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John McCain: Funnyman Extraordinaire

Started by J.R., October 20, 2002, 03:46:35 AM

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peter johnson

Gee whiz, people --
After wading through all the partisan sniping here, I think everyone managed to lose sight of J.R.'s original point, which was only that McCain was funny on Saturday Night Live.  He was, and, as J.R. says, this is a rarity for your non-showbiz types.
peter johnson


After wading through all the partisan sniping here, I think everyone managed to lose sight of J.R.'s original point, which was only that McCain was funny on Saturday Night Live. He was, and, as J.R. says, this is a rarity for your non-showbiz types.
*****  Correct!  Although you might consider athletes "showbiz" types (I don't), Derek Jeter was probably the funniest non-showbiz type I've seen on SNL, but McCain is a close second.  Where I live at least - McCain's SNL was partially interrupted because unfortunately the sniper had struck again.

Sifting through Squishy's lengthy attempt to twist JR and I into some kind of racists and de-emphasize our actual arguments (omitting the Clinton stuff for me, you're on your own with that JR), it was gratifying to see him clarify his classification of McCain as a guy "with a penchant for racial slurs" by admitting that he clearly understands McCain does not share the "vicious stupidity" of real racists simply because he used a WORD (not an endorsement of his slanted assessments of other politicians).  A passing acknowledgement that the world isn't a black and white simpleton's paradise where words are the problem.  That's really all I wanted to hear.

: )

"Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!"


The guys in Task Force Ranger called the Somalis "skinnies," not "n****rs."  If I heard some random well-fed American or European referring to Somalis in general as "skinnies," I'd think it a rather insensitive and offensive thing to say given the famine in that country.  If I heard one of the rangers who was in that operation talking about how "the skinnies" had used women holding children as human shields during the engagement, I would understand both the universal culture of men at war and the pain and anguish behind that word.  You really just can't see the difference between those two uses of the same word can you?

Funny thing is that it isn't even racial.  Talk to the guys who faced 120 tank divisions in Western Europe during the Cold War and you'll hear words like russkie, and commie.  Talk to the veterans of World War I & II Europe and you'll hear kraut, hun, squarehead, and fritz.  In America we had rebs and secesh against yanks and bluebellies.  And before that (not to "burn crosses" in your yard or anything) we had torries, redcoats and lobsterbacks.  All white faces, Squish.

Words can carry any number of emotions or meanings.  I've seen white kids call their black friends "n****r" and mean it in a positive way and the black kids took it that way.  Black folks call each other that all the time.  I've even been called that by a black co-worker (who meant it in a friendly way).  Of course it's all in the context and the only contexts you are willing to accept are negative ones.  They're just words.

I'm sorry, I mean they're just w***s.

: )

"Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!"


The worst SNL hosts are most certainly athletes. Nancy Kerrigan was probably the worst host ever.

~I cried because I no shoes, until I met a man that had no feet. I killed him and made shoes out of his skin.~


Dano, you're still trying to rewrite my arguments to suit you.

Me: "Are the men who returned from that disastrous mission in Somalia now granted "the right" to use "the N-word" at will, if only to describe their enemies?"

You: "The guys in Task Force Ranger called the Somalis "skinnies," not "n*****s." (Editing mine. Sorry if that offends you.)

Just answer my questions--don't change them. Don't try to confuse the use of the N-word in "Huck Finn" or by an African-American person with its use by a real live Klansman, or by a politican who may or may not understand the word's impact. My God, if I have to explain the difference to you, you need professional help.

Go ahead, try my little test in public. Or, if you're afraid to, just go back and answer my questions--don't change them.

You can't...can you?


Actually, your spirited defense of the use of racial slurs has already answered them; I'm just giving you an opportunity to exercise your "wiggle room" and change that answer. But it you're comfortable with your original answer, by all means stick with it.

Here's my final word here: McCain apologized profusely to the Clintons for his ignorant attack on Chelsea. I don't know if he ever apologized to Janet Reno. I DO know he made a million furious excuses for his use of a word that offended a huge number of people, who, through personal experience, associate the word with abuse and hatred and murder--but if he ever apologized for it, he did it very, very quietly. McCain may not be a racist on the grade of a Grand Wizard, but he still has--by his own admission, mind you--a penchant for racial slurs. If the wise man learns from other people's mistakes, you might want to try to learn from his--and their consequences.

Click the"racial slurs" link in my first message up top. It's not a news item; it's an opinion by an Asian-American woman. Read it. Learn.


Go ahead, try my little test in public. Or, if you're afraid to, just go back and answer my questions--don't change them.
*****  Anyone who has read what I wrote knows perfectly well that I wouldn't use any word that I thought would hurt someone like that.  You're being silly on that score, trying to make me look like something I'm not.  But whatever - I cheerfully concede that words (and yes, probably that word more than any other in our language) CAN hurt very very much under certain circumstances.  Calling a fat person a "lard ass" is also hurtful.  I wouldn't call a fat person that.  Should we start saying "the L-word"?  Or L*** A**?  Nonsense.

As for Somalia, you insinuated that the rangers used the "the N-word" to refer to Somalis during the conflict and I corrected you.  If you had ever talked to anyone who was there, or read the book (or even seen the movie, I believe), you would have been familiar with the term skinny.  I don't see how I was rewriting anything by correcting your mistake.

You can play moral nanny of the message board all you want.  Your insinuation that McCain is a racist was wrong and I called you on it.  What he said about Chelsea was frankly a rotten thing to say - I'm with you, shame on him.  Glad to hear he apologized to Bill and Hill, but he should have apologized to HER.  Still, I don't see how speaking his mind, even if it gets him in trouble, makes him a bad candidate for president as you suggested.  As an American, I frankly have had enough of the deceitful type of politician who would make sure never to use any offensive language in public and then quietly make sure that - oh, for instance - no black agents were allowed on his secret service detail.  That p**ses me off a lot more than a Vietnam vet who uses the word "gook" in reference to the men who tortured him (but who doesn't hold anything against the Vietnamese people of today) and makes some mean comments about a young woman.

"Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!"


"As for Somalia, you insinuated that the rangers used the "the N-word" to refer to Somalis during the conflict and I corrected you."

That's a steaming pile of crap--and you know it. Here, wanna read it again?

Me: "Are the men who returned from that disastrous mission in Somalia now granted "the right" to use "the N-word" at will, if only to describe their enemies?"

Never said they did--I just applied your (*snicker*) "logic" to a different potential situation. I even pointed out that they DON'T do that--because (unlike McCain) they have more sense than to do so. But you ignored that, because it didn't fit your excuse--much like you hang onto that "McCain only hates specific g***s, which is why he uses such a broad slur to describe them" nonsense.)

We've also been over that "Gore versus Blacks" baloney before, too; it's bull, and I'll be glad to show you once again. Face it: once again, your "confrontational nature" (and probably a sizable enema of braindead talk radio) made you decide to teach "The Liberal" a lesson (or "correct" me or "call me on it")--and you dug yourself right into another hole. With Quaylelike tenacity, you dug yourself in deeper with every sentence.

And once again, you tried to lie your way out of it.

And once again, it didn't work.

Until next time!



That's a steaming pile of crap--and you know it. Here, wanna read it again?

Me: "Are the men who returned from that disastrous mission in Somalia now granted "the right" to use "the N-word" at will, if only to describe their enemies?"

*****  Well, either you insinuated (I never said you said outright - you avoid doing that as much as possible) they did or you were missing my point entirely.  I was talking about the words men at war use for their enemies.  Since Task Force Ranger didn't use the horrible "N-word" to refer to the Somalis, your point there is irrelevant and misleading - as usual.  

And if you want to play the exact words game then - oh my where did I ever say anything about Gore being a racist??  I never said that.  Stop putting words into my mouth.  Hilarious Squish.  You'll snipe at anyone right of left and then scramble around using diversion tactics to distract from that one little gem of a sentence where you admitted you were wrong and McCain wasn't a racist.  Thanks for that by the way.  I never thought I'd see the day.  : )

"Racist!  Racist!"  It's as meaningless coming from the extreme left as "UnAmerican!" is coming from the extreme right.  Just a liberally-applied scare tactic used to intimidate people and stifle debate.  

Anyway, go ahead and assume that you win "again" if it helps you sleep at night.  I never expected to teach YOU anything.

"Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!"


We've also been over that "Gore versus Blacks" baloney before, too; it's bull, and I'll be glad to show you once again.
*****  Please do.  I hope you spring the same technicality on me that Gore's handlers used at the time:  "The law suit is not against Gore, it is against the Secret Service.  Therefore it was the secret service that was racist in not assigning blacks to his detail."  Pretty weak excuse.  Why did the same secret service promote plenty of black agents to the more important Presidential detail if they were racist?  The only logical explanation for no blacks on Gore's detail is that it would have made the VP "uncomfortable."  Could it be that a person who never uses racial slurs might be a racist.  Nah!  The words are the problem and he never used them.

I can't believe a mind like yours -- one that with no evidence, or even a plausible motive, was able to crack the Bush-Iraq conspiracy wide open -- was taken in by that rather thin example of DC spinmeistering.  Squish-tacular.

I bow to thee oh master debator (or something like that).
: )

"Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!"


Dano wrote:
> *****  Please do.  I hope you spring the same technicality on
> me that Gore's handlers used at the time:  "The law suit is
> not against Gore, it is against the Secret Service.
> Therefore it was the secret service that was racist in not
> assigning blacks to his detail."  Pretty weak excuse.  Why
> did the same secret service promote plenty of black agents to
> the more important Presidential detail if they were racist?
> The only logical explanation for no blacks on Gore's detail
> is that it would have made the VP "uncomfortable."  Could it
> be that a person who never uses racial slurs might be a
> racist.  Nah!  The words are the problem and he never used
> them.

When did we as a nation stop thinking that someone gets a promotion based on his/her abilities.  It always seems to come down to a question of that person's color.  Isn't it possible that the secret service (which has a finite number of employees and various jobs other than protecting politicians) would put a person who was a better body guard on that detail instead of tracking counterfeits?  Its all a bunch of PC bulls***.


When did we as a nation stop thinking that someone gets a promotion based on his/her abilities. It always seems to come down to a question of that person's color. Isn't it possible that the secret service (which has a finite number of employees and various jobs other than protecting politicians) would put a person who was a better body guard on that detail instead of tracking counterfeits? Its all a bunch of PC bulls***.
*****  Hey, I didn't file the lawsuit.  Nevertheless, for all the security details that were mixed in terms of race, it sure was odd for Gore's crew to be all white.  I agree with the concept of "PC bulls***" (Squishy will argue with you though), but I also know discrimination does happen and should be illegal.  Was this a case of real discrimination or the left reaping the PC whirlwind it had sown?  I can't see inside Gore's heart, so I don't really know -- but either way, it's a fitting mark on his record.

I will say this, I know guys (black and white) in the secret service, and as a group, they're not normally prone to PC whining.

"Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!"


Let's just apply a little real logic here: I wonder why Clinton--who has such a fantastic relationship with African-Americans--would pick a foaming-at-the-chops racist for his veep? C'mon, Frannie--let's stand back and watch as the Conspiracy Theorist Who Sniffs At Everyone Else's Conspiracy Theories goes into action like a puppy chasing his own tail! Wheee! What fun!

Perhaps my approach here has been all wrong: Dano only sees a racial slur as just another dirty word. He's a Vewy Vewy Angwy White Male--he bawls and simpers about how terrible it is that he can't use these words as He and His see fit, but you can bet he's never had fire hoses or dogs or lynch mobs turned on HIM by people who use those phrases to redefine HIM--or His loved ones--as subhuman. A recurring theme in Dano's writing is this: If it doesn't affect Me, it is not important. If it affects others--and they say so--they are whiners.

..."PC" whiners. You read "politically-correct nonsense" at lot in Dano's stuff. There was once a time when that phrase meant something--no-discipline parents, people who believe grass has a soul, hippies who believe in total one-sided disarmament--but VVAWM (AKA "Fudds") like Rush Limbaugh now use it to describe each and every thing that inconveniences them or that they simply disbelieve off-the-cuff because it "sounds Liberal." What it means now is, "socially accepted but contrary to what I want." Global warming getting you down? Dismiss it as "PC nonsense," and (for you) it ceases to exist! Racism? Psh! Pollution? Ozone depletion? Not there! Not there! Glass ceiling? A fabrication of Communists. Lung cancer caused by smoking? Sickness caused by Agent Orange? I think not, you silly Liberal!

It has become two-faced. Dissent against one's government is fine with a Fudd if you're talking about the "Demon-RATS," but now that things have changed, dissent is un-American. Blind trust is patriotic again. Questioning is wrong.

Dano, forget the Public Test. Try it on a more private level. You see, Dano, common insults like "lard ass" aren't automatically associated with church bombings, lynchings, or internment camps. That's the part you don't get.

Discuss this with your friend at work. If you're religious, talk it over with your church. Don't over-qualify the argument beforehand with excuses and baloney; just ask them if it's okay to call people "g***s," straight out. If you know anyone who lost family in the Holocaust, ask them if they think anti-Semetic slurs are okay, in any circumstance. Ask someone who was once told he couldn't use certain facilities because of his or her skin color how HE or SHE feels about the corresponding slurs that were thrown in their faces--back when that sort of thing was "politically correct."

Until you do so, you remain full of your own crap.


Wow, Squishy. You have a lot of time on your hands.

~I cried because I no shoes, until I met a man that had no feet. I killed him and made shoes out of his skin.~


Getting back to John McCain. To understand the real John McCain, I would suggest one read his "Worth the Fighting For," which has just recently been published.
As whether he would have made a good president, it is hard to say. As he is not and probably never will be. But, having said that, looking at where the country has gone since George W. Bush has been president, he could hardly do worst one would imagine. And this is coming from someone who is a member of the opposing party.
As to why he is not president, and George W. Bush is. I have several reasons, which may or may not be true. He is too independent. He can't be as easily controlled as some people. Also, he doesn't suffer fools gladly, which has annoyed people on both sides of the aisle in the U.S. Senate.
But, having said that, what I know about him, I like. I like the fact that he seems to be one of the few people in either party, who seems to stand up for us "little people." Which is another reason he probably isn't president and never will be.
And I like the fact that his heroes are my heroes. Among which are Morris Udall, Democrat, of Arizona and the late Senator from Washington state, Henry M. Jackson, another Democrat. Enjoy!