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Can't Stop The Music (1980)

Started by Underbelly, August 15, 2008, 09:24:33 AM

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OK, so I'm flipping around through the cable movie channels this morning and I come across the Village People all dressed in white singing a song about milk. It was about half way through the film, "can't Stop The Music" and it was the most horrible piece of sh#t I've every seen. Truly is was.

I had to look this up. It was from 1980 and directed by Nancy Walker. The cast included, Steve Guttenberg, Valerie Perrine, and Bruce Jenner?????

The characters who flat, the dialog was horrendous and it was corning and sick and . . .AHHHHHH I love bad movies but this one was in no way enjoyable. I couldn't even watch it to the end! STOP THE MUSIC, PLEASE

Psycho Circus

Very bad film indeed, but it holds some interest for me, as Blackie Lawless of W.A.S.P. has a part as an extra in this movie. You should know full well what you're going to get in a film with the Village People.  :wink:


That is very true, and, like I said, I sort of happened upon it while surfing. Then some strange unseen power came over me. It was like looking at a bad car accident; although it makes you sick, you can't take your eyes off it. That was until I saw the stupid, goofy Steve Guttenburg smile . . .  I must put him down as one of the worse actors . . . And Valerie Perrine, after seeing all of her in movies like Lenny and Slaughterhouse-Five, did I lose some respect for her.


my review

"first of all, whoever put out this DVD is a moron and not because it is ridiculously campy and abuot the Village People. There are two audio channels, one is mono the other is stereo. the mono channel, which is the one you get if you don't do anything, sounds like garbage. the mix is off and the vocals are too high in the mix, making the whole thing sound off key. way to go guys. Everyone who sees this will think the village people were the worst most untalented group ever. Anyway, Steve Guttenberg plays a (retarded ?) record store employee with dreams of making it to the big time via the disco music. He somehow lives with some woman who supports him but who he isn't dating. At the end of pretty much every scene the group makes it past some hurdle in the record industry and Guttenberg gets all excited. He wears white overalls and never stops smiling. What the movie demonstrates is the genius of the Village People concept: a bunch of gay guys who make only veiled refernces to their obvious sexual preference in order to infiltrate the mainstream, in the tradition of rock'n'roll rebels of all types since the 50's. Even with the right audio mix, the songs are awful and clearly the best disco songs like "ring my bell" had long since been written. "Samantha" and "I love you to death" will not be making it on to any mix cds or podcasts, certainly not mine."


Steve Guttenberg was clearly the "worst thing" about this movie, in a bad-but-omg good enough to make fun of way. His character is an easy target, as he is skating like a grinning idiot through the streets of New York, doing these cheesy little "me so happy" things and gestures. He makes a glass of water look more interesting, and one feels the need to constantly kick him in the balls.
Not sure what the deal about Bruce Jenner was but, I'm guessing he was cast for the "hunk appeal". Check out the scene at the restaurant with him doing these incredibly stupid goofy faces. His idea of acting?

The rest of the movie is obviously gay in many flamboyant shades. Ranking from lame (though I blame fashion of its time: Jenner in shorts and belly free shirt) to hardcore (montage to the song Y.M.C.A.). Can't Stop the Music is like confection past its expiration date - a nostalgic treat of bad cinema film making. They had good and honest intentions but the outcome is very rofl. 4/5


Quote from: Underbelly on August 15, 2008, 09:24:33 AM
and it was the most horrible piece of sh#t I've every seen. Truly is was.

:bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:

Agreed: I have better leavings in my undies.  :buggedout: :wink: :teddyr:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


I remember buying this VHS for a buck, watching it, then throwing it out right afterwards. Valerie Perrines boobs couldn't even save this one.