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Need help with the name of a movie!

Started by rockafelladw, October 24, 2008, 12:01:05 AM

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It's a college comedy.  I think it's from the 80's or very early 90's.  The plot is basically that this teen (chubby, with black curly hair) is trying to get laid.  One of the scenes is a teacher falls into a pool at the school, and he dives in and rescues her and resuscitates her and she wraps her arms around him and they start making out and everyone is stunned.  Another scene is when the guy hides from some girls that come into the room.  He jumps under a bed and one of the girls stands next to the bed.  She has on a skirt and he sticks his hand out from underneath the bed.  That's all I can remember.  I only remember laughing very hard when I was young.     

Rev. Powell

I think the movie you're thinking of is Private School (1983):

I seem to remember Sylvai Kristel (as the sex-ed teacher) falling into a pool.  I'm also sure that there was a scene with guys hiding under the bed.  Some real 80s hotties--Phoebe Cates and Betsy Russell--star in that film. 
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