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Mother Fined For 'Stalking' Her Son

Started by ER, April 13, 2009, 04:26:45 PM

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Court fines mother for phoning son too much

Thu Apr 9, 1:25 pm ET

VIENNA (Reuters) – An Austrian woman who bombarded her son with phone calls over a two-and-a-half year period was fined by a court for stalking him, Austrian media reported on Thursday.

The 73-year-old woman, who phoned her son up to 49 times a day was fined 360 euros ($478) by the court in the southern city of Klagenfurt.

"I just wanted to talk to him," the woman told the court, according to Austrian newspaper Kleine Zeitung. "I can't talk to my son, nor my daughter. I've never seen my grandchild -- who is already 15-years-old," she said.

The case was brought by the son. The court did not release their names.

What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Somehow, I think there's a hint she's just not getting. . ..
Raw bacon is GREAT! It's like regular bacon, only faster, and it doesn't burn the roof of your mouth!

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James James: The man so nice, they named him twice.

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