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Bloodsucking Freaks

Started by, November 03, 1998, 10:22:23 PM

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This is my pick for "The Worst Movie Ever Made." It has no redeeming values whatsoever. It is not even in the "so bad, it's goood" category. If there is a sub-alphabet genre of films, this one is it's poster child.

Leave it to TROMA to make this one.

I could go on and on about this film, but I won't. It's not worth my time.

That being said:  I'm proud to have BSF in DVD my collection.


I saw this movie because i thought it is another standard troma movie but this movie was ever more funny than troma. i don't get comments about humilation in this movie, i think that all crew (including savage women probably taken from standard boring porns) have real fun making this movie. for me this is kind of parody of passolini "salo". I didn't liked salo because this was too serious and grim to laugh.How somebody can think something like this about sardu show?I think that s/m things have really big comedy potential and Freaks show it. Only people completly without sense of humor can take this movie seriously and think about suffer and pain of women being used as a table or target for a darts. I have checked Luis de Jesus filmography and he made a long way from being "anal dwarf" to ewok in Star Wars. What a pity that he and O'brian didn't apper in other movies together because they made one of the best friendships I saw in the movies. It was real bizarre story that O'brien was killed shortly after made probably the best movie in his short career. Maybe someone took this film too serious and want to stop Sardu from making a sequel of Freaks


I saw this movie a couple months ago, i was told it was a troma so thats why i watched it. i didn't really get most of it but all the boobies and bush shots were awesome, i felt odd after watching it was it disturbing or something else that i couldn't put my finger on.

I just want to add that when somebody think that some every disgusting scene in Freaks was made in director imagination he is wrong. Oral sex with severed head and dart play are taken from reality. Just check out Ed Kemper,famous serial killer, story. If someone can think that Freaks is disgusting he should know that reality is really more disturbing than movies because head used by Kemper belonged to his mother. So don't say movies are terrible, just check some real stories.

Michael Hall

I just read the interview with Joel M. Reed on Film Threat and he just blew me away with how much of a witty guy he is. I think it is great to see interviews with underground film personalities especially when very little in known about them. I hope Joel makes his sequel to Bloodsucking Freaks which he talks about in the interview. Excellent stuff.

Gary Redfern

I was just on IMDB and saw that Bloodsucking Freaks II has been added to the database as being in pre-production. I can't believe this and Troma is handling the distribution again. That Film Threat interviewer who interviewed Joel M. Reed has really made things start to happen for him, just look at all the buzz it has generated.

Jeff Barbosa

*NEWS* Film Threat has recently interviewed Joel M. Reed. He talks about putting together a long awaited sequel to Bloodsucking Freaks which was written right after the release of the original back in the mid-70s. Interviewer asks him some great questions and Mr. Reed has some interesting stories to tell and is quite a funny guy.


Barry C

The late Seamus O'Brien (he was murdered in New York City in 1977 by a burglar in his apartment) and the late Louie Dejesus (died of a heart attack in 1988) had incredible onscreen chemistry. Niles McMaster as Tom Maverick and Dan Fauci as Sgt. John Tucci gave spirited performances as well. Who will ever forget when Maverick stumbles into a severed head and says: "Oh, Christ people outta be more careful about what they leave lying around!!!" Then Tucci chimes in with: "What's the matter kid haven't you ever got a little head before?"

Issue #19 of Cinema Sewer has a cool interview with Ernie Pysher who played The Doctor in "Bloodsucking Freaks".


     Ok, honestly, this film is truly smut ridden, degrading filth!!!   But it makes me laugh every time I see it.It lacks taste, quality, has no redeeming value whatsoever, but, for some strange reason I think that is exactly
What the film is supposed to be, and thus from the beginning. I cant' imagine how painfully disgusted A person might Become if he or she were to take this film seriously, (my Lord, how could anyone take it seriously). It is Troma at it
Nastiest (god bless em) and nothing more than big Sick Joke, and in my opinion anyway, deserves to be treated as such!

Ralphus Jr.

This comment is directed at Reply #6

I really like this trash-epic!  BLOODSUCKING FREAKS is one of the most god awful films ever and that is part of what I find appealing about it. The fact that you've never seen this really nullifies your opinion.  Doesn't it?   I'm not a pervert, a psycho, nor do I consider myself a "Snuff film fan auteur."   I'm not ashamed of liking this film.  I'd be more ashamed of liking a film such as "Reds" or "The World According to Garp," but to each his own.  The thing most appealing is the lack of typical mainstream cinema's approach, writing, topic, etc. Horror and nudity don't work anymore?  That in no way explains the recent trend of remaking all these so called horror classics?  Hell, some of them have even became franchises on their own.  Porno isn't dead either, my friend.  There is plenty of nudity left in films as well.  As a matter of fact, it's even on television now.  I guess they don't show it on the christian network?  How are you sure you can make a better film than this, when you deny that you've even watched it?   Liking nudity isn't pathetic, it's human nature.  Now go get that fullfilling sex life you so deserve!  You're missing out!  Your God wanted it this way!


The only thing that disturbed me was the music.
"I'm gonna live a rockstar life. Money, b***hes, and fame. Because my mommy said I can do anything I put my mind to."