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ABC's Forever

Started by WingedSerpent, May 12, 2015, 06:11:32 PM

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Unfortuantley -its been canceled.  Which is a shame because I was enjoying it.

Dr. Henry Morgan works for the NYPCD as a medical examiner.  he has a wealth of knowledge he's acquired over his life.  It's a lot because he's over 200 years old. Ever since being shot on a slave ship Henry doesn't age and every he suffers a fatal injury or disease, his body disappears and he reappears perfectly healthy and naked in a nearby body of water.   He's been trying to discover the cause and cure for his condition for some time.  He encounter only one other person like him.  Adam, who has the same condition but has been around since the Roman Empire. (suggested to have died in the same assassination with Julius Ceaser).

What I liked about it: Rather than being a complete %$^&%$ as so many of these smartest guy in the room shows tend to be.  Henry was usually a nice person.  He propbably seemed odd to his co workers, but that's because he was trying to keep a secret instead of just being an arrogant jerk because he could get away with it.  (A big reason I stopped watching House and couldn't get into The Mentalist)

Henry was played by Ioan Gruffud-Mr Fantastic from the 2005 Fantastic Four movie.  Adam was played by Burn Gorman from Pacific Rim.

A police medical drama with a fantasy twist.  It was good but maybe not great show that I think deserved at least another season.
At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...


I don't watch TV anymore, unless I'm out of town on some sort of vacation. It just got too complicated and too expensive to watch it, but . . .


I know where you are coming from, as when I did watch TV, I know I hated to see my favorite shows, the ones that I watched most frequently, canceled, especially those that lasted less than a season.

One did wonder what shows ABC was canceling, as it has 10 new shows coming up in the 2015-2016 season, and they are . . .

The Catch -- Dr. Ken -- The Family -- The Muppets -- Of Kings and Prophets -- OIL -- Quantico -- The Real O'neals -- Uncle Buck -- and Wicked City.


You'd think it'd be intuitive to allow a program to remain on TV long enough to gain an audience, especially, as one of the biggest complaints about what is or was on TV, for as long as I can remember, is the complaint that TV programs are cancelled too soon, but . . .?! Apparently, NBC has failed to understand that, as it has come in for some criticism this season for its quick cancellation of its programs, and Fox is--supposedly--even worst, at the quickness at which it pulls the trigger, except for one exception, which we'll get to later.

Only ABC and, perhaps, CBS understand the need to allow a program to remain on the air long enough to build an audience, as the following programs on ABC have been renewed.

2nd season
Agent Carter
American Crime
Fresh Off the Boat
How to Get Away with Murder

The Goldbergs
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Once Upon a Time

The Middle
Modern Family


Grey's Anatomy

But . . .?! While CBS, I believe, has the largest TV audience, ABC has gained the audience which allows it to charge its advertisers a premium, because it is the audience that the advertisers want, the 18 to 49 year olds, which ABC has managed to obtain over the over networks for the past 4 to 5 weeks.

ABC has managed to do this, not only by allowing its programs to build an audience, but . . .?! Also because of . . .

1. Racial diversity
While we have gotten away from all white, all the time, ABC is believed to have the most racially diverse series of programs among the 4 major networks.

2. Sexual diversity
Again, while we are seeing more LGBT characters on TV, ABC has more in its series than any of the other networks.
And while not strictly ABC, ABC Family, a part of ABC, has come up with the youngest gay relationship in the history of TV. Jude and Connor, or, as it is abbreviated in TV land, Jonnor. Two 13-year olds, played by actors of 14 and 15.

3. Diverse programming
I don't think any other network would green light a program like "Galavant," and--certainly--not renew it for a 2nd season.

4. Not switching programs around, but . . .?! Having them play the same night, so . . .

Sunday is "Once Upon a Time" night.
Monday is "Castle" and "Dancing with the Stars" night
Tuesday is Marvel night
Wednesday is family sitcoms night
and Thursday is Shonda Rimes night.

Thus 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 5. Or, for now, you have the most talented  and creative people in TV drawn to ABC, which is what one wants, as one wants that 1st look at what is being offered.

Of course, there is always a downside to all this.

1st. With only 3 cancellations: "Forever," "Resurrection," and 1 other, whose title I have forgotten, what are you going to do with the 10 programs one has chosen to produce.

2nd. Even with so few cancellations, one's favorite program is the one that gets cancelled, as in this case the O.P.'s "Forever."

and 3rd. Sometimes you have to pull the trigger on a program, so that it goes out on top, and does not hang around too long. For example: does anybody think that the shelf life, after 28 seasons, and a beginning back in 1989, for "The Simpsons" on Fox, has not long expired.

And we shall see what we shall see.


"We are all #1!"

#1 among viewers 18-49, excluding sports.

#1 among viewers 25-54.

#1 series among viewers 18-49. "Empire"

#1 among viewers 18-49, including sports.

Frankly, it's disconcerting that there are so few hard and fast rules, when it comes to facts and figures. So they can be spun to mean anything you want them to mean.

Maybe, I should just look for the humor in the situation.


Quote from: BoyScoutKevin on June 20, 2015, 03:01:55 PM
"We are all #1!"

Frankly, it's disconcerting that there are so few hard and fast rules, when it comes to facts and figures. So they can be spun to mean anything you want them to mean.

Maybe, I should just look for the humor in the situation.

Everyone gets a trophy
At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...