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Started by Susan, January 04, 2005, 07:15:54 PM

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does anyone have a blog? I just started a couple, i'm curious


I believe Dave Munger does. He blogs and everything.


I have one at, but it's more about movie reviews, news, and stuff. The movie reviews are the same ones that I post here at

Post Edited (01-04-05 21:09)


I can't even keep up with my site anymore so i don't know what posessed me. Actually it was suggested I keep a blog of all my dreams since i have all my psychic baheebyjeebies and all, it's actually kinda funny to see it all written down.

Then i started another one, i can't imagine if i'll keep up with it but it's kinda fun to post random thoughts even if nobody else ever reads it. i don't feel so bad, in away i'm kind of hoping to offend someone ;-)  I started up a site called Cubeworld once showing all the dirty secrets in corporate cubefarms but i never finished it, too much work- there's actually so much possibility in simply being able to vent somewhere even if you have nothing interesting to say...blogs are easier to maintain than websites. (If people could truly read about what goes on at my office and the things my supervisor has done, perhaps they know that there really is a hell and i live there.)



If you are hoping to offend someone you are in the right place. Step into my office. By the way, have you met Buffy ( :


Got one at:

Haven't updated it in a while though.....

"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.


I'm a pretty regular blogger (holiday season excepted) at

Nathan Shumate
Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Sci-fi, Horror, and General Whoopass

Dave Munger

Bloggin' my butt off here:

Maybe we should swap links or something. Man, I've actually plugged it enough here that my name comes up as soon as someone brings up blogs!

Mofo Rising

I started one a while ago.  Here.

Mostly because my friend started one and I wanted to leave comments.

Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills. The people it kills, get up and kill.

maria paula

yes, i do have one, talk about some humoristc stuff, and bad films now and then, and its fun to get lots of comments everytime u post there, anyway, since two days ago some fat, with grains, glasses and no sexual life at all hacker spoiled th service.



I have a blog that mixes between "articles" and "personal stories of my life". While none of my personal stuff has ever gone anywhere a few of my articles have appeared on imdb's front page. Most recently was an entry I did last week about 10 f**ked Up Movies to Play at a Party

if you're curious that's at:

I also have a podcast. I'm on hiatus right now until September based on my recent move from PA to CA, but in the past episode I've had George Hardy (Troll 2), Mink Stole (Pink Flamingos), Lord of the Rhymes (Hobbit Hip-Hop), Robert Masciantonio (director of Neighbor), Michael Swaim ( and Paul Chapman (Greatest Movie Ever! Podcast) as well as random friends and family members:


Ozzymandias speaks: My "evil twin brother" has a new blog. It's called the New Adventures of Desdinova the Super Villain of the Ozarks. This is more of a retro/pop culture blog. His former blog commented on current events and the sad state of radio in SW Missouri (and the rest of the country), but he got too many death threats and was tired of all the problems it was causing him with work. Of course, in SW Missouri if you even talk about movies, music, TV or books you are considered "evil."

Ozzymandias has spoken!!!