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Post Your Own Spam

Started by Menard, March 22, 2007, 09:32:24 AM

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I started this on a webmaster forum where the spamming is just a little on the high side. The intent was for the members to have fun, rather than being subjected to to other's spam, by creating their own bogus spam.

I ,of course, started with a very innocent looking spam (ahem).

Do You Want Your's To Be 14 Inches or Bigger!?!

Be The Envy of the Neighborhood

You will constantly be receiving compliments like:

Oohh...It's Sooo Big!!!

It's Soooo Firm!!!

Can I Hold It???

I Just Want To Put It In My Mouth!

It's Getting Bigger.....and Bigger....and Bigger.....and Bigger!

Yes....It's The New Chemical Revolution of the 21st Century

No Longer Be Laughed At Because Your's Is So Small

Get Miracle Carrot Grow Today and Increase The Size Of Your Carrots

*Use of Miracle Carrot Grow on anything other than carrots and vegetables in general is highly not recommended. Miracle Carrot Grow makes no claims as to how big your's will get or the envy others will have for the size of your's. Miracle Carrot Grow is not associated with the use of slogans like: that's a whopper baby; give me that big one; does it get bigger if I rub it; keep pulling, it'll come out; now that's what I call a root; or, that scarecrow is looking real happy to see me. Miracle Carrot Grow additionally makes no claim to the slogan 'It'll Stay Hard For More Than A Week'. How hard or soft your's gets is entirely dependent upon how you store it, how and who handles it, and at what temperature you keep it. We make no guarantees as to the ability of Miracle Carrot Grow to increase the size of your's.

(what did ya think I was talking about?)  :buggedout:

It's your turn. :tongueout:



 :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:

Thanks for the laugh, Menard ~ it's been a very stressful week here.

Some Karma for you.  :drink:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.