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Karate School being closed down

Started by meowmix1000, April 09, 2009, 01:43:21 PM

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I was hoping to get some help finding a movie I watched back in my college days. I can't seem to remember the name, but I think it might have had something to do with 'tiger'. or maybe that was the name of the Karate School in the movie.

But, anyways...its an 80's movie (with every cliche possible)about a kids Karate School being closed down by a mean businessman. The businessman sends his henchmen to force the kids and their instructor to leave.

Of course, the henchmen and the Karate school start fighting. But what makes the movie especially good; is the kids, are young!! Some probably under the age of 10, karate fighting with adults and kicking their butts. And if my memory is correct the fight scenes are some of the worst made, with the kids literally running around in circles around the bad guys.

Thanks, for any help.


Sounds alot like Tiger Heart

I know this is not an 80's film.  Your description fits this movie very well though. 


An alternate title for "No Retreat, No Surrender" (1986) was "Karate Tiger",_No_Surrender

It featured cheesey scenes involving the ghost of Bruce Lee and a character using breakdance to free himself from being bound by rope.

Umaril The Unfeathered

No Retreat, No Surrender.  A very young Jean Claude Van Damme was the bad guy in this one.  I still have it on an old VHS dupe I made years back.  HIs other movie prior to that was "Black Eagle" with Sho Kosugi.
Tam-Riel na nou Sancremath.
Dawn's Beauty is our shining home.

An varlais, nou bala, an kynd, nou latta.
The stars are our power, the sky is our light.

Malatu na nou karan.
Truth is our armor.

Malatu na bala
Truth is power.

Heca, Pellani! Agabaiyane Ehlnadaya!
Be gone, outsiders! I do not fear your mortal gods!

Auri-El na nou ata, ye A, Umaril, an Aran!
Aure-El is our father, and I, Umaril, the king!