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What Food To Eat At B Movie Marathons?

Started by Mike Johnston, March 24, 2003, 02:28:17 AM

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Funk, E.

Colleen... you are very unwell. :-)

Pizza is ambrosia! Pizza is what Moses brought down off of the mount. Pizza is the allmighty foodstuff of mankind. All should bow before the glorious pizza thingy.


Funk, E. wrote:
> Colleen... you are very unwell. :-)

He's right you know! Still, I feel all tingly inside. Man, how I love me a fart joke!!

Everyone has potentially fatal flaws, but yours involve a love of soldiers' wives, an insatiable thirst for whiskey, and the seven weak points in your left ventricle.



"Lobster Thermidor a Crevette with a mornay sauce served in a Provencale manner with shallots and aubergines garnished with truffle pate, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spam."

Bwahahaah!!! Yes, all B-movie marathons should have this. If code were enabled on this board I have a thoroughly disgusting 50's ad for "Spam N Limas" that can actually cause French chefs to commit hara kiri!

And in another post, the juxtaposition of 'peanut butter, beef jerky' is enough to give one (well, me) an idea for a very twisted culinary experiment...I mean, I've already tried peanut butter hot dogs. Don't laugh, they're actually quite good.

Seriously, anything greasy, garlicky and salty is good...along with massive amounts of sugary snacks and popcorn.

PS) The "Pixie Stick-dust-filled 3D chips snack" is obviously the product of a demented mind. Good work.


Interestingly enough, I was at the pizza place earlier. Best damn meal I've had in awhile. To bad there wasn't a tv on showing a b-movie. It woulda made it PERRfect. As for the farts, saved that for on the way home. :)

This is the Hell that's my life.-Howard Stern: Private Parts


NoNOno!! you got me all wrong!! i LovE pizza! pizza is great! but it needs to be saved for romantic evenings and special occasions! when you can devote all your attention to the delicate treasure you will consume! when youve waited all day fantasizing about its greasy texture gliding slowly across your face and then finally into your open, dripping, pulsing, screaming mouth that awaits the burst of fatty pleasures when it eats pizza!   when youre going to be watching movies you cant give pizza the attention it needs! so you take its offspring! pizza rolls! and eat THEM!  to eat a pizza during movie nights is abusive and selfish, its like youre raping the pizza! all pizza ever did was love you! and make pizza rolls for movie nights!

love colleen


10 Movies sounds like a 25 hour marathon

Is pizza gonna tide you over and reheat well?
Maybe it's because i'm from texas, but I would find the nearest barbeque pit in town and get a mess of ribs, the kind they give you in giant tin containers. they reheat well.

Don't guys like getting together and eating foods that don't involve utensils and are generally a hunk-o-meat? ;=)

As for desert - no need to even suggest the staples.

Funk, E.

"Every pepperoni is sacred
Every pepperoni is great
if pepperoni is wasted
god gets quite irate...


Phantom 187

Bread Sticks from Pizza Hut and Ramen Noodles"I am the king of Ramen, there is none higher!"

Bread Stickes 2.25
Ramen Noodles .25 or .10 on special

Funk, E.

They've got $30 a piece! I think they can spring for more than "starving student" food :-)
Personally with that many people and that much money I'd venture to say a big crab or lobsterfest might be in order. Get a big ass pot and toss the poor futhermuckers in! YeeHaw!