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You are Doomed!

Started by Mystery Machine Fred, October 06, 2002, 10:33:02 PM

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Mystery Machine Fred

Doom's annivesry is around the corner and the next Doom game to come out....yep you guessed it Doom III, can't someone be a little more creative by making a new name?   Well....

This game is going to be the most horrorfying game of the year!!  
You wont have those run up to you and hit you or shoot u enemies no more......not with a smart cpu that is....
The recreated enemies will be all over such as jumpn onto the ceiling, hiding beneth catwalks,etc.....
try shooting the enemies as they walk the stairs!  They'll tumble down the stairs and roll and spring up at

Fearless Freep

Cool!  I've always thought the atmopshpre in the Doom series was much better than in the Quake series.  Doom was still better than Doom II at that.  Be cool to see what they can do with a newer game engine and the old premise

Going places unmapped, to do things unplanned, to people unsuspecting

Luke Bannon



I saw an article about marketing plants in the paper this morning and, with all apologies offerend to Mystery Machine Fred (whom may be a very excited gamer sharing the blessings with us all), the posts smell like advertising.

If I am wrong, so be it.  Been wrong before, I'll be wrong again.  Just pass the napkin so I can clean the egg off of my face.

Gosh, remember when the Internet was supposed to be a wonderful magical place where intelligent, articulate people shared information? Neighborhood went to hell real fast... - Anarquistador