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Where (and what) do you read?

Started by The Burgomaster, October 12, 2011, 11:29:40 AM

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The Burgomaster

I have certain places where I typically read certain things (I'm talking about hardcopy stuff here, as opposed to Internet reading).  Also, I'm not into Kindles or books on tape.  I need to turn pages!  Here is a summary of my reading habits:

* BATHROOM: Yup.  The "reading room."  I have the PSYCHOTRONIC ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FILM and the PSYCHOTRONIC VIDEO GUIDE on the shelf right beside the toilet.  I also read comic books and paperbacks (primarily James Bond, Doc Savage, and The Avenger) on the throne.

* BED: Mostly hardcover books and comic books.

* KITCHEN COUNTER: This is where I read the newspaper while I'm eating.

* AIRPORTS, AIRPLANES, HOTELS:  Almost exclusively paperbacks.

I rarely read anywhere else (except work, where I only read stuff related to my job).  I'm not a big "outdoors" reader, nor do I tend to read in my living room or family room.  Also, I haven't been to a library in at least 20 years.  And I don't read in those bookstore/coffee shop places either.

How about you?

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."

Flick James

I will admit that I don't read much anymore, at least not for enjoyment. My reading is almost exclusively for school and for assignment research, which is mostly done online. We get the newspaper delivered twice a week, and I do enjoy going through the Sunday paper over breakfast and coffee at the kitchen table.

We do have lots of books in our bookshelves, however, many of which I've never read. Perhaps when I finish my MBA in 5 months I can get back to more reading.
I don't always talk about bad movies, but when I do, I prefer


In my bed and on the train are the two main places. I read around 2-3 books a month, both fiction and non-fiction. Used to read a lot of comics, not so much anymore.


I have a stack old rock and metal magazines (Metal Edge, Metal Maniacs, Ill Literature, etc.) that I flip through whilst on the hopper.
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The Burgomaster

Quote from: Flick James on October 12, 2011, 11:35:29 AM
I will admit that I don't read much anymore, at least not for enjoyment.

I hear you.  When I was younger, I would often have 2 or 3 books "in progress" at any given time.  Then I went through a period of many years when I hardly read anything.  I started reading more frequently about 3 or 4 years ago, but I still don't read as much as I would like to.

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."


This sounds bad at first, but I do 99% of my recreational reading while on the job. The thing is, I drive a tanker truck, so I am always waiting in line to get the truck loaded or waiting as the load pumps off at the delivery point. This gives me so much time to read, I've knocked out 200+ pages in a book a couple of times. So I reserve the work day for books. Magazines I'll peruse while on the throne.
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I read everywhere.  If I am standing still, waiting in the car for someone, eating dinner, taking a  poop, taking a pee, or lying on the couch.  I typically have 3-4 books going at once, and I read horror fiction, thrillers, and lots and lots and lots of history.

Probably the three most common places: in the tub, on the throne, at my desk during my (very brief) lunch break, and my favorite - when I get to go out and eat all alone - at at table in a nice restaurant with friend waitstaff to keep my tea replenished and my side dishes coming.  That is mighty fine - feeding my body and my brain at the same time!!!!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Mofo Rising

I usually have 5-10 books going at a time. If you're a user of the site Goodreads, this is me. (I think that will take you to my profile.)

The subject of the books I read is fairly broad, since I'll pick up anything that sounds interesting. However, common topics include history, science, literary fiction, and science fiction. If I'm reading a book proper, I'll usually find the most comfortable spot in my house to sit for a few hours.

In the bathroom I usually have something inconsequential, such as a comic book collection (currently reading Savage Sword of Conan v.2) or books about comics or entertainment. I'm only in there for 5-10 minutes tops, so its not the ideal place to prop up a copy of Ulysses.

I also usually have some magazine or comic strip collection at the dinner table. I just read an old issue of Fangoria cover to cover, and now am starting up on an issue of Discover.

Finally, my web-surfing is pretty much text articles and webcomics. Add to that the never-ending supply of actual comic-comics I have lying around, and that's my reading habits.

As you may have noticed from the above, I read a lot of comics.
Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills. The people it kills, get up and kill.


I do most of my reading on the toilet as yucky it may sound. I'm currently reading the new IKEA catalog.

Psycho Circus

I tend to save reading fictional novels for when I'm in bed, an hour or two before I go to sleep and I tend to read smaller, factual books during downtime at work.

Rev. Powell

Bathroom.  I've downloaded and printed out years of Joe Bob Briggs reviews that I'm slowly going through.

Bed.  I read something every night before I go to sleep.

Airports.  I usually get a lot of reading done if I've got a flight.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Where: In the bathroom, Which is about the only place I can sit down in my apartment.
When I'm in any sort of line. It helps to pass the time.

What: I've gotten away from reading fiction, so I mostly read non-fiction now. Though, I have started reading more mysteries.