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At Long Last Pinata

Started by Squishy, May 30, 2001, 07:44:40 PM

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Mighty Atomic Pikachu (Wherefore art thou, MAPpie?) turned me on to this movie and its website (, and it turns out that the movie will finally be coming out this weekend, according to the site.

I was really jazzed about that, until I check the directors' names on the IMDb.

Two words:

"King Cobra."

Maybe this one won't suck that badly--but you've been warned.

Mighty Atomic Pikachu

Here I am! Whew, at long last!

I was busy running errands (read as CHORES-groan) and looking at lotsa more movies! I got Dementia 13 and Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes for my verrrrrry own! Yay!

Plus, I've been at Yahoo! clubs posting artwork. Oh yeah, and that Disturbing Auctions Daily thing turned out to be quite addictive.

Piñata is finally coming out??? HURAAAAAH!!!

I hope it comes out nationwide...*ihopeihopeihope*


Phantom 187

I don't think it will be that bad since the Chiodo (Killer Klown) brothers did the creature effects for this one as well. I just hope that the story line,sound track are good and that the direction doesn't suck like "King Cobra".