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Flying Guillotine

Started by IT, October 17, 2006, 04:52:49 PM

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Movie scared the hell out of me as a kid.A very entertaining and enjoyable movie.

The flying guilotine resembles a device used in _Heroic Trio_ (good Hong Kong flick).  I wonder HT got the idea from this movie.  Anyone know?

Paul Westbrook

Thesae martial arts movies have a special place in my heart, and this one is no exception. Talk about violent, intense action. That's what makes these films woth watching.

Muhammad J. Fox

     I'm very glad this classic can be bought these days. I remember watching this movie on tv as a child along with "the 5 deadly venoms". They don't make martial arts movies like they used to.

Hangman (Victor)

 The Flying Guillotine is one of the most hideous devices ever seen. The only thing I've regretted is that no one have the interest to make a modern remake of this movie. Three great candidates for a remake are: Jet Lee, Vincent Zchao & James wong. I think there are about five prequels so far. These are: Flying Guillotine, Fatal Flying Guillotine, Master Of The Flying Guillotine, Shaolin Silver Spear & Heroic Trio I. The Silver Spear is the hardest to find.

Jeffrey Bisti

We bought this movie along with three other high-quality flicks from our local flea market, and we plan on having a little get together to watch it tonight after The Simpsons. The videos on this site helped us stir up interest among friends... I'll let you know how it goes.

Gabe Kelly

I remember this flick back when I was five years old. I also remember The Fatal Flying Guillotine, which I own, and Master of the Flying Guillotine, which, by request of the Almighty Martial Arts Immortals (Wong-Fei Hung, Bruce Lee, Lam Sai Wing, et al.), is being re-released to theaters in June. Let's hope the good times keep rolling a-head. (Nyuk, Nyuk,Nyuk...)

Marc Ferriere

This movie is pretty passable.   I kinda wish that the Emperor got his, though.   The Emperor in this movie is the biggest freakin' cock.   I mean, he kicks you in the face, and that's if he LIKES you!    Don't get this one expecting Venoms-quality of kung fu, though.   There are about 4 lamely choreographed fight scenes and the rest is all heads-a-poppin.   Good stuff and good Shaw Brothers gore.


As someone pointed out above, there are actually four sequels featuring the flying guillotine. If you ever want to be an assasin, the FG is a good choice considering the instant feedback on whether you made the right hit or not !


So THAT'S where they got the idea for Rygar from...


You forgot to mention about how the guy uses the excuse
Guard:"Hey what are you doing ou there?"
Glairing Guy:"I'm looking for my wallet."
#1 they used bags in fudal asia
#2 Where would he keep a wallet?  In all those pockets...
#3 Why don't rulers ever give out women insted of money anymore?


I saw this as a kid and had nightmares for weeks. What a great @$$-kickin' movie.

Kung Fu Karl

I have not seen this movie yet but would like to acquire it. But I do have
"Master of the Flying Guillotine ultimate edition". it is a great movie.


Flying Guillotine is on MythBusters tonight!  :teddyr:  :bouncegiggle: