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Started by ViktorCrayon, December 10, 2006, 12:55:09 PM

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Rowsdower's Truck

Quote from: ViktorCrayon on December 10, 2006, 12:55:09 PM

Someone was kind enough to post my favourite scene on youtube. The song is about how reptilicus ("tilicus!") is so dangerous that he could scare even a dead herring.

I can post a full translation if someone is interested. I hope people here have seen and enjoyed this gem. It's the danish movie i take most pride in, and i'm really happy that it's featured on this exellent site!

I too am a big of the world's only Denmark stomping reptile and if the offer is still open, I was wondering if you could translate the "Tilicus" song from Reptilicus.

I am writing up a comprehensive review of the novelization of Reptilicus at

I am nearing the end of my review and I would really like to be able to post the lyrics to the song in one of my final posts.


Sure!!! It's my pleasure!

Here's me trying my best:

TI LI CUS is one heck of a fable animal
He'd take up a fight with even the biggest Snabeldyr (Snabeldyr= an animal with a trunk... yeah, it's weird)
It's insane!
spits fire!
even scares a dead herring!

Chorus (with the girls)

Come on out
little cutie
Who's afraid of tilicus?

on it's back, it has a lot of big pointy things
when it comes, everyone yells goodbye
sharp claws
wing span of at least a kilometer


he who sees Tilicus, will get a shock
when he walks, he dances a slow rock
it's insane
eats people from the fifth floor


Tilicus can fly as fast as a jet
LOOK AT THAT! It's braking down with a twitch! (pointing to the air)
That was a joke, thank god for that
you better run before it goes on a spree

I just looked this over... It's truly bizarre!