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The Blob (1988)

Started by Scott, May 11, 2004, 11:09:19 PM

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    How about the tried and  true method of freezing?


    Since the Blob can't be killed. Freezing it is only a temporary solution and sets the movie up for another installment. This version picks up after the 1988 version. If you would like to see a synopsis for this movie, let me know where to send it.


Deon wrote:

> Susan,
>    How would they kill him :-D ?

I dunno, but somehow i see an ending involving one mother of a smore...


>Since the Blob can't be killed.

How do we know it can't be killed? All attempts were made while it was still active and could get away. Maybe if it were frozen, broken into small pieces (original blob) and then dropped into either lava or molten metal. Not many things can physically survive several thousand degrees of heat and if they can't physically survive, they can't live. Or what about acid? Or feeding it a piece of meat infected with anthrax, ebola and a few other diseases?

Dave Munger

Kory: YOU WATCH BECKER?!?! Since it's with your husband, is it some kind of sado-masochistic ritual?


HEY!  Don't knock Becker!  

I think it's funny to us because my husband is a LOT like Becker-  it's like watching him on TV.

peter johnson

Re.  The groovy music at the beginning of the original Blob:
Burt Bacharach's first screen credit.  He still performs it at his live shows.
peter johnson


peter johnson wrote:

> Re.  The groovy music at the beginning of the original Blob:
> Burt Bacharach's first screen credit.  He still performs it at
> his live shows.
> peter johnson

Neat! Shows a sence of humor, if nothing else. Does he actualy get requests for it?

"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"

peter johnson

Oh, you bet he does.  He mentioned it in the same paragraph as his collaboration with Elvis Costello in his last published "Onion" interview.  
peter johnson


This thread is still going? Sheesh! Oh well I'll add to it.

I figured Bacharach had a sense a humor about himself when he turned up as himself playing musical accompaniment in the first Austin Powers film, but playing the Blob theme just proves the guy is alright.

And never mind killing the Blob, I wish they'd kill the twice a day "Becker" reruns on my local UPN station. They advertise the show so much you'd think it was "Friends" or "Seinfeld".


And. lets face it, muscily, the Blob theme is too cool by half.
"Music to eat cherry jello by!"

"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"

The Burgomaster

I saw it in the theater when it first came out and I enjoyed it.  A couple of years later I saw it again on video or cable or something and I didn't like it as much.  Overall, it's a fun movie . . . but not great.  I still prefer the Steve McQueen version.

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."


Just caught the end of THE BLOB (1988). Great stuff ! Rates right up there with NIGHT OF THE CREEPS also of the 80's