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Started by ASHTHECAT, October 13, 2001, 01:38:23 PM

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I would review it myself if I could find it.  If you grew up in the 80's I'm sure you'll remember "Treasure of the Four Crowns".  This was the one that came out in 1982 with the 3-d gimmick.   Kind of like an Indiana Jones rip-off only 10 times worse!  The hero scrounges up what he can for a team and if I remember correctly, they infiltrate a castle which is home to some kind of cult.  Within it's walls are the crowns which contain jewels, only certain special keys can open them.  There weren't even 4 crowns, there were 3!  It would be cool to read a good review complete with video clips about this extremely hokey movie.  Look out!  It's the flying key complete with visible string!  Serious scholars of horrible cinema should seek this movie.
