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It Was a Weird Fourth . . .

Started by indianasmith, July 05, 2022, 12:42:30 AM

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The first time in the 22 years since we moved to our current rural address that we haven't set off any fireworks or had anyone over.
First of all, with both my daughters and their husbands living with us, there are 7 people under our roof - no place for company to sit!
And then, my wife's mom, who is 94, has been in the hospital for a week.  Since we normally have to provide 24 hour care for her, it's been a bit of a break, but she's been out of her head and agitated a good bit this week, so at least one of us has had to go up there and sit with her for some part of each day.
Last night she was really restless and confused, so my daughter spent the night and I got up at 6 to drive up there and let her come home.
One thing, when Dorothy gets confused like that, she will compulsively fold things over and over - Kleenex, the hem of her sweater or gown, bedsheets, you name it.  When I got there this morning Rachel had dozed off, and Dorothy had removed her hospital gown and was sitting there, naked as a jaybird, folding it over and over.  That's how my 4th STARTED!
We got her dressed and calmed down and the nurse gave her some towels and washcloths to fold, and after lunch she fell asleep and stayed that way for a good part of the day.  I did go over to one of my good friend's house for burgers this evening, but he is terminally ill and looked so thin and frail it hurt me to see him.
So I came home after that, and my wife Patty and I sat and watched the finale of STRANGER THINGS together.
Now it's bedtime.  Not a real celebratory day.

On the bright side, I can now drop the phrase "nonagenarian nudist" in casual conversation.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Sorry to hear that.  My Grandma Dorothy died 19 years ago today.  Grandma was just a couple months from turning 92. She had been in good health right up to about four months before she passed and had been living at home.  Grandma went to the hospital in April and went downhill from there. By the 4th we knew it was going to happen soon and she died around 5:30pm on the 5th, which was a Saturday.

Grandma never did anything that wacky as your mother in law did. Mostly just sat in a wheelchair to watch the world go by.
God of making the characteristic which becomes dirty sends the hurricane.


We should all be grateful for the good things we do have.  God bless America! 
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!