she didn't bat an eye when Lester killed people. And at the end of the movie when Lester was killed she made a silly comment about no peanutbutter sandwich for him. And considering that she is Sam's ex-girlfriend and Sam preferred robots, it only makes sense that she is a robot too. I was just wondering if anyone else thought that too.


Did David Lynch & Quentin Tarantino secretly collaborate on this ?
It really looks like it. They really should've gotten an Asian, Asian - American, Hawaiian or someone equally exotic to play " Cherry " because the Japanese & other people in E. Asia are really robot - crazy, so I've observed.


One other MINOR, MINOR quibble I have with the movie:
They do an extreme close - up of her applying lipstick, & she needed either electrolysis or lip wax. Completely shreds the illusion, burns it, & stomps on the ashes. I know, picky, picky, picky.....

& the last movie Pam G. was in was a Disney flick, " Little Vampires " about a family whose son befriends vampire tykes somewhere in Europe. She was a human. I think it was a straight to cable thing.
& BTW, I think Pamela Gidley looks like Margot Kidder's long - lost kid sister, but that's just me....


If they ever do a remake (and it's about ready for a remake), I want Gary Busey to play Leroy.


Did anyone else think that Melanie Griffith looked like Leeloo from "The Fifth Element" in this movie? When she handed back Cherry's control-chip-CPU-thingie, I caught myself spouting out, "Kor-ben Dal-las. Mul-ti Pass." lol.