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Tier the Indiana Jones Series

Started by Olivia Bauer, April 23, 2011, 11:00:06 AM

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1. Raiders Of The Lost Ark.  Fantastic, energetic film that never lets up.  Ark opening scene toward the end NEVER gets old.
2. Last Crusade.  Also very entertaining.  Also pretty ridiculous at times but good chemistry between Ford and Connery.
3. Temple Of Doom.  Good action but Spielberg's wife and Short Round almost completely kill it.  Same goes for the "gross out" dinner scenes; totally unnecessary.
4. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.  Ouch ouch ouch.  Stupid, unbelievable situations abound.  The CGI monkeys and Shia swinging from the vines like Tarzan damaged my soul in ways I didn't think possible.  Ugh!
"O the legend they say, on a Valentine's Day, is a curse that'll live on and on.."


Quote from: A.J. Bauer on April 25, 2011, 01:14:41 PM
Quote from: InformationGeek on April 25, 2011, 10:20:00 AM
Quote from: The DarkSider on April 24, 2011, 08:27:50 AM
Oh and Shia Lebouf ruins every movie I've seen him in.

*Gasp*  So you don't like NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind or does that not count since you don't see because he was a voice actor?


He was in NausicaƤ?!

Indeed, he was Asbel, the brother of the girl who died in the airship early in the film.

We live in quite an interesting age. You can tell someone's sexual orientation and level of education from just their interests.


The Last Crusade
Temple of Doom
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Hammock Rider

Raiders of the Lost Ark
Temple of Doom
Last Crusade
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

  I would have been surprised if any of the sequals could have equaled the original butt they seemed to lose a little more energy and inspiration as they went along.   I think they were just less and less interested in the characters and stories as they grew older.
Jumping Kings and Making Haste Ain't my Cup of Meat



If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


1. Raiders: Classic adventure serial style modified for the 80s audience. Works very well IMO.
2. Last Crusade: Almost as good as the first movie but not quite.
3. Temple of Doom: a disappointing follow-up with too many unnecessary things sidetracking its focus.
4. Crystal Skull: I actually liked it and on some levels better than Temple but well Temple ultimately wins out for being from the actual 80s with no CGI.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


wow I have not seen Crystal Skull (and I thought I was the only one)... In a way I want to see it but it seems a few years too late (it's the cold war subject that pulling me away from the film)

I like Raiders and Last Crusade... I'm not sure if I need to say anything else...

Temple of Doom is ok, the sidekick does get annoying at times... yet it seems unessary too much action at times... maybe the escape from the crashing airplane and the Rollercoaster ride in a mine (Rollercoaster ride???) seem quite simular to each other and it also seem like the simular formula was rehashed in used in Jurassic Park series (ok omit the Rollercoaster rides but the over extended thrilling action senes were getting boring fast.)


(1) Raiders of the Lost Ark: One of the my favourite movies of all time. Lots of action and great acting by everyone - main actors and supporting cast.

(2) Temple of Doom: Not so great. Lots of action, but most of it was just ridiculous (e.g) roller coaster ride. Kate Capshaw was not even in the same league as Karen Allen.  As for "Short Round"  :thumbdown:.

(3) Last Crusade: Not as great as Raiders, but still loved it.

(4) Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: Setting it during the Cold War kind of ruined it for me. Mind you, with Ford's age it would have been hard to set it pre-WWII. Shia LaBeouf, 'enuff said.


Short Round was just there for the kids to relate to. But kids never relate to other kids in action movies, they wanna be the grown up heroes. It's just like the parents are only in kids movies for us older folks to relate to, but I still wanna be like the kids. As for Kate Capshaw, she was hot and she was the director's wife. Karen Allen wasn't availible for the sequel that's why it's set before "Raiders" in case she wanted to come back for part 3. Wiley might not be Marion, but it didn't stop me from loving "Temple of Doom."

peter johnson

Create a category called "Suck", and put them all in there -

Okay, I'm fine with the fact that they were trying to recreate the whole "Oh, Wow!!" thing about the serials of the '30's and '40's, but I am apparently the only person on Earth who thinks they never got it right -

There are costume and prop holes beyond listing, plus a dreadful sense of history - eg.  The Afrika Korps did not exist until 1941, way before the stuff in the first one was supposed to have taken place, yet Korps insignia are on everything - plus plot holes you would never have been able to drive a truck through in the REAL serials - eg.  Indy stows away on the SURFACE of the German submarine, which would have gone under water at some point, and reappears at the end of the voyage, with no explanation.  Had there been ANY scene of him hiding below deck, or any explanation at all, this would have been better than seeing the guy just jump onto the sub & then, later, Whoops! There he is!! - Nah, the whole series sucked for me - no attention to detail at all - Real serials are way better -

I have no idea what this means.


I wasn't aware Speilberg wasn't married to Kate at the time. But I still love "Temple of Doom" and still hate the new one!

The Burgomaster

TEMPLE OF DOOM / SKULL (about equal)

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."