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Started by, October 29, 1998, 06:53:52 PM

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Best movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patient Zero

Foreshadowing is a good thing... unless there is too much of it.
I mean, jeez! This movie spends 3/4 of its running time on what Jaws did in its first 30 minutes! If done properly, foreshadowing can increase the aura of suspense in a film. If done improperly, it grinds the film to a halt, as is the case with CHUD.
There was another thing I noticed when watching CHUD. The original mutant corpse was said to have been killed by a gas leak in the sewer. Said gas is likely to be flammable.
That would be the most blatant display of incompetence in the history of mankind, topping even FEMA's response to Hurricane Katrina.
"A fool finds no pleasure in understanding, but delights in airing his own opinions." - Proverbs 18:2
...Thus explaining the behavior of message board trolls everywhere.


OK-this one is okay but stay away from CHUD 2: Bud The CHUD!!! That movie sucks something fierce! It has nothing to do with its predecessor.


first of all you remember when this came out, in the early mid 80s this movie wasnt bad .this was a time when the movies were packed around the corner.i remember waiting in long line for jaws3 in 3d. that was a joke, we should cherish these movies  in every way we can !  B movies rule enjoy.....


I read an interview with the producer for C.H.U.D. in an old issue of Fangoria, stating that they went back to all of the classic horror films (Psycho, etc) to see what made them so scary.  They wanted to take those things and make the scariest movie ever made.  That really excited me and I went out and bought C.H.U.D. the next day.  I actually took an extra long lunch break from work and watched it in my car in the parking lot of a Burger King on my portable dvd player.  I figured it would be the perfect scenario.   Well, let me tell you something about C.H.U.D.......THIS WAS THE WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN.  I don't mean "So bad it's good".  This movie just sucked.  It was long, slow, the characters were uninteresting.  It seemed like the producers wanted to make a big budget thriller with a b-movie story.  I should have known that a movie called C.H.U.D. (which sounds like a turd that won't flush) would be terrible.


ok i HAVE to like this movie for one reason this was that movie that the drummer of the misfits got his name from!

Thee Dr.

Good catch, Starmummy.

Warp Ninja X

I remember watching this crap on HBO back then also a second time on USA man those were mistakes I wish I never did also on the sequel.  On my Zune theirs a crapy podcast that call themselves The CHUD Show and they just like the movie a mega pile of s**t. :hatred:


I was on a creature feature mode, watching over 10 of them in a day. C.H.U.D. was my last one after Black Water, Rogue, Dinoshark, etc. And I thought the movie was extremely good. I love the plot, and how different people from different walk of life tackle the issue. There aren't enough gore, but that's not what I look for in movies. I don't see how people can like the first Ghostbuster and hate this movie.


Just found a great Halloween MP3 based on the C.H.U.D. movie, by a group called Sticks Downey. You can get it for free at SticksDowney dot com.


I always assumed that John Goodman went berserk and killed everything in the diner while yelling "you're in for a world of hurt".

Used Meathook

Love this movie.

I heard rumors that there's a longer version (longer by quite a bit!) somewhere out there (probably collecting dust in a film vault @ Area 51). Supposedly, this longer version shows the massacre in the sewer...current versions just show the "after the fact" gore (the corpses). Anybody know what I'm talking about? And no, I'm not drunk.