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Started by Mr. Hockstatter, September 29, 2004, 08:15:06 PM

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Mr. Hockstatter

I just watched this new primetime ABC drama called Lost.  It looked like it might have a certain B movie appeal to it, being about a group of plane crash survivors on a tropical island.

All I can say is, wow.  Never have I seen such a steaming heap of cliches piled upon each other until there really wasn't a single cliche left unused.  From the cheeseball dramatic devices used to advance plot points to the woman stripping down to her underwear for absolutely no reason whatsoever.  I thought B movies were bad, but this thing just blew them out of the water.  It's like these people think they're making art, or so the seriously dramatic voice-over intones during the coming attractions, but it's just this laughable mess of wannabe low budget grade C hacks making Jim Wynorski seem like a genius in comparison.  I mean, the Sci-Fi Channel would reject this screenplay.

Is this what your average person actually watches on a weeknight?  No wonder people are sueing McDonald's for making their kids fat.  It all makes perfect sense now.

Prophet Tenebrae

Point of information: the screenplay has yet to be made that Sci-Fi would reject.

i luv dolma

1.     Jim Wynorski kicks ass

2.     "Lost" kicks ass

3.     The show is on ABC, not Sci-fi.

mr. henry

i luv dolma wrote:

> 3.     The show is on ABC, not Sci-fi.

just a small fy...i think you just miss read...

look back...they said it was on was just said that "even sci-fi WOULD reject this screenplay"...

"to be is to do" - Socrates
"to do is to be" - Jean-Paul Sartre
"do be do be do" - Frank Sinatra
- kurt vonnegut


I watch it. It is different. What did we say about remakes? I rather watch something like this, then another remake of "Law and Order" on NBC or another remake of "CSI" on CBS.

Mr. Hockstatter

Yeah, you've got a point there.


Seems to me like "knock-off" shows and movies are prevalent in the film industry. It's a shame...


For anyone who missed it, i think they're going to encore it this saturday. The first episode is really worth watching. But the second really has me at a loss. I'm really beginning to think it's like "Land of the Lost", that they went through a time warp into the future or something as they found some radio transmission of someone pleading for help that has been playing for 17 years. The fact that i've seen two episodes and still really can't make heads or tails of it is a good sign. I want to know what "secret" the scarface on the beach told the kid when talking about backgammon. I want to know where they are, or when, and what the heck that is in the jungle because surely the polar bear isnt' the only weird thing around there. And what's up with the japanese guy offering seafood to everyone? He doesn't want to associate with anyone, why offer them food and run off? Unless he's testing to see if the fish is poisonous.

It could go in interesting directions, I suspect that the group of people will ultimately "divide" into good and evil (maybe that's where the backgammon explanation plays out...light and dark, good and evil...which will be your choice) The effects are pretty good. Even with the large bear, because they don't show much of it and sometimes showing less is more. Because often computer graphics and effects won't live up to scrutiny.

Network tv - not many fantasy shows. Unless you count the countless teen stuff revolving around witches or vampires. Finally - a show with some reality, fantasy, monsters, possible time travel...i'm SO sick of reality tv and all these csi law and order crime scene shows. As for cliche's - life is one big cliche. Look at "survivor", all those reality shows when you get a group of people together, you're always going to have stereotypes. The girl was laying out in her bikini by the wreckage because she's an idiot..and I suspect alot of people would be in denial and go about what feels like "normal tasks" to distract themself from the horror of it all. I wont' deny it has a b-charm to it, which is probably why I like it. I quit watching sci-fi years ago because i couldn't stand the crap it churned out any longer. This is refreshing for a major network to aire.

I feel sorry for the heroin addict when his bag runs out

fan site

Post Edited (10-01-04 20:56)

al brown

that is a good name for it   l   oooooo sssss  ttttttt. i do not see any real value in these type shows . i guess im getting old