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Started by systemcr4sh, March 22, 2002, 04:20:12 PM

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Anyone seen this "Horror Comedy" ?  It's coming on Movie Pix soon (April 1st)  and I looked it up on the imdb and it said it was a Spoof sort of. Also known as "Thursday the 14th" or something to that effect. Its not "Saturday the 14th" because I've seen both of those. Should I tape this? Its supposedly about a mountie that is investigating murders at a cheerleader camp or something. Cameos By Judge Reinhold and the guy that Pee-Wee herman!

Any one seen / heard of it?

- Dan


It's VERY corny, but give it a shot. I liked it a lot when I first saw, but I was 10 or 11 at the time. It reminds me of "National Lampoon's Class Reunion" more than "Student Bodies". No gore or nudity, IIRC, it's just very tame and silly. If it was a Monty Python sketch, Graham Chapman's brigadier character would march in outraged yelling, "No! No! Stop it. Stop it now. It's all just too damn silly. I won't have it."  

Tommy Smothers is the mountie, Paul Ruebens plays his assistant who is jealous of the attention Smothers gives to his horse. Carol Kane plays one of the cheerleaders at the camp, so you have been warned.


Pandemonium is a pretty funny movie, if you are in a silly mood.  I have a copy, and my wife and I watch it occasionally.

To me, the funniest stuff is in the background...some of the music effects, for example.  

