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Wrestlemania 33

Started by clockworkcanary, April 10, 2017, 01:07:03 PM

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Neville vs. Austin: only caught last half; cruiserweights like this are fun and a good show opener.

Mojo Rawley won the André the Giant Memorial battle royal, which means a whole pile of nothing, unfortunately.

Dean Ambrose defeated Baron Corbin: WWE Intercontinental Championship. As a big fan of both of these guys (especially Ambrose), this match was meh. They both seemed to phone it in.

AJ Styles defeated Shane McMahon: probably the best match of the night, believe it or not. Ended the way it should have.

Kevin Owens defeated Chris Jericho: WWE United States Championship: great build to a good match. Ended the way it should have.

Bayley (c) defeated Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, and Nia Jax: WWE Raw Women's Championship. Bayley is a good babyface so the finish works. Loved seeing Nia Jax pound on everyone (she's soo hot).

Tag Team Action: The Hardy Boyz defeated Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, Cesaro and Sheamus, and Enzo Amore and Big Cass Fatal-4-Way tag team ladder match. The Hardy's surprise arrival and win made this awesome. Love Cesaro, though. Enzo and Cass are played out.

John Cena and Nikki Bella defeated The Miz and Maryse Mixed tag team match. Cena proposes. It sucked. The build to all of this is what was awesome. The Miz is such a great heel as is his show-stealing wife. Loved the skits making fun of Cena and the Bellas.

Seth Rollins defeated Triple H: great build to an ok match. Hate seeing HHH and Niple H in or near the ring but this blow off match had to happen with the story they've built for the last couple of years. Right thing to do having Seth go over. HHH must really like him. Awesome seeing Steph take an accidental bump from her husband lol.

Randy Orton defeated Bray Wyatt (c) Singles match for the WWE Championship: Utter ridiculousness. First, the hokey ring special effects aren't doing Wyatt any favors. Secondly and more importantly, jobbing him out time and time again after trying to establish him as some supernatural bad ass is not going to go over. An immortal who can't beat mortals? I would have had Wyatt in another crucial match going over later on in the show. Well, at least they're giving that new up-n-comer, Blandy Bore-ton a shot, because he totally needs it.

Brock Lesnar defeated Goldberg: WWE Universal Championship. Thankfully this feud is over. This was a "let's just get through this" match and it happened exactly how I thought it would. And honestly, that's the way it should have ended. Goldberg has no right being champion for very long since he can't hang in the ring longer than 8 minutes. Sure, I'm tired of Brock's three moves and yes we have another part timer champion, but it was the better way to go. Now Goldberg can go home.

Naomi defeated Alexa Bliss (c), Carmella (with James Ellsworth), Mickie James, Natalya, and Becky.
Sucks that my Columbus Ohio girl, Alexa lost her title (and she's a great heel for how new she is).

Roman Reigns defeated The Undertaker: Where to begin. This should have been Wyatt going over Undertaker as his last match, the rematch from a couple of years ago. From the Undertaker's perspective, being his last match, it was the right thing to do to go out in defeat against a new, solid guy that could really use the rub, but I don't think Reigns was the right guy.

Overall, a decent show, but they dropped the ball in a few places.
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