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Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Ahnold . . .

Started by indianasmith, November 14, 2008, 07:48:17 PM

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OK, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Arnold Schwarzenegger were touring the Magical Mystery Mansion when they saw a huge mirror in a gilded frame hanging on the wall. Below it was a faded notice: "Magical Mystery Mirror. Will tell you anything you want to know . . . if you ask alone."
Angelina said, "I want to know if I'm really the hottest woman on earth!"
Ahnold said, "I want to know if I am the strongest man alive!"
Brad said, "I'm gonna ask if I'm the sexiest man alive!"

So they stepped out in the hallway so they could ask their questions alone. Moments later, Angelina came out of the room beaming. "I AM!!" she said. "I am the hottest woman on earth!"
Arnold stepped in next, and came out with a huge grin. "And I," he said, "am the strongest man in the world!"
Brad Pitt went into the room with the mirror and closed the door. Moments later, he came out with a confused and disappointed look on his face.

"Who the heck is 'Indiana Smith'?" he asked.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Mr. DS

Well Indiana, I'll give you an A for effort.  Perhaps Brad should buy the hat.   :bouncegiggle:

DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall